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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 20 March 2024

Other education staff

Education staff at kindergarten alongside preschool teachers:

  • preschool teacher assistants
  • counselling staff
  • organiser of health-hygiene regime, and
  • organisers of meals.

Preschool teacher assistants help implement the education programme. They have at least a 4-year upper secondary qualification in preschool education or other 4-year upper secondary qualification alongside the certificate of completion of the 1-year programme that prepares for teaching and providing care at kindergartens. Other education staff at kindergartens have the relevant higher education qualification.

Education staff at school alongside teachers:

  • counselling staff
  • school librarians and
  • organisers of IT activities and computer technicians.

All education staff at school have the relevant higher education qualification (equal to professional Master’s degree) and pedagogical training. Laboratory assistants at school – working with teachers in subjects of natural sciences – have the relevant 4-year upper secondary qualification and pedagogical training.

All schools have a:

  • library
  • school librarian

School librarians promote the library activities. They are teachers with a librarianship training or librarians by profession with pedagogical-andragogical training.

Education staff at basic schools also includes organisers of meals.

Education staff at upper secondary schools also includes:

  • organisers of adult education
  • organisers of practical lessons and training
  • organisers of interest activities
  • organisers of elective content
  • organisers of job shadowing
  • estate managers, and
  • learning company managers.

Other staff

To keep accounts and administration, schools and kindergartens have an accountant and secretary on staff. At smaller institutions, those may be employed for reduced working hours; at larger institutions, they may have a bookkeeper and administrator on staff.

To do the technical, maintenance and other work, kindergartens and schools have cleaners and caretakers on staff. If they provide solid fuel heating, they may employ a fireman/stoker. Upper secondary schools may have a technician on staff to maintain teaching and learning technology or computer equipment, and kindergartens laundress or laundress/seamstress. To prepare meals kindergartens and basic schools employ cooks, kindergartens even cook assistants. In smaller basic school branches, a housekeeper on staff may prepare school meals and clean, instead of a cook and cleaner respectfully.

The schools that provide special programmes for children with special needs may employ a guardian/carer.

Institutions that provide education programmes for deaf and hard of hearing children, blind and partially sighted children, or physically disabled children may have a worker on staff to maintain, adapt and rent computer, electroacoustic and other equipment. The institutions that provide a whole day care for children and youth may have a steward on staff, doorkeeper, laundress, dresser or cook assistant.

The number of posts secured by the fund provider is specified within the rules on norms and standards and it varies according to the size of a kindergarten or school.

Kindergartens and schools may have a person assisting a physically disabled child (student) on staff if so required with the decision on placing a special needs child.

The founder of a kindergarten or school may provide accounting, administrative maintenance and other in the scope of own services, but kindergartens and schools may outsource those activities.