- The link GND offers the German standard data base for institutional names.
- Please scroll down to item 9 for a German list of institutions.
Public Bodies
Austrian Federal Chancellery (BKA)
=Österreich / Bundeskanzleramt GND
Website: German / English. Mail contact
Address: Ballhausplatz 2, 1014 Wien, Tel: +43-1-53115-0
Type: Public Body
The Federal Chancellery plays a central role in the Austrian government.
The Austrian Federal Chancellery is responsible for coordinating general government policy, the public information activities of the Federal Government, and the Federal Constitution. It also represents the Republic of Austria vis-à-vis the Constitutional Court, the Administrative Court, and international law courts. Moreover, the Federal Chancellery has responsibility for special matters such as
- bioethics,
- building culture,
- data protection,
- growth and jobs,
- public services,
- OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
- security policy.
The head of the Austrian Federal Chancellery is the Federal Chancellor. The Federal Chancellery also comprises the Federal Minister within the Federal Chancellery for the EU and Costitution as well as the Federal Minister within the Federal Chancellery for Women and Integration.
Austrian Federal Minister for Women, Family, Integration and Media in the Federal Chancellery (BMFFJ)
=Österreich / Bundesministerin für Frauen, Familie Integration und Medien im Bundeskanzleramt
Website (family and youth) / Website Minister. Mail contact
Address: Untere Donaustraße 13-15, 1020 Wien, Tel.: +43 1 531 15-0 and +43 1 711 00-0
Type: Public Body
The Minister (Susanne Raab) for Women, Family, Integraton and Media includes responsibility for childcare benefits, family allowance and for providing the necessary framework to ensure a work-life balance. The youth portfolio includes targeted support to youth organisations, youth initiatives and youth associations.
Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (BMAW)
=Österreich / Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft GND
Website German / English. Mail contact labour, mail contact economy
Address: Stubenring 1, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-71100-0
Type: Public Body
The goal of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy is to further enhance the positive development of the Austrian business location and to issue legislation that leads to a productive labour market and ensures a functioning cooperation in the world of work. The tasks of the Ministry are performed by various Directorates General with differing priorities.
Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)
=Österreich / Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung GND
Website: German / English. Mail contact
Address: Minoritenplatz 5, 1014 Wien, Tel: +43-1-53120-0
Type: Public Body
Main educational responsibilities:
- General education
- Technical and vocational education
- Adult education
- University colleges of teacher education
- School maintenance and school management
- Service code and salary law for teachers
- Educational research and quality development.
Main responsibilities in higher education:
- The services rendered to students, institutions of higher education and research are complemented by reports on quality assurance, gender and diversity issues, university statistics and analyses in the fields of the higher education.
- Altogether, these represent important contributions not only to management of higher education but also to the development of a strategic framework for Austrian universities and research in the European and the International context.
Austrian Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs (BMEIA)
=Österreich / Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten GND
Website: German / English. Mail contact
Address: Minoritenplatz 8, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-501150-0
The Ministry is responsible for European & Foreign Policy as well as for Integration.
Integration is a comprehensive, long-term process that takes place in all areas of life. Together with strong partners - for instance the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF), the Expert Council for Integration and the Advisory Committee on Integration- important steps in this direction have been taken, which are reflected in the annual Reports on Integration: The adoption of the Austrian Integration Act, the implementation of Values and Orientation Courses, simplified recognition procedures for qualifications acquired abroad through the Recognition and Assessment Act, the promotion of German language-learning in early childhood, the adoption of the Austrian Islam Law, the amendment of the Citizenship Act, to name just a few.
With the National Action Plan (NAP) for Integration all integration policies of Provincial Governments, Local Authorities, Cities, Social Partners and the Federation were successfully pooled for the first time. Early language promotion comprises: Content and administrative management of Art. 15a B-VG Agreement on early linguistic support in institutional childcare facilities (installment payments, contact and communication with the competent authorities in the federal provinces and the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF), evaluation and controlling (review of the incoming reports and reports) the use of special subsidies, visits to the federal states and inspection of the accounts), impact monitoring, legal and ministerial responsibility for drafting and negotiating the legal text.
Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)
=Österreich / Bundesministerium für Finanzen GND
Website: German / English. Mail contact
Address: Johannesgasse 5, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-51433-0
Type: Public Body
The Austrian Ministry of Finance is the country's highest financial authority. The Ministry’s responsibilities stretch from budgetary planning and surveillance, economic policy and financial services to customs and taxation.
Divided into six directorates and with approximately 820 employees, the Ministry of Finance today is a modern service provider, continuously adapting its services to the needs and for the welfare of our citizens.
Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK)
=Österreich / Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz GND
Website: German / English. Mail contact
Address: Stubenring 1, 1010 Vienna, Tel: +43-1-71100-0
Type: Public Body
- Social affairs: For more than 90 years the Ministry of Social Affairs has stood for fundamental values such as fair distribution of wealth, good working conditions and social security. It also stands for equal opportunities for people with and without disabilities, for people of all age groups and all social groups. Combating poverty and social exclusion as well as a fair level of participation of the entire population in the affluence of society are key objectives of the Ministry in the social sector. These objectives are also pursued at an international level, and particularly within the framework of the EU.
- Health: Health care in Austria is characterised by the cooperation of a large number of actors. Competencies in the health care sector are generally regulated by law. As far as legislation and its enforcement are concerned, the Federal Government plays a central role; however, many competencies are delegated to the provinces or to the social security institutions. The BMASGK prepares laws, is responsible for the protection of the public health as well as overall health policy and functions as facilitator between the different players in the health care system, and also as decision maker and supervisory authority. All regulations regarding health professions (for example education of physicians) and structural policy are the responsibility of the Federal Government.
- Care: Under construction.
- Consumer protection: This range from general consumer protection legislation via contract law to issues of product safety, travel and tourism law, and new information and communications technologies. At an international level, important focuses are cooperation in the field of product safety in PROSAFE (Product Safety Enforcement Forum of Europe) and international coordination in the field of unfair business practices within the framework of ICPEN (International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network). The Consumer Protection Division of the Ministry is also active within the OECD (Consumer Policy Committee). In addition, it maintains informal contacts to state authorities and private organisations in the field of consumer protection in Eastern Europe.
All regulations regarding health professions (for example education of physicians) and structural policy are the responsibility of this ministry.
Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management (BML)
=Österreich / Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Regionen und Wasserwirtschaft GND
Website: German / English. Mail contact
Address: Stubenring 1, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-71100-0
Type: Public Body
The Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (BMLRT) is responsible for key quality-of-life issues and for questions which are essential in creating a liveable future for our children.
To the up to now responsibilities Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management are added the sectors of tourism, regional policy and structural funds.
Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK)
=Österreich / Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie GND
Website: German / English. Mail contact
Address: Radetzkystraße 2, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-71100-0
Type: Public Body
The Federal Ministry is divided in the following Directorate Generals:
- 1. Executive Committee and Internationale Affairs
- 2. Infrastructure Planning and Financing, Coordination
- 3. Innovation and Tehnology
- 4. Transport
- 5. Waste Management, Chemicals Policy and Environment Technology
- 6. Energy
- 7. Climate Action and Environment
Board of Education Burgenland (BurgenlandBilDir)
=Burgenland / Bildungsdirektion GND
Address: Kernausteig 3, 7001 Eisenstadt, Tel: +43-2682-710
Type: Public Body
General information on Austrian Boards of Education.
Board of Education Carinthia (KaerntenBilDir)
=Kärnten / Bildungsdirektion GND
Address: 10. Oktober-Straße 24, 9010 Klagenfurt, Tel: +43-463-5812-0
Type: Public Body
General information on Austrian Boards of Education.
Board of Education Lower Austria (NOEBilDir)
=Niederösterreich / Bildungsdirektion GND
Address: Rennbahnstraße 29, 3109 St. Pölten, Tel: +43-2742-280
Type: Public Body
General information on Austrian Boards of Education.
Board of Education Salzburg (SalzburgBilDir)
=Salzburg <Land> / Bildungsdirektion GND
Address: Mozartplatz 10, 5010 Salzburg, Tel: +43-662-8083
Type: Public Body
General information on Austrian Boards of Education.
Board of Education Styria (SteiermarkBilDir)
=Steiermark / Bildungsdirektion GND
Address: Körblergasse 23, 8011 Graz, Tel: +43-316-345-0
Type: Public Body
General information on Austrian Boards of Education.
Board of Education Tyrol (TirolBilDir)
=Tirol / Bildungsdirektion GND
Address: Innrain 1, 6010 Innsbruck, Tel: +43-512-520-33
Type: Public Body
General information on Austrian Boards of Education.
Board of Education Upper Austria (OOEBilDir)
=Oberösterreich / Bildungsdirektion GND
Address: Sonnensteinstraße 20, 4040 Linz, Tel: +43-732-7071
Type: Public Body
General information on Austrian Boards of Education.
Board of Education Vienna (WienBilDir)
=Wien / Bildungsdirektion GND
Address: Wipplingerstraße 28, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-525-25
Type: Public Body
General information on Austrian Boards of Education.
Board of Education Vorarlberg (VorarlbergBilDir)
=Vorarlberg / Bildungsdirektion GND
Address: Bahnhofstraße 12, 6900 Bregenz, Tel: +43-5574-4960
Type: Public Body
General information on Austrian Boards of Education.
Burgenland Provincial Government (BurgenlandLReg)
=Burgenland / Landesregierung GND
Address: Europaplatz 1, 7000 Eisenstadt, Tel: +43-57-600-0
Type: Public Body
General information on government (of the provinces in Austria)
The Burgenland Provincial Government consists of the provincial governor, the deputy provincial governor and 5 members of the provincial government. The provincial governor represents the province externally, presides over the provincial government and over the office of the provincial government and therefore also the other provincial government authorities. He / she is therefore responsible for indirect federal administration (federal matters which are executed by the provincial governor and the provincial government authorities subordinate to him / her). The decisions in essential matters require a ruling by the provincial government. Furthermore, every member of the provincial government decides autonomously within his / her own responsibility. One member of the provincial government is predominantly responsible for the area of education (early education and schools) and another for academic issues and adult education.
The legislative and monitoring body is the Burgenland provincial diet.
The administration in the province is carried out by the Burgenland provincial administrative office which comprises the department for Education, Culture and Science.
Carinthian Provincial Government (KaerntenLReg)
=Kärnten / Landesregierung GND
Address: Arnulfplatz 1, 9020 Klagenfurt, Tel: +43-50-536-53000
Type: Public Body
General information on government (of the provinces in Austria)
The Carinthian Provincial Government consists of the provincial governor, two deputy provincial governors and four members of the provincial government. The provincial governor represents the province externally, presides over the provincial government and over the office of the provincial government and therefore also the other provincial government authorities. He / she is therefore responsible for indirect federal administration (federal matters which are executed by the provincial governor and the provincial government authorities subordinate to him / her). The decisions in essential matters require a ruling by the provincial government. Furthermore, every member of the provincial government decides autonomously within his / her own responsibility. Responsibility for early education, schools, adult education and academic issues lies with the provincial governor himself / herself.
The provincial government is legally and politically accountable to the Carinthian provincial diet (legislation and monitoring).
The administration in the province is carried out by the Carinthian office of the provincial government with its officials: one of the departments, “Education, Science, Culture and Sports”, is responsible for all educational and academic issues at the provincial level.
