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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and Other Education Staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 12 February 2024


School doctors (Schulärzte/-ärztinnen)

School doctors are doctors whose mandate is to provide medical care for schoolchildren in accordance with medical science and experience. They look after the students holistically, i.e. from a physical and psychological point of view, and represent their health interests. Furthermore, they have the task of advising teachers on health issues for schoolchildren, insofar as they relate to lessons and school attendance, and to carry out the necessary medical checks of schoolchildren (cf. § 66 / School Education Act). 

A school doctor's activity requires specialist medical and psychosocial knowledge, which is acquired through appropriate medical training. School doctors have to be familiar with the requirements for the students in the respective school types and be able to show that they have received training that is appropriate for the respective school type. The aim is for all school doctors to acquire the school doctor's diploma from the Austrian Medical Association and to have a specialist training (e.g. sports medicine) that corresponds to the type of school (cf. ÖAK, including english handout). 

Library staff (Schulbibliothekar/innen)

The management of a school library in compulsory schools is not regulated by law in most federal provinces. The school management is responsible for implementing and allocating resources. The management of a school library in schools at upper secondary level is regulated by legal requirements and decrees (cf. support site).

For school librarians, university colleges of teacher education have different training courses available depending on the school type. They teach the necessary skills for running and managing a central information and media centre. As well as the administrative contents which are necessary for running a school library, comprehensive knowledge in how to deal with state-of-the-art media is taught. In addition to administrative and pedagogical activities, the tasks of school librarians also include public relations work and event management. Participation in regional and supra-regional in-service training measures is part of the professionalisation process. 

School social workers (Schulsozialarbeiter/innen)

School social work aims to discover social problems as early as possible and to intervene in acute situations. Issues such as violence and bullying, refusal to attend school, class atmosphere etc. are discussed in groups and in individual meetings. By being present at the school and in the student environment, the school social workers ensure a trusting atmosphere and, above all, give the children and young people security when it comes to addressing and discussing difficult topics (cf. download german handout). 

School social workers have a qualification in social work and in addition relevant further training courses.

Youth coaches (Jugendcoaches)

As part of the “Youth Coaching” measure offered throughout Austria since the autumn of 2013, youth coaches advise and accompany young people aged between 15 and 19 who are at risk of dropping out from school or being marginalised. They help the young people look for the right educational pathway for them personal and give them guidance for their own educational and professional career. For youth coaches there are no specific qualification requirements. Generally, however, they have completed studies in the areas of social work, therapeutic pedagogy, social pedagogy, social management or psychology (cf. german description). 

Pedagogical staff at all-day schools

In all-day school types (primary school and lower secondary level) there are people who supervise and look after students after class (cf. german description). These can be educators (Erzieher/innen) as well as educators for learning support (Erzieher/innen für die Lernhilfe), after-school educators (Horterzieher/innen), leisure educators (Freizeitpädagog/inn/en) or movement coaches (Bewegungscoaches). The exercise of these activities is linked to certain training courses (cf. § 8 / School Organisation Act), their range of tasks is also regulated by law. 

The hiring of educational staff for leisure time is the responsibility of the school provider. In the compulsory school sector, the provinces or the municipalities are responsible for this. The remuneration differs depending on the federal state. 

Learning guides (Lernbegleiter/innen)

From the 10th grade of at least three-year medium-level and higher-level programmes, the school head has to entrust teachers with the individual supervision and support of students in their learning process. These learning guides encourage and accompany students with learning deficits and / or learning obstacles. In doing so, they teach learners how to organise learning situations well, how to manage their time well before exams and tests, and how to develop and use successful learning strategies. They offer methodological and didactic advice and guidance. They advise on the setting of exam dates that are well-coordinated in terms of learning economics and strengthen the learning and self-organisation skills of the students. 

Teachers who have a teaching obligation and have completed the training programme of the Ministry of Education can act as learning guides. This programme includes the following three seminars:

  • Seminar 1: Introduction to learning support (12 units): legal basics and key points of the individual learning guidance programme, basic attitude and areas of responsibility of the learning guide in contrast to other functions
  • Seminar 2: How learning succeeds (24 units): learning and the brain; learning management, personality management
  • Seminar 3: Professional process support (24 units): solution and resource-oriented techniques of conversation management, systemic support and advice, completion of process support. 


Supervisors for teaching and school management teams

Supervision is a specific counselling method that is used to ensure and improve the quality of professional work (cf. german handout). It complements forms of collegial cooperation and advice through external support. It is about reflecting on lessons, self-reflection, casework, sharing experiences and working in teams. The development of communication strategies, the correct handling of problem and conflict situations as well as clarification support in difficult professional situations are also offered in the supervision. 

Supervisors perform their work either directly at the school, in teacher counselling centers, in school psychological counselling centers or in their own office.

