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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 27 November 2023

Non-teaching staff

Non-teaching staff in compulsory education and in the upper secondary level include inter alia administrative and technical staff (school secretaries, caretaking staff and cleaners, librarians, IT support staff, etc.). School legislation does not apply to non-teaching staff. The same rules generally apply as for other staff performing similar duties in the public administration. Hierarchically they are often integrated into the school organisation and are subject to the control of the school administration.

Specialist staff in the field of childcare

The following specialist staff work in the field of childcare:

  • Specialist in care, majoring in childcare 

    Training to become a specialist in care majoring in childcare takes place within the framework of vocational education and training (VET) at upper secondary level and lasts three years. It concludes with a Federal VET Diploma and the protected title “Specialist in Care EFZ”. In some German-speaking cantons day-care workers are now also being trained at tertiary level at colleges of professional education and training (PET colleges). In the French-speaking cantons a course of studies at PET college level has long been standard. These training courses conclude with the title “qualified day-care worker (HF)”.

  • Crèche managers

    Crèche managers head a day-care centre, organise and run the administrative and financial operations and are responsible for the educational concept and staff management. Depending on the provider part-time training while working takes two to two-and-a-half years. There is no federally recognised training. The training provider’s own guidelines apply. The diplomas may be recognised by the Swiss Association of Day-Care Centres.

  • Day-care families

    Day-care families look after children from other families during the day in their own home. Regular care is governed by the Ordinance on the Placement of Children in Foster Care and for Adoption (FCAO). The prerequisites for carrying out the activity are as a rule having one’s own children and attendance at an introductory course offered by the regional day-care family organisations or other institutions.

  • Playgroup leaders

    Playgroup leaders organise and lead groups of small children who meet on a regular basis. There is no federally regulated training. The training criteria of the Playgroup Switzerland Interest Group or the Association of training centres for playgroup leaders in Switzerland (VASS) apply. The Playgroup Interest Group, VASS and other providers offer continuing education courses. Specific certificates may be obtained.


Vocational trainers in the dual system of vocational and professional education and training

In the dual system of vocational and professional education and training different staff are responsible for the professional qualification of learners: teachers in the VET schools, vocational trainers in training companies and vocational trainers in inter-company courses.


Vocational trainers in training companies

Vocational trainers in training companies are responsible for the practical training of learners. They introduce learners to everyday operational, professional and working life. They support learners with their work and assess them on a regular basis. Vocational trainers have human resources responsibilities towards learners. The training courses are offered by diverse institutions. The cantons are the leading providers, with their own or recognised training courses, while a few institutions have federal recognition.

There are two different types of courses which both qualify for the desired function:

  • Course for vocational trainers in training companies (40 course hours). Attendance of the course is confirmed through a course certificate
  • Course for vocational training in training companies (3 ECTS). The training course concludes with a qualification procedure and is confirmed with a diploma

Admission conditions:

  • A Federal VET Diploma in the field in which they are training
  • Two years’ professional experience in the area of teaching


Vocational trainers in inter-company courses and training workshops

Vocational trainers in inter-company courses and training workshops train learners in a business or business-like environment. The training takes place in groups and comprises, alongside practising skills, the learning of practical processes and the teaching of practical professional skills. Vocational trainers in inter-company courses and training workshops assess learners on a regular basis. The Vocational and Professional Education and Training Ordinance (VPETO) regulates the national recognition of diplomas and the quality of the training and leaving certificates.

The VPETO contains minimum requirements relating to educational contents, scope of studies and admission requirements. The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SEFI) only recognises courses which meet the provisions of the VPETO. Teaching qualifications are recognised throughout Switzerland. The degree programmes qualify directly for the profession and are tailored to the different educational situations.

The training takes different amounts of time depending on the planned teaching workload. Those who will be teaching up to 50% of the time complete training worth 10 ECTS, while those will be teaching from 50% to 100% complete training worth 20 ECTS. Alongside vocational teaching aspects the training comprises subject-related didactics aspects. The courses are completed on a part-time basis while working. Admission requirements  

  • A tertiary level B professional education and training diploma in the field in which they are teaching
  • Two years’ professional practice in the area of training



Legislative References

Verordnung über die Aufnahme von Kindern zur Pflege und zur Adoption [Ordinance on the Placement of Children in Foster Care and for Adoption]

Verordnung über die Berufsbildung [Ordinance on Vocational and Professional Education and Training]