Lower Austrian Provincial Government (NOELReg)
=Niederösterreich / Landesregierung GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Landhausplatz 1, 3109 St. Pölten, Tel: +43-2742-9005-0
Type: Public Body
General information on government (of the provinces in Austria)
The Lower Austrian Provincial Government consists of the provincial governor, two deputy provincial governors and six members of the provincial government who are elected by the provincial diet. The provincial governor represents the province externally, presides over the provincial government and over the office of the provincial government and therefore also the other provincial government authorities. He / she is therefore responsible for indirect federal administration (federal matters which are executed by the provincial governor and the provincial government authorities subordinate to him / her). The decisions in essential matters require a ruling by the provincial government. Furthermore, every member of the provincial government decides autonomously within his / her own responsibility. Responsibility for education (early education, schools, adult education and academic issues) lies with a member of the provincial government.
The provincial government is legally and politically accountable to the Lower Austrian provincial diet (legislation and monitoring).
The administration in the province is carried out by the office of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government with its officials: the “School” department is responsible for all educational and the "Science and Research" department for academic issues at the provincial level.
Salzburg Provincial Government (SalzburgLReg)
=Salzburg / Landesregierung GND
Address: Postfach 527, 5010 Salzburg, Tel: +43-662-8042-0
Type: Public Body
General information on government (of the provinces in Austria)
The Salzburg Provincial Government consists of the provincial governor, two deputy provincial governors and four members of the provincial government who are elected by the provincial diet. The provincial governor represents the province externally, presides over the provincial government and over the office of the provincial government and therefore also the other provincial government authorities. He / she is therefore responsible for indirect federal administration (federal matters which are executed by the provincial governor and the provincial government authorities subordinate to him / her). The decisions in essential matters require a ruling by the provincial government. Furthermore, every member of the provincial government decides autonomously within his / her own responsibility. Responsibility for education (early education, schools, adult education and academic issues) lies with a member of the provincial government.
The provincial government is legally and politically accountable to the Salzburg provincial diet (legislation and monitoring).
The administration in the province is carried out by the office of the Salzburg Provincial Government with its officials: the “Education” department is responsible for all educational and academic issues at the provincial level.
Styrian Provincial Government (SteiermarkLReg)
=Steiermark / Landesregierung GND
Address: 8011 Graz-Burg, Tel: +43-316-877-0
Type: Public Body
General information on government (of the provinces in Austria)
The Styrian Provincial Government consists of the provincial governor, two deputy provincial governors and six members of the provincial government who are elected by the provincial diet. The provincial governor represents the province externally, presides over the provincial government and over the office of the provincial government and therefore also the other provincial government authorities. He / she is therefore responsible for indirect federal administration (federal matters which are executed by the provincial governor and the provincial government authorities subordinate to him / her). The decisions in essential matters require a ruling by the provincial government. Furthermore, every member of the provincial government decides autonomously within his / her own responsibility. Responsibility for education (early education, schools, adult education and academic issues) lies with a member of the provincial government.
The provincial government is legally and politically accountable to the Styrian provincial diet (legislation and monitoring).
The administration in the province is carried out by the office of the Styrian Provincial Government with its officials: the “Education and Society” department is responsible for all educational and academic issues at the provincial level.
Tyrol Provincial Government (TirolLReg)
=Tirol / Landesregierung GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz 3, Neues Landhaus, 6020 Innsbruck, Tel: +43-512-508
Type: Public Body
General information on government (of the provinces in Austria)
The Tyrol Provincial Government consists of the provincial governor, two deputy provincial governors and a maximum of five members of the provincial government who are elected by the provincial diet. The provincial governor represents the province externally, presides over the provincial government and over the office of the provincial government and therefore also the other provincial government authorities. He / she is therefore responsible for indirect federal administration (federal matters which are executed by the provincial governor and the provincial government authorities subordinate to him / her). The decisions in essential matters require a ruling by the provincial government. Furthermore, every member of the provincial government decides autonomously within his / her own responsibility. Responsibility for education (early education, schools, adult education and academic issues) lies with a member of the provincial government.
The provincial government is legally and politically accountable to the Tyrol provincial diet (legislation and monitoring).
The administration in the province is carried out by the office of the Tyrol Provincial Government with its officials: the department for “Early childhood education and all educational matters” is responsible for all educational and academic issues at the provincial level.
Upper Austrian Provincial Government (OOELReg)
=Oberösterreich / Landesregierung GND
Address: Klosterstraße 7, 4021 Linz, Tel: +43-732-7720-0
Type: Public Body
General information on government (of the provinces in Austria)
The Upper Austrian Provincial Government consists of the provincial governor, two deputy provincial governors and six members of the provincial government who are elected by the provincial diet. The provincial governor represents the province externally, presides over the provincial government and over the office of the provincial government and therefore also the other provincial government authorities. He / she is therefore responsible for indirect federal administration (federal matters which are executed by the provincial governor and the provincial government authorities subordinate to him / her). The decisions in essential matters require a ruling by the provincial government. Furthermore, every member of the provincial government decides autonomously within his / her own responsibility. Responsibility for education (early education, schools, adult education and academic issues) essentially lies with a member of the provincial government.
The provincial government is legally and politically accountable to the Upper Austrian provincial diet (legislation and monitoring).
The administration in the province is carried out by the office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government with its officials: the “Education and Society” administrative authority is responsible for all educational and academic issues at the provincial level.
Vienna City Government (WienSReg)
=Wien / Landesregierung GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Wipplingerstraße 28, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-525-25
Type: Public Body
General information on government (of the provinces in Austria)
The Vienna city senate is also the Vienna Provincial Government at the same time. The mayor and his/her two representatives and another 10 city councillors belong to this body.
The mayor represents the province externally, presides over the provincial government and over the office of the provincial government and therefore also the other provincial government authorities. He / she is therefore responsible for indirect federal administration (federal matters which are executed by the mayor and the provincial government authorities which are subordinate to him / her).
One particular feature of the Vienna municipal constitution is that not all members of the city senate have to be responsible for a portfolio. As well as executive city councillors there can also be city councillors "without portfolio". Although these have a seat and a vote in the city senate, they do not head any executive group. A city councillor is responsible for education, youth, information and sports in any case.
The city senate is legally and politically accountable to the Vienna Provincial Parliament (legislation and monitoring).
Responsible for educational and scientific matters is the administrative group "Education and Research".
Vorarlberg Provincial Government (VorarlbergLReg)
=Vorarlberg / Landesregierung GND
Address: Landhaus, 6901 Bregenz, Tel: +43-5574-511-0
Type: Public Body
General information on government (of the provinces in Austria).
The Vorarlberg Provincial Government consists of the provincial governor, one deputy provincial governor and five members of the provincial government who are elected by the provincial diet. The provincial governor represents the province externally, presides over the provincial government and over the office of the provincial government and therefore also the other provincial government authorities. He / she is therefore responsible for indirect federal administration (federal matters which are executed by the provincial governor and the provincial government authorities subordinate to him / her). The decisions in essential matters require a ruling by the provincial government. Furthermore, every member of the provincial government decides autonomously within his / her own responsibility. Responsibility for education (early education, schools, adult education and academic issues) essentially lies with a member of the provincial government.
The provincial government is legally and politically accountable to the Vorarlberg provincial diet (legislation and monitoring).
The administration in the province is carried out by the office of the Vorarlberg Provincial Government with its officials: the “Early childhood education, School and Society” administrative authority is responsible for all educational and academic issues at the provincial level.
Public Universities
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Akbild)
=Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Wien) GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Schillerplatz 3, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-58816-0
Type: University
The Academy of Fine Arts Vienna has been an leading European training centre for artists for more than 300 years.
Today exist for almost one thousand students a variety of courses which range from painting and sculpture to photography and video, performance and conceptual art, and also includes architecture, scenography and restoration. The theoretical standard is to ensure for all the departments by the institutes for Art and Cultural Sciences and for Natural Sciences and Technology in the Art. Closely linked to this is the training of art teachers. The possibility for students to make individual choices of courses at both these institutes enables wide-ranging qualifications.
The research activity of the art academy aims at redefining artistic production processes in a changed, globalised society. Its research findings are integrated into the teaching activities in various ways and are also communicated to a wider public through exhibitions, symposia, lectures and a publication series.
Graz University of Technology (TUG)
=Technische Universität Graz GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Rechbauerstraße 12, 8010 Graz, Tel: +43-316-873-0
Type: University
In world-wide competition with comparable institutions, Graz University of Technology pursues top teaching and research in the fields of the engineering sciences and the technical-natural sciences. An integral part of putting together excellent education and training programs is knowing about the needs of society and the economy. Ultimately, the quality of the education and training at Graz University of Technology is carried by the strength of its knowledge-oriented and applied research. Numerous competence centers, the Christian-Doppler laboratories, special research fields, research focuses, and large EU projects are only a few examples of the University’s extremely active and successful research.
Medical University of Graz (MedUG)
=Medizinische Universität Graz GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Auenbruggerplatz 2/4, A-8036 Graz, Tel.: +43-316-385-0
Type: University
The Medical University of Graz is a young university with a long-standing tradition: As early as 1863 much emphasis was laid on medical research and the education of new physicians, both of which proved to be very successful. In January 2004, the former Faculty of Medicine was replaced by an autonomous university. The core competencies of the Medical University of Graz are high-standard training and education, research at an international level and continuous improvement of top-quality-medicine. Additionally, the orientation toward the bio-psycho-social model is one of the main concerns of the university.
Medical University of Innsbruck (MedUI)
=Medizinische Universität Innsbruck GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Christoph-Probst-Platz 1, A-6020 Innsbruck, Tel.: +43-512-507-0
Type: University
Within the framework of the University Act of 2002, the medical faculty was separated from the Leopold-Franzens University, and the Medical University of Innsbruck was established as a university in its own right. Today, the Med-Uni has some 3,000 students and 1,800 employees. It is the most important medical research and training facility in western Austria and the home university of many Tyroleans, South Tyroleans and students from the Province of Vorarlberg.
The Medical University of Innsbruck stands for outstanding performance in the fields of science, research, teaching and patient care. Together with the university hospital, it is our vision to be the leading centre of medicine in Western Austria.
We employ highly qualified teachers to provide our students with the best possible training. The research results of scientists at the Medical University of Innsbruck are published to international acclaim.
We aim to further expand our science campus, focus on innovative research in the fields of oncology, neurosciences, immunology and infectiology and further promote scientific exchange between other leading universities in Europe.
Medical University of Vienna (MedUW)
=Medizinische Universität Wien GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Spitalgasse 23, A-1090 Wien, Tel.: +43-1-40160-0
Type: University
MedUni Vienna is not only the largest medical organisation in Austria, it is also one of the most important top-level research institutions in Europe and provides Europe's largest hospital, the AKH in Vienna, with all of its medical staff.
With its long history and tradition, which covers 640 years, MedUni has developed into a highly modern research institution that covers an area of 40,000 m². It employs a staff of 5,000, of which 1,800 are researchers and 1,600 are medical doctors. Each year 100,000 patients are treated as inpatients in 31 university clinics, 48,000 operations are conducted and 605,000 outpatients receive initial treatment in the day-clinics.
In its structuring and alignment MedUni Vienna relies on the "triple track" strategy. Research, education and patient care represent the three cornerstones of the university's system. This enables medical science to respond flexibly to the continually changing demands of the state and society. In the process, maintenance of health as well as therapy, abatement of symptoms and prevention of diseases stand in the foreground.
International competition in relation to medical research and the development of innovative solutions to issues relevant to society such as healthcare or age pyramids are among MedUni Vienna's core tasks. Also the disciplines of ethics, medical law, care related research, palliative medicine and health economics are of central importance.
