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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 28 March 2024

Educational activities at schools are conducted by teachers, preschool teachers and professional associates. Teachers organize and carry out educational activities and work on their improvement. Professional associates (pedagogues, psychologist, defectologist: special educators, speech therapist), librarian) perform educational psychology, librarian or other tasks directly or indirectly related to educational activities at schools. The tasks of school counsellor, psychologist, special education teacher and librarian can be carried out by a person having the adequate level seven of National Qualifications Framework, sublevel one (240 CSPK[1]).

The first and the second cycle education are delivered by grade teacher, i.e. primary teacher, subject teacher and preschool teacher. First cycle teaching is carried out by grade teacher, i.e. primary teacher who has completed a two-year post-secondary school or obtained the adequate level seven of National Qualifications Framework, sublevel one (240 CSPK). As a rule, besides a grade teacher, a preschool teacher also participates in educational activities of the first grade on a part-time basis. A preschool teacher is a person meeting the requirements prescribed for that position in line with the regulations governing preschool education, who has completed vocational training for working at primary school, organized by the Bureau for Educational Services.

Teaching in the fourth grade is carried out by a grade teacher, whereas foreign language teaching by a subject teacher. Teaching in the fifth grade is carried out by a grade teacher, aside from the foreign language, informatics with technology and two of the following subjects: physical education, arts and music education, delivered by subject teachers. In schools where teaching is carried out in the language of members of minority groups and other minority ethnic communities, Montenegrin language is taught as a second language as of fifth grade by a subject teacher.

Teaching in the sixth grade is organized as subject teaching and is carried out by subject teachers. Third cycle education is delivered by subject teachers. Teachers are persons who have the adequate level seven of National Qualifications Framework, sublevel one (240 CSPK). Teachers who are not native speakers of the language of instruction, or teachers who completed a relevant faculty of teacher education in the language of instruction can teach at schools. Subject teaching at schools can be carried out by teachers who did not complete a relevant faculty of teacher education in the language of instruction, provided that a special exam demonstrates their good command of standard language in which teaching is conducted. The exam comprises written preparation of a lesson and practical performance and is taken before a commission of three members appointed by the Ministry. Professional associates are obliged to carry out a minimum of 20 lessons involving direct work with students within a forty-hour long workweek, whereas the schedule of the remaining working hours within the forty-hour long workweek is determined by school Statute. In addition to the established norm, teachers are obliged to carry out two additional lessons involving direct work with students, with a view to accomplishing greater success in covering the educational programme, and the schedule of the remaining working hours within a forty-hour long workweek is determined by school Statute. Preschool teachers are obliged to carry out 26 lessons of direct activities with students within a forty-hour long workweek, and the schedule of the remaining working hours within the forty-hour long work week is determined by school Statute.

Teacher-intern is a person establishing a work relation for the first time in an institution for the purpose of being trained for independent performance within an adequate education level. Internship of a teacher having level six and level seven of National Qualification Framework takes one year, whereas it takes six months in case of level four of National Qualification Framework. Work relation of an intern ceases after the completion of internship. Internship is conducted according to a set programme of educational activities at an institution, under direct supervision of an authorized teacher (mentor), who has at least the same level of education as the intern. After completing internship the teacher will take a vocational exam. A teacher who has not completed internship, but has obtained at least one year of work experience in teaching after graduating within a certain level of education prescribed by the law, is also entitled to take a vocational exam.

The tasks of teacher, principal and assistant principal can be carried out by a person who, in addition to the requirements prescribed by the Labour Law and this Law, has a license to work (hereinafter: the license). The license is a public credential serving as a proof of the required level of general and professional competences of a teacher, principal and assistant principal. The license is issued after passing the vocational exam for working in the educational institutions, for the period of five years. The license is renewed every five years (relicensing), in line with the programme of professional development of teachers. Teacher, principal or assistant principal without a license or without a renewed license cannot work in an institution. Licensing and relicensing are conducted by a commission of the Bureau for Educational Service.

Teaching assistants - Teaching assistance is organized as technical support in terms of providing access to education and educational achievement - for children with severe physical disabilities, moderate intellectual disabilities, without visual impairment, complete hearing loss and autism in accordance with the decision on guidance.

[1] Montenegrin Credit Transfer System