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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 27 November 2023


[There have been no reforms.]


Further development of Baccalaureate schools

On 18 May 2022, the Federal Council opened the consultation procedure on the total revision of the Ordinance of Baccalaureate Recognition and the administrative agreement between the Confederation and the cantons on the recognition of Baccalaureate certificates as part of the project Weiterentwicklung der gymnasialen Maturität [further development of the Baccalaureate schools]. The consultation is being conducted together with the Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education EDK.

The goal of the revision is to adapt the Baccalaureate to current requirements. These include, for example, globalisation and digitalisation, but also issues relating to participation and sustainability. A second goal is to ensure exam-free access to higher education.

Important innovations in terms of content include strengthening the basic subject competences to be achieved in language of instruction and mathematics, additional basic subjects (economics, law, computer science) and an expansion of the elective subjects as well as the promotion of exchange and mobility.

According to current planning, the Federal Council and the EDK will adopt the revised legal basis in 2023. In a second phase, the framework curriculum will be revised.


[There have been no reforms.]