University for Continuing Education Krems (UWK)
=Universität Krems GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems, Tel: +43-2732-893-2000
Type: University
Lifetime Learning: Danube University Krems is facing up to the social challenge of lifetime learning: established in 1995 it is still the only public university in Europe that has specialised in postgraduate continuing education. Enthusiasm for the qualified and innovative involvement with the complex social, organisational and technical challenges presented by our society in the new Europe is what motivates the students, the teaching staff and everyone else working at Danube University Krems.
Our USPs: Singular experience in academic continuing education; Focus on job-related and personal requirements of students; Scientific basis; Practice-oriented education and research; Internationality; Interdisciplinarity.
University Mozarteum Salzburg (MOZ)
=Universität Mozarteum (Salzburg) GND
Address: Mirabellplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg, Tel: +43-662-6198-0
Type: University
-MUSIC: Conducting, Composition and Music Theory. Keyboard Studies. String Studies. Brass, Wind and Percussion Studies. Vocal Studies. Music Theatre. Musicology. Music Education in Salzburg. Music Education in Innsbruck.
-THEATRE: Drama. Stage Design.
-VISUAL ARTS: Fine Arts, Art and Craft Education.
-INSTITUTES / PLATTFORMS: Institute for early music. Institute for new music. Institute for Mozart-Operas interpretation. Sándor Végh Institute for camber music. Institute for history of musical reception and interpretation. Leopold Mozart Institute for encouragement of highly talented students. Carl Orff Institute for Music and Dance Pedagogy. Institute for game research. LIA - Lab Inter Arts.
University of Applied Arts Vienna (UangKW)
=Universität für Angewandte Kunst (Wien) GND
Address: Oskar Kokoschka-Platz 2, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-71133-0
Type: University
The University of Applied Arts Vienna is home to more than 1,800 students, many of whom come from other countries both in and outside Europe. The range of courses, which are on offer is unusually diverse and includes architecture, fine arts (painting, graphics, sculpture, photography, ceramics), stage design, design (fashion, graphic design, graphics and advertising, landscape design), industrial design, media design (transmedia arts, digital art), conservation and restoration, pedagogic studies for artistic teaching disciplines, textile design and handicrafts. It is precisely the diversity of these artistic disciplines, which is supplemented by a large number of scientific subjects, that contributes to the special atmosphere that prevails at the "Angewandte".
University of Arts Linz (KUL)
=Kunstuniversität Linz GND
Address: Hauptplatz 8, 4010 Linz, Tel: +43-732-7898-0
Type: University
With its curricula and thematic profile, Kunstuniversität Linz occupies a somewhat special position at least in the German-speaking region, but also beyond. The reason lies in the fact that its curricula and profile are largely situated at the interfaces between freelance art and applied design as well as between artistic creation and scientific research. This fundamental concept revolves around three central pillars: intermediality, spatial strategies and artistic-scientific research.
“Intermediality” takes equal account of the historic breakout success of digital media and of their links with the full range of media-related communication and design disciplines. “Spatial strategies” signals that the traditional boundaries between architecture, design, social issues, etc. have become obsolete and that cross-disciplinary competencies are increasingly sought after. Finally, “artistic-scientific research” is without doubt among the most exciting future-oriented fields for any university. The recent affiliation of the Vienna-based International Research Center for Cultural Studies (IFK) with Kunstuniversität Linz has opened up entirely novel perspectives towards this goal.
Moreover, the abovementioned special position is justified by other unique aspects, such as a strong focus on contemporary and future artistic/design disciplines, close relations with cultural and art institutions as well as with economic and industrial circles, the nexus between artistic and applied creativity underpinned by numerous projects or a clearly stated commitment to artistic and scientific mediation. Compact and differentiated; equally in tune with the surrounding region and international networks; efficient, creative, yet easygoing and informal, this is an atmosphere worthwhile exploring.
University of Graz (UG)
=Universität Graz GND
Address: Universitätsplatz 3, 8010 Graz, Tel: +43-316-380-0
Type: University
The University of Graz is one of the largest institutions of higher education in Austria. With more than 30,000 students and 3,800 employees, it makes an essential contribution to the vibrant life of the Styrian capital. Diversity and a wide scope characterise the education programmes at the six faculties. Students can choose from more than 100 bachelor, master and diploma programmes.
University of Innsbruck (UI)
=Universität Innsbruck GND
Address: Christoph-Probst-Platz Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck, Tel: +43-512-507-0
Type: University
The University of Innsbruck has, since its foundation in 1669, developed into the largest and most important research and education institution in western Austria, with almost 28,000 students and more than 4,000 staff and faculty members. Located in the heart of the Alps, the University of Innsbruck offers excellent conditions for research and teaching, and international rankings confirm the University’s important role in scientific research in particular. During 2010 scientists from the University of Innsbruck produced more than 3,296 publications.
The University of Innsbruck is very well integrated into the European research and education network. Through some 400 partnerships and numerous agreements it has established important relationships with institutes and universities in about fifty countries. Within this productive environment the university's fifteen faculties provide a broad spectrum of programs in all fields of study. In order to promote international exchange in research and teaching, the university also collaborates with numerous international research institutions.
University of Klagenfurt (UK)
=Universität Klagenfurt GND
Address: Universitätsstraße 65-67, 9020 Klagenfurt, Tel: +43-463-2700-9200
Type: University
The Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt has been future oriented and dynamic from the day it was founded. Today it is Carinthia’s leading educational and research institution. It opens its doors to the whole world and thrives on interculturality and people whose minds know no frontiers.
In contrast to the mass universities, the structure and the manageable scale of the university have positive effects in many respects: on research and its organisation, on teaching operations and on internal administration. These benefits are compounded by the specific character of a genuine campus university. This compact structure is of considerable advantage for the organisation of student life (lecture halls, library, refectory, student dorm etc) and for cross-disciplinary research activities.
University of Linz (UL)
=Universität Linz GND
Address: Altenbergerstraße 69, 4040 Linz, Tel: +43-732-2468-0
Type: University
The Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz was founded in 1966 as an Academy for Social and Economic Sciences. Teaching and research activities initially began with a faculty focused on academic studies in the the fields of social sciences, economics and legal studies, serving a student body of approximately 600. The Faculty of Technical and Natural Sciences was introduced in 1969, followed by the Faculty of Law in 1975. In the same year, the Academy transitioned to become the Johannes Kepler University (JKU), named after the world-famous and renowned mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler.
The campus accommodates approximately 18,000 students and employs over 2,500 faculty and staff. The JKU currently offers 59 Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate academic degree programs at 118 institutes. Cooperation efforts with over 250 partner universities in 50 countries around the world underscore the university's high standards as a future-oriented and international institution of higher learning.
From the start, the JKU depicted a new style of university offering interdisciplinary combinations between the fields of economics, social science, law, natural science and engineering, as well as a concentrated focus on its obligations to the community and economy. Today, the JKU not only provides expertise in basic research, but is also the province’s largest institution of application-oriented research. Subsequently, in addition to traditional institutes, the university has seen an increasing number of institutes funded by third parties and, more recently, the introduction of competence centers which are privately owned companies and other organizations that reflect the important role JKU plays within the economy of Upper Austria. These include: the Research Institute of Symbolic Computation (RISC), the Software Competence Center Hagenberg, the Institute of Application-oriented Knowledge Processing (Anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung (FAW)), Numerical and Symbolic Scientific Computing. In addition to the SCCH Hagenberg, the competence centers include the ACCM (Austrian Competence Center in Mechtronics) and the Competence Center in Wood. These university institutes cooperate with large companies as well as small and medium-sized companies that specialize in these particular fields.
In 2014 started a new degree program in human medicine in cooperation with the Medical University of Graz.
University of Mining (ULeoben)
=Universität Leoben GND
Address: Franz-Josef-Straße 18, 8700 Leoben, Tel: +43-3842-402
Type: University
Department General, Analytical and Physical Chemistry: Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry ; Chair of Physical Chemistry ; Institute of Electrical Engineering * Department Applied Geosciences and Geophysics: Chair of Applied Geophysics ; Chair of Petroleum Geology ; Chair of Geology and Economic Geology ; Chair of Resource Mineralogy * Department Polymer Engineering and Science: Chair of Chemistry of Polymeric Materials ; Chair of Designing Plastics and Composite Materials ; Chair of Polymer Processing ; Chair of Injection Moulding of Polymers ; Chair of Processing of Composites ; Chair of Materials Science and Testing of Polymers * Department Materials Physics: Chair of Atomistic Modelling and Design of Materials ; Chair of Materials Physics * Department Mathematics and Information Technology: Chair of Applied Mathematics ; Chair of Applied Geometry ; Chair of Information Technology ; Chair of Mathematics and Statistics ; Institute of Mechanics * Department Physical Metallurgy and Materials Testing: Chair of Functional Materials and Materials Systems ; Chair of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Testing ; Chair of Metallography * Department Metallurgy: Chair of Casting Research ; Chair of Metallurgy ; Chair of Simulation and Modelling of Metallurgical Processes ; Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy ; Chair of Thermal Processing * Department Mineral Resources and Petroleum Engineering: Chair of Mineral Processing ; Chair of Mining Engineering and Mineral Economics ; Chair of Ceramics ; Chair of Petroleum Production and Processing ; Chair of Reservoir Engineering ; Chair of Subsurface Engineering ; Chair of Drilling Engineering ; Institute of Sustainable Waste Management and Technology ; Chair of Waste Processing Technology ; Chair of Waste Treatment Technologies and Landfilling ; Institute of Physics * Department Product Engineering: Chair of Mechanical Engineering ; Chair of Automation ; Chair of Conveying Technology ; Chair of Metal forming ; Institute of Structural and Functional Ceramics ; Institute of Process Technology & Industrial Environmental Protection * Department of Economic and Business Management: Chair of Industrial Logistics ; Chair of Economic- and Business Management.
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG)
=Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (Graz) GND
Address: Leonhardstraße 15, 8010 Graz, Tel: +43-316-389-0
Type: University
With more than 2,000 students in Graz and Oberschützen, the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) is an internationally renowned place of education - 17 institutes and 2 doctoral schools offer highly qualified training for artistic and scientific professions. Owing to its geographic situation it knows to combine perfectly Austrian tradition in music and performing arts with the creative potential of Eastern and Southeastern Europe.
The fourteen disciplines, i.e. Stage Design, Performing Art (Drama), Composition and Music Theory, Conducting, Voice, Music Education – Voice and Instruments (IGP), Instrumental Studies, Jazz – the oldest academic place of education in Europe –, Catholic and Protestant Church Music, Music Education / Music Education – Instruments, Electrical Engineering – Sound Engineering (together with the University of Technology Graz), Musicology (in cooperation with the University of Graz), the Artistic and the Scientific Doctoral Study Program concentrate on essentials in the arts and science.
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MDW)
=Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (Wien) GND
Address: Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien, Tel: +43-1-71155
Type: University
As one of the largest arts universities in the world, the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna sets out to create unity from diversity.
The university offers an outstanding education in one of the most beautiful cultural cities in the world – Vienna – with curricula ranging from instrumental studies, voice and voice performance, to acting in the Max Reinhardt college, the film academy, music education and research areas.
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
=Universität für Bodenkultur (Wien) GND
Address: Gregor Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien, Tel: +43-1-47654-0
Type: University
The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, the Alma Mater Viridis, sees itself as an education and research centre for renewable resources, which are a necessity for human life. With its wide range of areas of expertise it is the task of BOKU to contribute significantly to the protection of life resources for future generations. With a connection between natural sciences, engineering and economics, BOKU is trying to deepen the knowledge of an ecologically and economically sustainable use of natural resources in a cultivated landscape.
