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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Last update: 4 July 2024




Social Care and Nursing - training in the VET school system and in dual training

Implementation of new types of training


School projects since 2020/21; part of regular schooling starting with 2023/24




Due to demographic developments in combination with family changes, the need for care will increase. As a contribution to reducing the need in the nursing sector Austria started a new type of training in the 2020/21 school year (entrance at grade 9):

  • 5-year college for nursing and social care with the degree of nursing assistant or diploma in social care
  • 3-year school for social professions with preparation for nursing, leading to the degree of nursing assistant


National curricula were decreed in 2023.

VET colleges: The school trials will be transferred to the regular school system. From the 2023/24 school year, 24 school locations will offer the training courses. By 2030, around 8,000 training places in the nursing and social care professions will be available.

Nursing apprenticeship: From 2023/24, apprenticeship training in the care assistant professions will be possible. Duration of apprenticeship training is 3 to 4 years.

Benefits for the education system: A training gap that has existed for decades will be closed. Until now, it has not been possible to start the training before the age of 17.  The new form of training makes it possible to start training immediately after completing compulsory schooling.

Funding: part of the ministry's budget.

Monitoring and involved bodies:



Higher Vocational Education

Regulation and legislative documents

Status: implementation starts in 2024


federal law


Around 1.6 million people have an apprenticeship diploma as their highest level of completed education.  

The government wants to offer new prospects to apprenticeship graduates and graduates of vocational schools and colleges (BMHS) with new job-oriented continuing education formats. A draft law on higher vocational education and training aims to create the basis for courses that for example will enable roofers to qualify as photovoltaic or solar thermal specialists, or chimney sweeps to become energy efficiency consultants.

This is to be achieved by including the qualifications in the National Qualifications Framework, which has so far only been fully populated for general educational qualifications.

There should be more than the already existing master craftsman and qualification exams afterwards. However, the draft law only creates the framework for this. The new formats will then have to be implemented by further education providers - they will also take the exams. To do so, they must also have expertise in the professional field of activity.

No titles will be awarded, but degree designations will be. In the future, the individual educational levels will be called "Higher Professional Qualification" (level 5), "Specialized Diploma" (level 6) and "Higher Specialized Diploma" (level 7). As a rule, one level must be completed before a qualification for the next can be acquired - although there will be exceptions to this, for example in the case of appropriate professional experience,

There will not be corresponding offers in all of the 230 or so apprenticeship professions right away. However, they will be created gradually, the first ones in the fall of next year at the earliest.

This will be documented in the register of educational attainment as data on higher vocational education.

Funding: Budget of BMA 

Monitoring and involved bodies: BMA and BMBWF


Level up -  Adult Education (new cycle of former Initiative Adult Education)

Status: agreement (2024 - 2028) 




The Level up - Adult Education (former Initiative Adult Education) enables adults who lack basic skills or never graduated from lower secondary education to continue and finish their education free of charge. The related joint funding program developed by the state and the provinces (Bundesländer) has aimed to a quantitative expansion and to a qualitative development of education programs regarding compulsory education certificates and literacy/basic education since 2011.

Austrian educational institutions that want to take part have to apply for accreditation in accordance with the guidelines of the program "Level up - Adult Education.".

The initiative has two focus areas: training of basic skills and lower secondary education as a basic prerequisite for further education and enhancement of chances on the labour market. The main objectives therefore are:

  • Equal opportunities and reduction of disadvantages,
  • reduction of the number of persons without basic education,
  • increase in the number of persons with basic educational qualifications and
  • increase in the permeability of the education system.



  • Training of basic skills and lower secondary education for adults in preparation for the compulsory school certificate on the basis of general quality standards
  • General quality standards: a Compulsory School Examination Act which contains adult-appropriate and innovative forms of implementation with competence-orientated, cross-curricular programs which are tailored to the target groups, taking their living situations and their particular potential into account.
  • Development of a "Framework Directive for Basic Training and Key Competences" targeted at adults
  • A clearing-period at the beginning and counselling in regard to the transition into work or further education at the end are very important parts of this program.


Expected impact:

  • Increase of qualification levels, the reduction of disadvantages
  • Provide offers free of charge (literacy/basic education programs, compulsory education).


Funding: the federal and provincial governments each bear 50% of the costs. This educational offer is free of charge to participants.


  • Consistent quality guidelines for all courses of this program have been implemented.
  • A monitoring group supervises the process and the results.
  • The total costs will only be refunded to the institutions if participants graduate successfully.
  • Evaluation of the program.


Involved bodies:



See also: Reform of Nursing

chapter 14.4 (2024)




Austrian National Implementation Plan for the 2020 Council Recommendation on VET and Osnabrück Declaration

National strategy

Status: ongoing implementation


National implementation plan

Greenovet, Green-Tech Academy


Austria modernises its VET system. In response to the 2020 Council recommendation on VET and the Osnabrück Declaration, Austria has prepared a national implementation plan addressing the European priorities and its national objectives in VET and lifelong learning. The plan aims at counteracting the shortage of skilled labour, improving the attractiveness of VET, making non-formal qualifications visible and responding to internationalisation, greening and digitisation of the economy. An essential aim of the plan remains tackling inequalities and ensuring equal access to education.

Austria’s VET supports sustainability and targets the green transition. To identify and close green skills gaps, Austria launched the project GREENOVET in 2022 and provides initial and continuous education and training for the green transition also to secondary teachers within the Green-Tech Academy (GRETA). The Academy promotes cooperation and networking in the knowledge triangle of research-economy-education in which regional vocational schools are also integrated.

Funding: (no data available)

Monitoring and involved bodies: BMBWF



There have been no reforms.
