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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Last update: 27 November 2023


[There have been no reforms.]


Strengthening the Colleges of Higher Education

The VET alliance partners (Confederation, cantons, social partners) adopted a package of measures on 14 November 2022 to improve the positioning of the Colleges of Higher Education.

As part of tertiary level professional education, the colleges should continue to enable professionals without a Baccalaureate to obtain higher qualifications at tertiary level and provide the economy with specialised specialists and managers. There is a need for action in the areas of visibility, awareness and reputation of the qualifications in society and the economy. The package of measures includes, among other things, the examination of the introduction of the title "Professional Bachelor" for graduates of a college of Higher Education.

A commitment was also adopted to make it easier for adults to obtain a vocational qualification.


Basic skills promotion programme

Overall, the level of education and participation in continuing education is high in Switzerland. Nevertheless, there is a need for action in some areas, both in terms of the basic competences of adults and in terms of job-oriented continuing education. Compared to the rest of the working population, people without post-compulsory education or with insufficient basic skills participate below average in CPD and become unemployed more often than average. In addition, SMEs in particular face challenges in systematically assessing the training needs of their employees as well as the competence needs of the company itself.

In June 2021, the Federal Council therefore mandated the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research to further optimise the framework conditions for the participation of adults with a lack of basic skills in education. In particular, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI is to more actively promote the funding priority “Einfach besser! ... am Arbeitsplatz” ["Simply better! ... in the workplace"] and coordinate ongoing measures to promote basic skills. In addition, the Confederation is launching a pilot programme "CPD coaching for SMEs" in cooperation with interested professional associations. The planned advisory service will enable SMEs to determine the further training needs of their employees.