BOKU was founded as the “Hochschule für Bodenkultur Wien” in 1872, and now comprises 15 departments and four service centres as well as a number of experimental centres around Vienna. The university buildings in Vienna are located in two areas, the Türkenschanze and Muthgasse. At Türkenschanze are located the departments which provide teaching and research in the agricultural sciences, forestry, wood technology, and landscape architecture and conservation; whereas the departments concerned with food science, biotechnology, land and water management and civil engineering are based at Muthgasse. Furthermore, there are two BOKU sites in Tulln (appx. 40 km distance to Vienna): the Department for Agrobiotechnology (IFA Tulln) and the University Research Center Tulln (UFT).
University of Salzburg (US)
=Universität Salzburg GND
Address: Kapitelgasse 4-6, 5020 Salzburg, Tel: +43-662-8044-0
Type: University
The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg is the largest educational institution in the Salzburg region. Presently, over 18,000 students are enrolled and it employees approximately 2,700 staff members in research, teaching and administration. As an integral part of both cultural and educational life, the University serves as a meeting place for teaching staff, students and academics, as well as the general public. Since our re-establishment in 1962, the University has developed into a modern, vibrant institution whose four Faculties—Theology, Law, Cultural and Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences—meet the highest standards of teaching and research.
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (VET)
=Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien GND
Address: Veterinärplatz 1, 1210 Wien, Tel: +43-1-25077-0
Type: University
Established: In 1765 as the „K. and K. Horse Curing and Operation School“ according to the founding edict by the Empress Maria Theresia. Teaching began in December 1767.
Campus: 47 buildings spread over an area of 15 ha, completed in 1996.
Research is concentrated into four main areas or profile lines: Profile line 1 - Regulation of physiological and pathophysiological processes.* Profile line 2 – Infection and prevention * Profile line 3 – Biomedicine and biotechnology * Profile line 4 – Food safety and risk analysis.
University Structure: Research at the University is divided up among 5 departments. The departments include both institutes and clinics: Department for Biomedical Sciences * Department for Pathobiology * Department for Farm Animals and Veterinary Public Health * Department for Companion Animals and Horses * Department for Integrative Biology and Evolution.
University of Vienna (UW)
=Universität Wien GND
Address: Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-4277-0
Type: University
The University of Vienna was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365. It is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest in Central Europe.
Currently, about 91,000 students are enrolled at the University of Vienna. 188 courses can be taken, of which 56 are Bachelor Programmes, 117 Master Programmes, 4 Diploma Programmes and 11 PhD Programmes.
With staff of 9,400 employees, 6,700 of whom are academic, the University of Vienna is the largest teaching and research institution in Austria. It aims to sustain a wide range of studies, but at the same time to promote new and innovative fields of research, and to establish new networks between subjects.
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WUW)
=Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien GND
Address: Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Wien, Tel: +43-1-31336-0
Type: University
With about 23,000 students from Austria and abroad, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) is the EU’s largest educational institution for business and economics, business law, and social sciences.
WU's success in numbers: Studying at WU is an attractive choice for many students. WU's close ties to the corporate world and the resulting excellent job prospects, along with the wide range of programs available and the positive experiences of its graduates, all contribute to a success reflected in the following statistics: Over 4,300 first year students per year * About 3,200 graduates annually * Around 75 doctoral degrees awarded per year.
Vienna University of Technology (TUW)
=Technische Universität Wien GND
Address: Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, Tel: +43-1-58801-0
Type: University
Our mission is “technology for people”. Through our research we “develop scientific excellence”, through our teaching we “enhance comprehensive competence”.
TU Vienna has eight faculties lead by deans: Architecture and Planning, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, computer Sciences, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Mathematics and Geoinformation, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, and Physics. The University is led by the Rector and four Vice Rectors (responsible for Research, Academic Affairs, Finances and Controlling and Infrastructure and Development). The Senate has 26 members. The University Council, consisting of seven members, acts as a supervisory board.
- Studies: The TU Vienna places great emphasis on the inclusion of students in research programmes (researchbased teaching), considering this an important criterion encouraging new generations of scientists. The TU Vienna offers a broad range of studies from “A” like Architecture to “T” like Technical Physics. Also Doctoral Programmes and Secondary School Teacher Accreditation are offered.
- Research: Development work in almost all areas of technology is encouraged, first, by the interaction between basic research and the different fields of engineering sciences at the TU Vienna itself, and, secondly, within the framework of cooperative projects with other universities, research institutes and business sector partners. The TU Vienna has sharpened its research profile by defining competence fields and setting up interdisciplinary collaboration centres, and here clearer outlines will be developed.
Private Higher Education Institutions
Anton Bruckner Private University (BrucknerUL)
=Anton-Bruckner-Privatuniversität für Musik, Schauspiel und Tanz (Linz) GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Wildbergstraße 18, 4040 Linz, Tel: +43-732-701000-0
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
The Anton Bruckner University is one of five Austrian Universities for Music, Drama and Dance, and one of four universities in Linz, the European Capital of Culture 2009. 850 students from all parts of the world study here. They are taught by 200 Professors and teaching staff, who are internationally recognised artists, academics and teachers.
Bertha von Suttner Private University (SuttnerUP)
= Bertha von Suttner Privatuniversität (St. Pölten)
Mail contact / Website German
Address: Campusplatz 1, 3100 St. Pölten, Tel: +43-2742-313228-800
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
Bertha von Suttner Private University sees itself as a development space for the society of the future. As a modern, open university, it establishes a special culture for new learning, teaching and research. Bertha von Suttner Private University builds on these premises and places the topics of psychotherapy, social welfare, pedagogy and economics at the center of its teaching and research and people at the center of all considerations and activities.
Catholic Private University Linz (KathUL)
=Katholische Privatuniversität Linz GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Bethlehemstraße 20, 4020 Linz, Tel: +43-732-784293
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
The Private Catholic Theological University of Linz, dating back to 1672, is the oldest university of Linz. With two faculties, the Faculty for Catholic Theology and the Institute for Art Studies and Philosophy, and about 500 students, the KTU is a lively centre of the humanities in Upper Austria with many public lectures, symposia and exhibitions. Special features are the emphasis on Economy – Ethics – Society, the Joint Institute for Caritas-Studies, the dialog between Ecclesiastical Contemporary, Theology and Art as well as the personal atmosphere for students.
Central European University Private University (CEU)
=Central European University Private University (Vienna)
Website English. Mail contact
Address: Quellenstraße 51, 1100 Wien, Austria, Tel: +43-1-25230-7111
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
Central European University is an institution of advanced research and teaching, dedicated to socially and morally responsible intellectual inquiry. CEU is committed to promoting the values of open society and self-reflective critical thinking. It aims at excellence in the mastery of established knowledge, courage to pursue the creation of new knowledge in the humanities, the social sciences, law and management, and engagement in promoting applications for each, in particular through their policy implications. The accreditation as Austrian private university is from 2019.
Charlotte Fresenius Private University (CFPU)
=Charlotte Fresenius Privatuniversität (Wien)
Address: Zelinkagasse 10/15, 1010 Wien, Austria, Tel. +49-221-973199-55 (COGNOS Education GmbH)
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE: Our University of Sustainability offers education at the highest level. With us you will meet like-minded sustainability enthusiasts and help break down lasting barriers in science and business. Planned start summer semester 2023.
Danube Private University (DPU)
=Danube Private University GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Steiner Landstraße 124, 3500 Krems-Stein, Tel: +43-2732-70478
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
The Danube Private University (DPU) is a private HEI in Krems, Lower Austria, providing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in dental medicine and medical journalism in german and english. Founded in 2009 by Brigitte Wagner-Pischel and Jürgen Pischel and accredited by the Austrian Ministry of Education, the University is located in Austria´s finest wine area in the heart of the Wachau approximately 50 miles away from Vienna. Together with an international faculty consisting of Professors and Doctors, specialised in the fields of all divisions of dentistry such as Implantology, Periodontology, Endodontics, Orthodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry the DPU strives to form future generations of professionally educated dentists and journalists.
Gustav Mahler Private University for Music Klagenfurt (GMPU)
=Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik (Klagenfurt)
Website German. Mail contact
Address: Mießtalerstraße 8, 9020 Klagenfurt, Tel: +43-50-536-16552
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
The Gustav Mahler Private University for Music (GMPU) is a private university in the province of Carinthia and offers studies and courses in the field of music with an artistic-pedagogical-scientific orientation. This includes the development of science and education through the development of teaching the arts. The central artistic subjects offered in artistic-pedagogical courses are "classical", but teaching in the genres of jazz, pop, folk music and elementary music education too. Bachelor's and Master's degrees are awarded in the regular studies. Teacher training studies for music (ME/IME) are offered in cooperation with the Carinthia university college of teacher education and the university of art in Graz.
JAM MUSIC LAB Private University for Jazz and Popular Music Vienna (JAM)
=JAM MUSIC LAB Privatuniversität für Jazz and Populärmusik (Wien)
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Guglgasse 8, Gasometer B, 1110 Wien, Austria, Tel:+43-1-3752020
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
The JAM MUSIC LAB University (JMLU) is an autonomous private music university located in Vienna, which for the first time worldwide uniquely specializes in music forms of the 20th century and the present.
It offers artistic and artistic-pedagogic studies of music forms of the 20th century and especially of the present, moving from the interface between classic and popular music in a variety of styles of popular music forms. Research and teaching are within the scope of these musical styles, located in a diverse, interconnected world. Their production and distribution through modern media technology and their impact on art, science and business are given attention to as well.
Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences (KL)
=Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften
Website German / English. Mail contact
Adress: Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, 3500 Krems an der Donau, Tel.: +43-2732-72090-0
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
The University aims to play a groundbreaking role in the advancement of health-related science and technology, focusing on four areas of study: health sciences, human medicine, psychotherapy and counselling, and neurorehabilitation.
Our evolving range of courses, which stand out for their international outlook, interdisciplinary design and emphasis on biomedical engineering and health economics, will be a valuable supplement to the courses offered at Austria's public universities.
Music and Arts Private University of the City of Vienna (MUK)
=Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Johannesgasse 4a, 1010 Wien, Tel.: +43-1-5127747-0
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
Vienna is often viewed as the world's musical capital - but the city is, in fact, home to an exceptionally rich spectrum of activity across all cultural fields. No wonder, then, that Konservatorium Wien University can offer world class training programs for instrumentalists, singers, dancers and actors. Every year, around 850 young people from more than 50 countries study with about 250 renowned artists and teachers.
The courses of study at Konservatorium Wien University offer an opportunity to attain highly qualified artistic and/or music teaching credentials. They form the basis for independent artistic and/or teaching activities, and through the critical examination of artistic, didactic and academic issues contribute to research in and performance of the arts.
The central location of our main facility and its geographical proximity to important cultural institutions - such as the Musikverein, the Konzerthaus, the Vienna State Opera and the Theater an der Wien - facilitates professional and academic exchange and cooperation.
MODUL University Vienna Private University (MODUL)
=MODUL University Vienna Privatuniversität
Address: Am Kahlenberg 1, 1190 Wien, Tel: +43-1-3203555-0
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
Opened in 2007, MODUL University Vienna now offers cutting-edge undergraduate and graduate education (BBA, MSc, and MBA study programs) in the areas of tourism & hospitality management, new media technology, public governance, and sustainable development.
