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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 27 November 2023

Elementary education

Multi-professional teams

Staff members of multi-professional teams may belong to different categories, such as psychologists, educators, graduate educators, psychomotors or social workers. A grand-ducal regulation specifies the admission requirements and procedures for each career. In general, candidates have to hold a Luxembourgish or equivalent qualification corresponding to the post and they have to pass a competitive examination as well as a probationary period. They belong to the Service for special education and may receive orders from the regional governing body.

Resource teachers

Resource teachers may be assigned to the inspectorate by the minister of Education. They work under the authority of the head of the regional governing body (directeur de région) and benefit from a partial or complete discharge of their teaching task.

Their mission is to:

  1. Provide pedagogical support to teaching teams and newly nominated teachers especially in the fields of class management and differentiation of education within the framework of the school success plan as established
  2. Encourage schools to implement innovative and useful pedagogical practices to improve learning and its dissemination
  3. Assist schools in optimising the management of the learning cycles organisation
  4. Help schools to establish a continuing training plan.

Educators and graduate educators

Educators and graduate educators ensure the socio-educational support and supervision of pupils in elementary education. Graduate educators have to hold a bachelors’ diploma in social and educational sciences issued by the University of Luxembourg or a diploma recognized as equivalent. Educators need to hold an educator’s diploma.

Educators are recruited via reassignment (réaffectation) from other public administrations and services or via a recruitment procedure similar to what has already been described: candidates who meet the admission requirements take a competitive exam which is followed by a probationary and training period (stage), where they attend a training while they are already working. At the end of this period, they have to pass another exam in order to be appointed as civil servant. The minister of Education assigns them to a municipality, school or class, but individuals may request a change of assignation.

In order to attain an overall working time of 40 hours per week, educators and graduate educators have to work 44 hours per week during the school year and make up for overtime during school holidays.

Their mission may imply various tasks in elementary schools or in extracurricular care.