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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Main providers


8.Adult education and training

8.3Main providers

Last update: 27 November 2023

The main types of institutions providing adult education in Luxembourg are:

  • Public schools and institutions, such as:
    • Secondary schools (lycées) offering secondary as well as adult general education
    • National school for adults (ENAD; École nationale pour adultes) delivering adult secondary education to young people between 16 and 25 years 
    • National language institute (INL; Institut national des langues) offering a large array of language courses targeted at adults
    • Luxembourg university (Université du Luxembourg) providing initial and continuing higher education, full-time or part-time studies, as well as courses for guest students (auditeurs libres) in a lifelong learning approach
    • National centre for continuing vocational training (CNFPC; Centre national de la formation professionnelle continue) providing adult secondary education and CVET at four geographical locations
    • Luxembourg Institute of science and technology (LIST) which offers some specialised CVET programmes
  • Municipalities (communes) and non-profit organisations mainly involved in adult general education
  • Social partners, such as employers' and employees' chambers (delivering CVET and some higher education programmes by means of their training institutes or departments), as well as trade unions which are also engaged in CVET and citizenship education
  • Sectoral institutes organising CVET activities in response to the needs of their respective economic sector
  • Commercial providers and foreign training institutions possibly involved in all types of adult education.

Education and training providers are spread across the country. In addition, some regional initiatives, such as the Landakademie, aim at improving access to adult education in rural areas.

Course provision for elder people living in less populated areas is also carried out by the Senior clubs (clubs seniors), which have been founded on the initiative of the ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region.

Detailed descriptions of the main providers and their areas of specialisation are available on the website and in the yearly catalogue issued by the Education ministry's Service for adult education.