New Design University St. Pölten (NDU)
=New Design University - Privatuniversität St. Pölten GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Mariazeller Straße 97, 3100 St. Pölten, Tel: +43-2742-890-2418
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
The New Design University - one of Austria’s youngest universities - is a place where creative minds work on the future of our society. The interdisciplinary mix of graphic design, interior architecture and technology allows for an inventive understanding of today and for an experimental approach to tomorrow. The Faculty of Design includes a bachelor programme in Graphic Design, renowned for its profound training in the fundamental principles of the discipline. The bachelor in Interior Design introduces students to the major fields of the profession. The master in Interior Design is research oriented and focuses on the construction of identity through space. The Faculty of Technology offers a bachelor in “Event Engineering” as well as a master in “E-Mobility & Energy Management”.
Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg (PMedP)
=Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität Salzburg GND
Website German / English. Mail contact by Website
Address: Strubergasse 21, A-5020 Salzburg, Tel: +43-662-44-2002-0
Type: Private Higher Education InstitutionAs soon as the International Accreditation Council and the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture issued the accreditation to the "Paracelsus Medical University" in November 2002, university life was taken up in September 2003. Salzburg is now home to Austria’s first and Europe's second medical university in private ownership that offers the study of human medicine. The University’s namesake Paracelsus (1493-1541) was a pioneer of modern medicine and organic chemistry. Partner and role model of the University is the renowned Mayo Medical School (Minnesota, USA), which is an integral part of the Mayo Clinic, the largest private nonprofit hospital in the United States.
Private University Seeburg Castle (PUSeeburg)
=Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg
Address: Seeburgstrasse 8, 5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee, Tel: +43-6212-2626
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
Private HEI Seeburg Castle (USC), a center for hands-on business competence, creates and distributes knowledge with practical significance at an academic level. We prepare our participants in their chosen fields to develop them into the leaders of tomorrow. Our outstanding programs not only increase your attractiveness to the corporate market but, more importantly, they increase your practical ability to succeed. Our Concept: Students come to Seekirchen three times each semester for a week or a weekend at a time to participate in course work, complete exams, and to trade experience and ideas with classmates, professors, and academic coaches. Between on-site phases, students use the internet and the learning platform to study online. They can work on their own or in groups on assignments and ask tutors for feedback and advice. Coursework can be completed comfortably from home, assignments uploaded easily on the platform. Furthermore, students can communicate with instructors and professors at any time without being limited to office hours.
Sigmund Freud University Vienna (SFU)
=Sigmund-Freud-Privatuniversität (Wien) GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Schnirchgasse 9a, 1030 Wien, Tel: +43-1-7984098
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
Sigmund Freud University offers complete academic programmes in Psychotherapy Science, as well as Psychotherapy Training at the introductory and advanced levels.
Sigmund Freud University offers psychotherapy training in a variety of methods, including Psychoanalysis, Gestalt therapy and Systemic Family therapy. We run our own inhouse Outpatient Clinic, providing Psychotherapy services in German and English.
We are a vibrant intellectual community with an active schedule of Conferences, Public Talks and Workshops. We hope that you will join us in these upcoming events.
Stella Vorarlberg Private Higher Education Institution for Music (SVPHM)
=Stella Vorarlberg Privathochschule für Musik GmbH (Feldkirch)
Address: Reichenfeldgasse 9, 6800 Feldkirch, Austria, Tel. +43-5522-71110-0
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
Institution for music professions in the Lake Constance region. More than 320 students from all over the world are being trained in the rooms of the once venerable Jesuit private high school "Stella Matutina" in Feldkirch.
The diverse range of courses is based on the areas of vocational studies, talent promotion and further education. In a professional, yet personal atmosphere, students can find their own artistic path - and continue independently.
UMIT - The Health and Life Sciences University Hall/Tyrol - Private University (UMIT)
=Private Universität für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Medizinische Informatik und Technik (Hall, Tirol) GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Eduard Wallnöfer-Zentrum 1, A-6060 Hall in Tirol, Tel: +43-50-8648-3000
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
The Tyrolean provincial university UMIT in Hall in the Tyrol is an accredited university focusing on innovative and future-oriented topics such as mechatronics, medical and bio informatics, health sciences, nutrition sciences, psychology, nursing sciences and other related subjects. The UMIT offers academic research and education at the highest level. In research, the various departments of the UMIT cooperate with research institutions worldwide, and the programs finish with internationally acknowledged academic titles. International networking is ensured through international partner universities, which is an important feature of the UMIT.
Webster Vienna Private University (WebsterV)
=Webster Vienna Private University
Address: Praterstrasse 23,, 1020 Wien, Tel: +43-1-2699293-0
Type: Private Higher Education Institution
Webster University is an American University with a global perspective. The university was founded in St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 1915. Since then, Webster has grown to become an international university with more than 100 campuses in 7 countries on 3 continents.
The Webster Vienna campus was established 1981. Webster Vienna is the only dually accredited university in Austria, with both, the US Higher Learning Commission accreditation, and private university accreditation from the Austrian Ministry of Education. The business programs are also accredited by ACBSP.
Webster’s mission is to serve an international student body by providing an education that will help students develop the skills, attitudes and habits necessary to thrive and grow in our rapidly changing global society. The focus is on the individual student. Class size is limited to 20 – 25 students.
- Undergraduate majors are offered in: Art/Visual Culture, Business and Management, International Relations, Media Communications, and Psychology.
- Master’s and MBA degrees are available in: Finance, Human Resources Management, International Business, International Relations, Marketing and Psychology.
Universities of Applied Sciences
Campus 02 University of Applied Sciences (FHCampus02)
=Campus 02 - Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft (Graz) GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Körblergasse 126, 8021 Graz , Tel: +43-316-6002-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1995 with the aim of gearing its degree programmes towards key business processes. We currently have 1,086 accredited study places in 5 areas of study, and every single one of our degree programmes trains students to be equipped to hold a wide range of positions in various industries in all different types of companies, no matter their size.
Since three quarters of all students are working professionals, we have developed part-time programmes with courses being held on Friday afternoons and Saturdays. It is also possible for students to embark on their studies directly after successfully completing their high school matriculation examination and to start working in a related field while studying. Full-time students attend teaching sessions from Monday to Thursday.
We currently run seven bachelor degree programmes: three part-time technical-scientific programmes (Automation Technology, Information Technologies & Business Informatics and Innovation Management) and two business programmes, both of which are offered as full-time and part-time programmes (Marketing & Sales and Accounting & Controlling). In addition, we offer six part-time master degree programmes (Automation Technology-Business, Information Technologies & IT Marketing, Innovation Management, International Marketing, Sales Management and Financial Accounting & Management Accouting). Since 2007 our portfolio has also included advanced training courses such as the “Software Engineering” academic training programme, the “IT Management and Applied Security” post-graduate master programme as well as „Commercial Management“ programme. Additional courses are currently being planned.
High-level networking with the industry guarantees hands-on, marketplace-oriented training. In this vein, business executives are invited to actively contribute to the development of the respective curriculum of the degree programme in question. What’s more, approximately 270 specialists and executives work as lecturers at CAMPUS 02, thus ensuring that specialist knowledge is taught in tandem with practical experience and case studies. The close contact between our degree programmes and the industry is enhanced by the honorary appointment of “Captains” - successful entrepreneurs and executives who take pride in acting as the students’ mentors - and by numerous co-operations with companies, as well as by course content (including hands-on projects and bachelor and master degree projects during which students find solutions to business problems). Last but not least, applied Research & Development contributes to strengthening ties between CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences and the business world.
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (FHKaernten)
=Fachhochschule Kärnten GND
Website German / Englisch. Mail contact
Address: Villacher Straße 1, 9800 Spittal, Tel: +43-5-90500-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
Since its foundation in 1995, CUAS has made history. Back then we started with 2 programs and about 70 students; currently we offer 30 study programs that educate almost 2000 full- and part-time students. About the same number of CUAS graduates is impressive proof of the necessity and importance of this academic institution. Through ever growing acceptance of the programs as well as the high demand for our graduates in industry, the programs will be further developed in the coming years.
CUAS has developed into a unique educational institution in Carinthia. Through constant further development of the degree programs at CUAS and intensive cooperation with the worlds of business and science, those studying at the university can be certain of a forward-looking education with its finger on the pulse of time. CUAS lives the vision of direct practical experience. Full- and part-time lecturers, as well as guest speakers from industry and business ensure an interdisciplinary, internationally oriented education. Degree programs are offered in the fields of civil engineering and architecture, engineering, as well as management, healthcare and social issues.
The quality of our education is emphasized through the development of innovative teaching and learning methods, such as, blended learning, which offers students and professors greater flexibility in the creation of a suitable learning environment. Furthermore, the CUAS library offers support with a state of the art education. On all sites CUAS libraries administrate 33,000 media.
Ferdinand Porsche Distance Learning University of Applied Sciences (FPorscheFFH)
=Ferdinand Porsche Fernfachhochschule Wiener Neustadt
Address: Zulingergasse 4, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Tel: +43-2622-32600
Type: University of Applied Sciences
The study programmes lead to the following academic qualifications which are recognised throughout Europe: BACHELOR and MASTER.
Our study organisation is perfectly tailored to meet the needs of students in employment. High practice orientation, efficient knowledge transfer and extensive support services all characterise our range of studies. The international alignment of the study programmes at the distance learning university of applied sciences means you acquire an academic qualification which provides you with excellent prerequisites for a corresponding career in management.
Humboldt BildungsGesmbH with the online campus in Vienna is the biggest distance learning establishment in Austria and has more than 45 years of extensive know-how in the field of distance learning. Around 9,000 distance learners are supported each year. It is integrated in a European network of distance learning providers.
The Wiener Neustadt University of Applied Sciences for Engineering and Economics is the first and biggest university of applied sciences in Austria with more than 2,800 students and 15 years of experience in the universities of applied sciences sector. It is equipped with state-of-the-art lecture halls, seminar and function rooms and offers ideal conditions for periods of attendance. Subjects: Business Informatics; Media Engineer; Business Engineer; Software Engineer; Systems Engineer.
FH Burgenland University of Applied Sciences (FHBurgenland)
=Fachhochschulstudiengänge Burgenland Eisenstadt GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Campus 1, 7000 Eisenstadt , Tel: +43-5-9010-609-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
Core Competence Business Studies (focusing on Central and Eastern Europe):
Project-oriented management training gives business studies students the unique opportunity to focus on Central and Eastern Europe. The programme offers a wide spectrum of languages, studying abroad at partner universities, work placements and summer courses, all of which develop students’ intercultural competences. The master degree programmes deepen students’ management training in the selected fields of human resource management, European studies, international consumer and market research, wine marketing, as well as international finance and accounting.
FH Campus Vienna University of Applied Sciences (FHCampusWien)
=FH-Campus Wien GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Daumegasse 3/1, 1100 Wien, Tel: +43-1-6066877-100
Type: University of Applied Sciences
The University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien, is an educational institution which offers a rich variety of 19 Bachelor-, 15 Master degree programmes and 6 Master degree programmes for advanced professional training in the fields of Applied Life Sciences, Engineering, Construction Engineering, Health, Social Work and Public Sector. At the interface between these disciplines innovation in teaching and research and practice arise.
FH Gesundheit University of Applied Sciences Tyrol (FHGTirol)
=FHG - Zentrum für Gesundheitsberufe Tirol GmbH GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Innrain 98, 6020 Innsbruck, Tel: +43-50-8648-4700
Type: University of Applied Sciences
Founded in 2006 the University of Applied Sciences Tyrol is the youngest academic institution in Tyrol/Austria. The college offers practice-oriented academic training and education in the health care sector and it has become an integral part of the Tyrolean education area. The FH-Bachelor degree programmes encompass Biomedical Science, Dietetics, Logopedics, Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Radiological Technology, each with a duration of three years. For continuing education and professional specialization, the college offers FH-Master degree programmes and further education courses.
Owners of the University of Applied Sciences Tyrol are Tyrolean Provincial Hospital Ltd (74%) and the Health and Life Sciences University Hall (26%) - both belong to the Provincial Government of the Tyrol. Since its inception there has been a distinction between teaching and research on the one hand and administration (service facilities) on the other hand. The staff involved in teaching and research can focus on preparing, teaching and in the follow-up of their lectures, on mentoring practical training as well as on research. The efficient management of administrative and technical issues are carried out by the staff working in service facilities.
FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (FHJoanneum)
=FH-Joanneum-Gesellschaft (Graz) GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Alte Poststraße 149, 8020 Graz, Tel: +43-316-5453-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
With 40 career-oriented degree programmes in the four subject areas of Health Sciences, Information, Design & Technologies, International Business, and Life, Building, Environment and four Postgraduate programmes FH JOANNEUM is one of Austria’s leading universities of applied sciences.
The quality and practical relevance of our courses is guaranteed by our close contacts with partner businesses and institutions. Additionally, international cooperation and the mobility of students and faculty members in exchange programmes with partner universities help to maintain the international profile of FH JOANNEUM.
FH Kufstein Tirol University of Applied Sciences (FHKufstein)
=FH-Kufstein Tirol GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Andreas Hofer Straße 7, 6330 Kufstein, Tel: +43-5372-718-19
Type: University of Applied Sciences
The FH Kufstein currently has over 1,200 students from more than 30 nations who create an international, multicultural atmosphere. The fact that we have more than 150 partner universities worldwide means that 200 international incoming students are hosted by the FH Kufstein annually and that an even larger number of our students go out for a semester or year to study abroad. What’s more, with approximately 100 faculty members and employees as well as over 200 contracted lecturers, the FH Kufstein plays a significant role in the regional economy.
The range of bachelor and master degree programs – offered in both full- and part-time formats – have been conceived to meet the professional demands of the respective industries. The FH Kufstein has also developed a postgraduate program in cooperation with several internationally renowned partner universities. The graduates of our degree programs thus have excellent prospects for filling challenging positions in their field and for advancing their careers.
FH Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (FHVorarlberg)
=FH Vorarlberg GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Hochschulstraße 1, 6850 Dornbirn, Tel: +43-5572-792-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
COMPUTER SCIENCE: The Department of Computer Science (in short DCS) is an organisational department at the FH Vorarlberg which provides teaching for all courses in Computer Science / IT and mathematics.
DESIGN AND MEDIABASED COMMUNICATION: The Department of mediabased Communication deals with all levels and aspects of media-based communication both analogue and digital from the point of view of audio and visual design - in close interdisciplinary discourse with other departments.
ENGINEERING: The Department of Engineering sees itself as a competence centre for technology and focuses on Mechatronics.
MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: The Department is organised in fields of competence for teaching in the area of general scientific and management methods.
SOCIAL SCIENCES AND ORGANIZATION STUDIES: The Department is organised in fields of competence for teaching in the area of general scientific and management methods.
FH Wien University of Applied Sciences of WKW (FHWKOWien)
=Fachhochschule für Management und Kommunikation Wien GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Wien, Tel: +43-1-47677-5744
Type: University of Applied Sciences
-Vision: We are Austria‘s leading provider of universities of applied sciences (UAS) degree programmes in management and communications. Guided by the principle of lifelong learning, we have designed our academic programmes to be active, flexible and future-oriented.
-Our academic programmes: Not only are our programmes some of the best of their kind in management and communications nationwide, they have proven their competitiveness on the European educational market as well. Thanks to our continual reappraisal and revision of course content to match current professional requirements, our students and graduates are optimally prepared for the job market. Use of modern didactics and ongoing quality assurance in research, instruction, and administration both play a part in maintaining our top-notch academics.
-Our students and graduates: We act with the interests of both students and the business world in mind. By promoting a respectful tone among our students, we allow them to develop their individuality. Moreover, we encourage initiative and team spirit, which ensures that our students receive the most from their education. Selection of students and instructors is a crucial part of these activities, contributing to our goal of developing long-term, reciprocal relationships with our students and graduates.
-Our faculty: It is our instructors who play the primary role in developing and informing the professional and personal development of our students. They are the link between academics, practice, and career launch. The enthusiasm and know-how of our instructors is strongly reflected in the quality of instruction and the reputation of the FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW. Seen as competent partners, instructors are thus a critical element to our success.
-Our staff: The knowledge, experience and dedication of our faculty and staff are our capital. It is for this reason that their professional and personal development ranks high in our organisation. We actively encourage a working atmosphere characterised by trust and open dialogue.
-Our responsibility: At the FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW, we are firmly dedicated to our responsibility to society and the business world as well as our instructors and students. Constructive, trust-based relationships with institutions and businesses serve to ensure long-term partnerships and create added value for all parties involved.
imc - FH Krems University of Applied Sciences (IMCFHKrems)
=IMC Fachhochschule Krems GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Piaristengasse 1, 3500 Krems, Tel: +43-2732-802-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
Over the past few years the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems has built up a strong international reputation and now has over 1,900 students from all over the world. Our combination of academic and business expertise opens up excellent domestic and international career opportunities for graduates. Note: IMC stands for International Management Center, the name of the managing company behind the University from 1994–2002.
We offer full- and part-time bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes in the following subjects: * Business Studies * Life Sciences * Health Studies.
An international approach and practical focus are our leading priorities. University-level education tailored to professional requirements demands a solid academic background. And in order to equip them for the challenges of working life, IMC Krems students have the opportunity to study abroad – we currently have over 85 international partner universities – or complete an internship with one of our 700 partner businesses worldwide. We believe in treating all of our students as individuals. Besides establishing friendships that last a lifetime, Krems is also a place where students can make important business contacts and forge relationships with potential employers.
Lauder Business School (LBSFH)
=Lauder Business School Wien GND
Address: Hofzeile 18-20, 1190 Wien, Tel: +43-1-3691818
Type: University of Applied Sciences
The Lauder Business School in Vienna offers students a chance to study both the global economy and international business by merging, the best that the American business educational system has to offer -- in particular the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania -- with the finest European business tradition.
In addition, students at the Lauder Business School will have a chance to gain a deep knowledge of Judaism along with courses in liberal arts, creating a dynamic and electric environment.
MCI - Management Center Innsbruck (MCIFH)
=Management Center Innsbruck GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Universitätsstraße 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Tel: +43-512-2070-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) is an integral part of the unique "Open University Innsbruck" concept in Austria and has attained a leading position in international higher education as a result of its on-going quality and customer orientation. MCI strives to mentor motivated people, who want to build their future through goal-oriented continuing education, in their personal and professional development.
MCI offers graduate, non-graduate and post-graduate educational programmes of the highest standard to senior and junior managers from all management levels and branches. MCI's programmes focus on all levels of the personality and include areas of state-of-the art knowledge from science and practice relevant to business and society. As an internationally oriented information and communication centre, MCI is open to new perspectives, methods and projects. Constructive dialogue and co-operative development of interdisciplinary competences are two of the pillars of teaching and learning at MCI.
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (FHSalzburg)
=Fachhochschule Salzburg GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Urstein Süd 1, 5412 Puch / Salzburg, Tel: +43-50-2211-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
In the four disciplines of engineering, business and social sciences, design, media & arts and health studies, the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences offers students university education with international quality standards.
Some Data:
- Founding: 1995.
- Shareholders: Salzburg Chamber of Labour and Salzburg Chamber of Commerce
- Locations: Campus Urstein, 5412 Puch; Campus Kuchl, 5431 Kuchl
- Bachelor programmes: 17. Master programmes: 9. Students (2013): 2.500. Total graduates: 5.500. Staff (2013): 279.
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (FHSTP)
=Fachhochschule Sankt Pölten GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Matthias Corvinus-Straße 15, 3100 St. Pölten, Tel: +43-2742-313228-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1996 and currently has appr. 1,800 enrolled students. Study opportunities comprise degree programmes and continuing education courses in the fields of Health & Social Sciences, Business and Technology.
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences offers students a vocationally oriented and academically sound training that prepares them to meet the challenges of the professional world. Each course combines a solid grounding in the subjects with a specialisation, ensuring that graduates are equipped to fulfil a variety of professional tasks in their future careers. Alongside they acquire additional training in e.g. business administration, law, foreign languages, and interpersonal skills. Students can choose to acquire international certificates (e.g. Cisco, Microsoft, Cambridge). Work placements ensure that they gain hands-on experience in the workplace even before graduation.
Teaching is by lectures, laboratory work and small tutorial groups. The lecturers strive to give optimal support and promote practical work and team projects. Among the facilities of the university are a library, state-of-the art video, computer, network and multimedia laboratories and satellite equipment. The Campus Media - radio, TV and a magazine - provide opportunities for students from all disciplines to acquire excellent media and communications skills.
University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna (FHBFIWien)
=Fachhochschule des BFI Wien GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Wohlmutstraße 22, 1020 Wien, Tel: +43-1-7201286-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
The non-profit Fachhochschule des bfi Wien Gesellschaft m.b.H. (roughly the equivalent of a private limited company) acts as the course-providing body. In April 2002 our institution was accredited as a Fachhochschule (University of Applied Sciences).
The advantages of being organised as an FH are as follows: * the authorisation to award academic degrees * students are allowed to take part in the FH Supervisory Council's decision-making.
The bfi Vienna (Berufsförderungsinstitut Wien / Vocational Training Institute Vienna) is the sole shareholder of the FH bfi Vienna. For more than forty years, the bfi Vienna has been actively promoting education and further education programmes which help turn employees into highly qualified skilled employees who can rest sure of their positions in business.
As one of the first Austrian adult education institutions, the bfi Vienna has been certified according to ISO 9001 for its quality management system.
FH Supervisory Council (FH-Kollegium): The FH Supervisory Council is in charge of the execution and the organisation of teaching and exams. It consists of its head – Andreas Breinbauer, the programme directors, representatives of teaching and research faculty and student representatives. The collegium convenes at least twice a year.
University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria (FHGOOE)
=FH Gesundheitsberufe Oberösterreich
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Semmelweisstraße 34/D3, 4020 Linz, Tel: +43-50-344200-00
Type: University of Applied Sciences
The University of Applied Sciences for Health Professions Upper Austria was founded in 2010 by the Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Linz, the OÖ Ordensspitäler Koordinations GmbH and the Oö. Gesundheits- und Spitals-AG of the Province of Upper Austria. This close co-operation facilitated the pooling of a comprehensive set of competencies under the roof of one common university college. Our approx. 800 Students greatly benefit from the resulting synergies. With this foundation tried-and tested education programs can now be offered at university level with internationally acknowledged degrees. Many years of training experience of the team of teachers and the hospitals, facilitators with practical experience and internships in health institutions guarantee technically and scientifically well-founded, application-oriented courses of study as well as intensive co-operation between research and teaching. Nine courses of study optimally prepare students for a successful future in the health sector: in higher medical-technical professions, as midwifes, in hospital management and university didactis. Graduates are capable of handling the ever more complex requirements in the health sector.
Offered bachelor programs: Biomedical Science, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Midwifery, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Radiological Technology.
Offered master programs: Management for Health Professionals – main focus on Hospital Management, University Didactis for Health Professional Education.
University of Applied Sciences Programme Military Leadership (FHMilFue)
=Theresianische Militärakademie (Wiener Neustadt) / Fachhochschul-Diplomstudiengang Militärische Führung GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Burgplatz 1, 2700 Wr. Neustadt, Tel: +43-2622-381-2105
Type: University of Applied Sciences
Provider: Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports / Section II / Education and Training Group / Training A (017).
Rossauer Lände 1, 1090 Vienna Tel +43-50-201-1022617
The aim of the career officer training has always been to train highly qualified military leaders who, within the framework of our democratic social system and on account of their academically founded training, are able to fulfil their tasks in deployment, training and operations by acting in a professional and ethically/morally responsible manner. Generations of officers have completed the renowned and globally recognised training here, remain faithfully connected to their former military home and regularly find their way back to their ‘alma mater’.
The training at the academy ranges from secondary education establishments for the training of the next generation of officers in the school regiment onto the tertiary education establishment of the universities of applied sciences bachelor’s study programme for officer training in Institute 1 and lifelong, part-time continuing officer training in Institute 2.
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (FHTechnikum)
=Fachhochschule Technikum Wien GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Höchstädtplatz 5, 1200 Wien, Tel: +43-1-3334077-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
Austria's Largest Technical University of Applied Sciences:
With over 5,000 alumni and more than 2,700 students currently taking its 11 bachelor’s and 17 master’s degree programs, UAS Technikum Wien is the largest purely technical university of applied sciences in Austria. It offers an extremely diverse range of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. All of the programs are based on a solid theoretical foundation, while also being practice-oriented. They are offered as full-time and/or part-time degree programs in the four following technical areas: * Communication Technologies & Electronic Engineering * Information Technologies & Business Solutions * ngineering & Environmental Technologies * Life Science Technologies.
At UAS Technikum Wien, emphasis is not only placed on providing a high-quality technical education, but also on language training and subjects with a focus on business and personal development. Close ties with business and industry give students and graduates excellent career opportunities.
UAS Technikum Wien was founded in 1994 and became Vienna’s first university of applied sciences in 2000. It is a network partner of the Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries (FEEI).
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (FHOOE)
=FH Oberösterreich (Hagenberg u.a.) GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Franz-Fritsch-Strasse 11/Top3, 4600 Wels, Tel: +43-7242-44808-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is one of the leading Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences. We offer an internationally recognized, well-established, practice-oriented education at university level at four locations in the central region of Upper Austria. We also support the economy with cutting-edge products from our research and development centers.
The University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is one of the country’s field leaders. We offer internationally recognised, practice-oriented degree programmes at four locations in the central region of Upper Austria. In line with our commitment to developing international links, we maintain contacts with some 200 partner universities around the world. Our second major area of focus is the national economy, and our research and development centres are continually developing cuttingedge products across a wide range of practical applications. This solid combination of theory and praxis has earned the University an acclaimed reputation both regionally and nationally.
Heartbeat of educational excellence the University’s successful development has been based on a dynamic approach to innovation and close co-operation with industry. Monitoring economic trends and technical advances has ensured that we have kept pace with changes in the wider economy, especially with regard to labour market requirements and productivity of the areas. Each of the University’s four Schools has defined its own key areas for best practice in teaching and research: >> Informatics, Communications and Media >> Applied Health and Social Sciences >> Management >> Engineering and Environmental Sciences.
Visionary blend of theory and the practical the appeal of studying applied sciences here in Upper Austria is the University’s unique blend of broad-based specialist theory and intensely practical applications. Fundamental to this curriculum strategy is the input from private sector companies and organisations across the full range of our degree programmes at all levels: >> Study projects with companies/organisations >> Practical placements or internships >> Master’s Theses >> Projects in research and development.
Co-operating with private sector partners beyond the confines of the University provides invaluable access to real-world know-how and resources that has invariably led to the development of new projects and provided opportunities for creative interface with potential new partners. Our record of more than 1,000 such collaborative ventures at home and abroad speaks for itself.
University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt (FHWN)
=Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Johannes Gutenberg-Straße 3, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Tel: +43-2622-89084-0
Type: University of Applied Sciences
Key facts about us:
The University of Applied Sciences, Wiener Neustadt was established in 1994 as the first of its kind in Austria. From its inception and by law it was unequivocally positioned in the third level of education in Austria. Its aim was to combine academic studies with a more practically orientated education, which would be specifically suited to the business and technology sectors of today. The University of Applied Sciences, Wiener Neustadt currently consists of four faculties, Business, Engineering, Health Studies and Security.
The University was awarded its official »Fachhochschule« (FH) status in 1999, again making it a pioneer among Austrian institutes of higher education.To this day, the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt maintains its reputation of excellence and is internationally recognized as one of the top institutions of its kind. It remains the largest university of its kind in all of Austria, with the biggest selection of courses taught in the English language. With the establishment of the bachelor´s program Business Consultancy International (taught exclusively in English), the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt hopes to further its reputation and international connections, as well as providing students with the opportunity of a truly unique and international degree.
University Colleges of Teacher Education
University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy (HAUP)
=Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik Wien GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Angermayergasse 1, 1130 Wien, Tel: +43-1-8772266-0
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The University College for Agricultural and Environmental Pedagogy is the educational and research centre for teachers and consultants in the professional fields of agriculture, forestry and environment.
University College of Teacher Education Carinthia (PHKaernten)
=Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten - Viktor Frankl Hochschule Klagenfurt GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Hubertusstraße 1, 9020 Klagenfurt, Tel: +43-463-508508
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The University College of Teacher Education Carinthia (Viktor Frankl University) is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types and also in the area of minority education.
University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria (PHNOE)
=Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Mühlgasse 67, 2500 Baden, Tel: +43-2252-88570
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The University College of Teacher Education Lower Austria is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
University College of Teacher Education Salzburg (PHS)
=Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg - Stefan Zweig GND
Address: Akademiestraße 23, 5020 Salzburg, Tel: +43-662-6388-0
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The University College of Teacher Education Salzburg is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
University College of Teacher Education Styria (PHSt)
=Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark GND
Address: Hasnerplatz 12, 8010 Graz, Tel: +43-316-8067-0
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The University College of Teacher Education Styria is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
University College of Teacher Education Tyrol (PHT)
=Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol Innsbruck GND
Address: Pastorstraße 7, 6010 Innsbruck, Tel: +43-512-59923
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The University College of Teacher Education Tyrol is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
University College of Teacher Education Upper Austria (PHOOE)
=Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich GND
Address: Kaplanhofstraße 40, 4020 Linz , Tel: +43-732-7470-0
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The University College of Teacher Education Upper Austria is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
University College of Teacher Education Vienna (PHW)
=Pädagogische Hochschule Wien GND
Address: Grenzackerstraße 18, 1100 Wien, Tel: +43-1-60118-0
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The University College of Teacher Education Vienna is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg (PHV)
=Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg Feldkirch GND
Address: Liechtensteinerstraße 33-37, 6800 Feldkirch, Tel: +43-5522-31199-500
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The University College of Teacher Education Vorarlberg is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
Private University Colleges of Teacher Education
Private University College of Teacher Education Burgenland (PPHBurgenland)
=Private Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Thomas Alva Edison-Straße 1, 7000 Eisenstadt, Tel: +43-590-1030-0
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The Private University College of Teacher Education Burgenland is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
Private University College of Teacher Education Edith Stein (PPHES)
=Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein GND
Address: Rennweg 12, 6020 Innsbruck, Tel: +43-512-561763-10
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The Private University College of Teacher Education Edith Stein is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum (PPH Augustinum)
=Private Pädagogische Hochschule Augustinum GND
Address: Lange Gasse 2, 8010 Graz, Tel: +43-316-581670-12
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The Private University College of Teacher Education Augustinum is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
Private University College of Teacher Education Linz (PPHLinz)
=Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Salesianumweg 3, 4020 Linz, Tel: +43-732-772666
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The Private University College of Teacher Education Linz is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
Private University College of Teacher Education Programme for Catholic Religion Carinthia (KPHEKaernten)
=Katholische Pädagogische Hochschuleinrichtung in Klagenfurt GND
Address: Tarviserstraße 30, 9020 Klagenfurt, Tel: +43-463-5877-2221
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The Private University College of Teacher Education Programme for Catholic Religion Carinthia is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
Department of Islamic Religion (IsRelKPHWien/Niederösterreich)
=Institut für Islamische Religion an KPH Wien/Niederösterreich GND
Address: Neustiftgasse 117 A, 1070 Wien, Tel: +43-1-786322-41
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The Private University College of Teacher Education Programme for Islamic Religion at Compulsory Schools Vienna is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
Department of Jewish Religion (JRelKPHWien/Niederösterreich)
=Institut für Jüdische Religion an KPH Wien/Niederösterreich
Address: Rabbiner-Schneerson-Platz 1 / Augarten, 1020 Wien, Tel: +43-1-3341818
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The Private University College of Teacher Education Programme for Jewish Religion is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
Private University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Lower Austria (KPHWien/Niederösterreich)
=Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Niederösterreich GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Singerstraße 7/4, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-51552-3084
Type: University College of Teacher Education
The Private University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Lower Austria is an extensive centre of education for teachers and for people who work or aim to work in pedagogical fields. It offers academic initial, in-service and continuing education and training for teachers of all school types.
Institutions of Adult Education
Austrian Academy of Continuing Education (WBA)
=Weiterbildungsakademie Österreich
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Siebensterngasse 21/2, 1070 Wien, Telefon: +43-1-5242000
Type: Public Angency
wba (short for Weiterbildungsakademie Österreich/Austrian Academy of Continuing Education) is a validation system for the qualification and recognition of adult educators. Adult educators`qualifications are recognised on set standard which are based on a curriculum.
Launched in 2007 wba acknowledges prior learning results and offers guidance as far as the acquisition of missing skills is concerned.
Adult educators can submit competences and practical experience acquired in various ways and with different types of proofs. These supporting documents are assessed on the basis of the wba-curriculum and then acknowledged. Lack of competences can be made up by attending further courses or by submitting further evidence. wba-graduates receive a recognised wba-certificate or wba-diploma.
Whilst adult education in Austria is still a heterogeneous field and difficult to compare, wba sets standards and fosters the professionalization of the Austrian adult education.
wba does not offer further education programmes itself but accredits suitable further education programmes offered by various adult education institutes throughout Austria. Practical experience in the field of adult education is a prerequisite for a certification by wba.
Austrian Conference of Adult Education Institutions (KEBOE)
=Konferenz der Erwachsenenbildung Österreichs GND
Address: Vorsitzführender Verband 2010-2012: Ring Österreichischer Bildungswerke. Vorsitzende: Generalsekretärin Angela Bergauer
Heinrichsgasse 4/2/8A-1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-5338883
Type: Council
The Austrian Conference on Adult Education (KEBÖ) was founded in May 1972. Pursuant to the Declaration of Principles in 1994 it sees itself as “the working group of those adult education institutions in Austria that are listed in the Adult Education Promotion Act”, which are the ten nationwide umbrella associations of the Austrian non-profit adult education institutions.
KEBÖ serves as a platform for discussion and cooperation which represents its common interests to the public and strives to emphasize the increasing importance of adult education. Although KEBÖ has not been legally anchored, authorities recognize it as the responsible representative for questions concerning adult education.
Institutional expenses are limited to a minimum. The executive committee consists of members from all member organization and deals with day-to-day matters. There is a new chairperson every two years. There are de facto only unanimous decisions. Once a year, the annual conference takes place, which for many years now has been organized as an expert conference on a particular topic.
The statistics reports, which have been presented since 1986 on an annual basis, provide by far the most comprehensive numerical data, although with very little detail, on the adult education activities in Austria.
Analysis Consulting and Interdisciplinary Research (ABIF)
=Analyse Beratung und Interdisziplinäre Forschung - ABIF GND
Website German. Mail contact
Address: Einwanggasse 12 Top 5, 1140 Wien, Tel: +43-1-5224873
Type: Association
abif is an independent social science research and consulting institute with a clear focus on practical application of research. In 1999, scientists of different disciplines founded abif with the goal of creating an interdisciplinary network for conducting high-quality research based on a multi-methodological approach. We focus on: * research * evaluation * vocational info * methods * curricula * networks. Scientific services: * Evaluation and accompanying scientific research * Research: basic and application-oriented research * Concepts for further education and training * Conferences and seminars * Lectures and publications * Documentation and project research. Training concepts: Design and implementation of company training programs with the focus on soft skills (communication, team and conflict management, presentation and moderation techniques, time and project management etc.). Organisational consulting: Consulting of NPOs in preparation of operational transformation processes.
Austrian Institute for Adult Education (OEIEB)
=Österreichisches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung Sankt Pölten GND
Address: Neue Herrengasse 17A, 3109 St. Pölten, Tel: +43-1-5322579
Type: Public Agency
The Austrian Institute for Adult Education is a research and development organisation and a consulting agency focusing on adult education and lifelong learning.
The Institute was established by the Association of Catholic Adult Education in Austria, the Federation of Austrian Educational Associations and the Provincial Academy of Lower Austria: nationwide umbrella organisations of adult education and further training associations with several thousand branch offices in Austria. This has been a perfect basis for our specialisation in general, outreach and regional education, and we understand ourselves as a link between research and practical implementation of adult education.
Learning has become most essential for overcoming the manifold challenges that humans are confronted with in different spheres of life. Our primary objective is to investigate which type of support, in terms of subjects, didactics and institutions, people need in order to be able to learn in a sensible way and to expand their competences.
The focuses of our activities include: * regionalisation of education (learning regions) * general aspects of adult education such as environmental education, political education, health education, etc. * developing lifelong learning instruments, e.g., in the fields of educational guidance, accessibility or National Qualifications Framework * inclusion in education.
Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (OEIBF)
=Österreichisches Institut für Berufsbildungsforschung (Wien) GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Margaretenstraße 166/2. Stock, 1050 Wien, Tel: +43-1-3103334
Type: Private Agency
The Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (öibf) is a scientific, non-profit, independent research institute founded in 1970. We manage and carry out research and development in various areas of vocational education and training (VET). Fields of research are initial and further education and training, vocational guidance and counselling, evaluation research, observation of the labour market, innovation in VET, new media, economics and gender topics.
The Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Training (öibf) was founded om 1970 through the initiative of the "Berufsförderungsinstitut" (bfi), which is a vocational education and training institute for workers and unemployment persons, owned by the Chambers of Labour and the Austrian Trade Union Federation and with the support of the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), the Chamber of Labour (AK), the Federal Ministry of Labour as well as the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
From the beginning öibf has cooperated with various international institutions, including supranational organisations.
Federal Institute for Adult Education (BIFEB)
=Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung Sankt Wolfgang - (bifeb) GND
Address: Bürglstein 1-7, 5360 St. Wolfgang, Tel: +43-6137-6621-0
Type: Public Agency
Competence Center for adult education: The Austrian Federal Institute for Adult Education (Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung – bifeb) is part of the ministry of education, art and culture and is dedicated to the principles of lifelong learning and the equal access to education. The close national and international cooperation with affiliate organisations of adult education and other research institutions ensures the professionalisation of continuing education as well as the setting of new standards in lifelong learning.
Our offers in the field of continuing education specially aim at: *Teachers, Trainers *Counsellors *Education Managers *Communication Managers and Librarians.
The contents covered in courses, workshops and university level courses are communicated by Austrian as well as international experts. In addition new learning modes are introduced.
We closely cooperate with the Austrian Academy for Continuing Education - WeiterBildungsAkademie Österreich - which is checking and accrediting skills according to defined standards by recognition of existing qualifications. A two-part modular curriculum based on competence profiles leads to two obtainable certificates: certified adult educator and graduate adult educator.
Other Institutions (Councils, Associations, Public Agencies)
ACT - Austrian Centre for Training Firms (ACT)
=ACT - Servicestelle der österreichischen Übungsfirmen
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Esslinggasse 5/9, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-5322978
Type: Public Agency
Mission statement: ACT - the Austrian center for training firms - is a project of the Austrian Ministery of Education, the Arts and Culture, General Directorate for Vocational Education and Training. ACT is the pedagogic and organisational centre of the Austrian practice firm market and the link between the Austrian practice firms and the international practice firm network.
Our clients: We supply the Austrian practice firms with all the information and support they need to run their practice firms. We see us as the link between the Austrian practice firm market and educational establishments, politics, economy, social partners and international practice firms. We work for all Austrian practice firms and their institutions as well as for the organisers, the managers and the employees of the practice firms.
Our co-operation partners:We fulfill the requirements of our customers in the pedagogic-methodical sector as well as in the sector of professional transfer of information and know-how. From the economic point of view we cooperate with enterprises which give practice firms ideational and financial support and help the cooperation between economy and education to become realistic and practical.
Nationally as well as internationally our main aim is to innovate and advance the idea of a practice firm network and to take part in national and international co-operations and projects, which support our aim.
Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQAustria)
=Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Renngasse 5, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-5320220-0
Type: Public Agency
Scope of Authority: Developing and carrying out external quality assurance procedures such as audits for higher education institutions and accreditation procedures for higher education institutions and degree programmes, according to national and international standards; continuously supervision of accredited higher education institutions and degree programmes regarding the accreditation requirements; conducting studies and system-wide analyses, performing evaluations, and carrying out projects; providing information and advice in matters related to quality assurance and quality enhancement.
Agency's Role: Institutional and programme accreditation, audit, evaluations, studies and projects, information and supervision. AQ Austria includes the competences and activities of three previous existing organisations, namely the Austrian Accreditation Council (Österreichischer Akkreditierungsrat, ÖAR), the FH Council (Fachhochschulrat, FHR) and the Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance (AQA). AQA will complete ongoing evaluations and therefore keep its functions until mid 2013.
Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research (OEAD) (Wien)
=Österreichische Austauschdienst-GmbH Wien GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-53408-0
Type: Association
The objective of the OeAD-GmbH, which is a non-profit company, is to stimulate and support international mobility and cooperation in the field of university education and general education, with specific focus on Europe and the developing countries. In order to achieve this aim the OeAD-GmbH carries out the following activities, amongst others: administration of EU educational and mobility programmes, administration of international, European and Austrian programmes to support international mobility and cooperation in education, administration of programmes in the field of development cooperation to support educational and scientific cooperation with developing countries, provision of human and material resources for preparatory programmes carried out in collaboration with the universities, providing information about international mobility and cooperation in education, e.g. editing and issue of publications, web pages, information sessions as well as advertising and public relations activities for the university location Austria.
Austrian Agency for Quality Assurance
see Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQA)
Austrian Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (FHK)
=Österreichische Fachhochschul-Konferenz GND
Website German. Mail contact
Address: Bösendorferstraße 4/11, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43 (0)1 890 6345 10
Type: Council
The FHK is an association of Austrian universities of applied sciences (UAS) to co-ordinate overarching issues pertaining to universities of applied sciences training, to represent the interests of the universities of applied sciences sector externally and to support universities of applied sciences in achieving common educational goals. UAS offer young people in Austria a practically-orientated university-level education and prepare them optimally for their careers.
Austrian Centre for Language Competence (OESZ)
=Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum Graz GND
Address: Hans-Sachs-Gasse 3/I, 8010 Graz, Tel: +43-316-824150
Type: Association
- Critical monitoring of, and contributions to, international developments in areas of language learning and teaching. We cooperate with important international bodies (the European Union, the Council of Europe, the European Centre for Modern Languages), and with other, national language institutes.
- Creating new concepts of classroom learning and teaching, and developing subject-specific didactic and methods-related materials for practical schoolteaching. In this connection, we also evaluate, disseminate and implement such concepts and materials.
- Nation-wide implementing of international measures and programmes, in Austria, mainly those of the European Union and of the Council of Europe. For this purpose, we put relevant background information, data and practical examples, at users’ disposal. We also disseminate information on international developments, in Austria.
- Networking between schools, and with (and between) teachers, with reference to innovative ideas and projects. We dispose of a database with a healthy year on year growth rate that records innovative approaches taking place in kindergartens, schools, tertiary education institutions, universities, and in adult education. On a regular basis, we give awards to particularly progressive developments.
- As a contact point, we are pleased to answer subjectspecific questions addressed to us by representatives of the Austrian system of education, of other public service and administrative institutions, and of politics.
Austrian Conference of Private Universities (OEPUK)
=Österreichische Privatuniversitäten Konferenz
Address: Am Kahlenberg 1, 1190 Wien, Tel: +43-1-3203555-301
Type: Council
Austrian Council for Research, Science, Innovation and Technology Development (FORWIT)
=Rat für Forschung, Wissenschaft, Innovation und Technologieentwicklung
Website German. Mail contact
Address: Pestalozzigasse 4/D1, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43 (0)1 7131414-0
Type: Council
FORWIT advises the Austrian federal government on the policy areas of research, science, innovation and technology development in order to sustainably strengthen Austria's innovative power and increase the country's competitiveness.
Founded as successor organisation of two others:
- "The Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development" (Rat für Forschung, Wissenschaft, Innovation und Technologieentwicklung) and
"The Austrian Science Board" (Österreichischer Wissenschaftsrat)
this Institution started at 1st January 2024.
Austrian Court of Audit (Rechnungshof)
=Österreich / Rechnungshof GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Dampfschiffstraße 2, 1030 Wien, Tel: +43-1-71171-0
Type: Public Agency
The Austrian Court of Audit is a federal body that acts on a state, laender and municipal level. In line with its independence laid down in the constitution, the ACA verifies that state, laender and municipal budgets are being spent economically, efficiently and effectively. Public auditing is one of the cornerstones of the parliamentary system and of democracy.
The main task of the ACA is to perform audits and to consult. In addition, the ACA carries out many special tasks. Performance audits represent the most important strategic area of the ACA's activity and form the basis of its consulting activities.We highly appreciate your interest.
Austrian Higher Education Conference (HSK)
=Österreich / Hochschulkonferenz
Website German. Mail contact
Type: Public Agency
The Austrian Higher Education Conference was constituted on 3 May 2012. The deliberations focus on strategic goals and measures such as:
- a coordinated profile
- coordinated matching of subjects in teaching and research
- increase in permeability
- location optimization and balance between regional education
- coordination in infrastructure planning
- acquisition and use of Large-scale research infrastructure
- development of new budget structures, financing instruments and incentives.
Austrian Integration Fund (OEIF)
=Österreichischer Integrationsfonds GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Schlachthausgasse 30, 1030 Wien, Tel: +43-1-7101203-100
Type: Association
The ÖIF is an Austrian-wide integration service provider and a center of integration expertise.
As a fund of the Republic of Austria, the Austrian Integration Fund is a partner for the Ministry of the Interior. It provides comprehensive integration services for migrants, society, and politics, especially in strenghtening language skills.
The Fund is bound by the commitment to the issue of integration and sees diversity as having a positive effect on our society.
Austrian National Union of Students (OEH)
=Österreichische Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Taubstummengasse 7-9, 1040 Wien, Tel: +43 (0)1 3108880 0
Type: Public Agency
The Austrian National Union of Students is the elected official students' council in higher education.
This council is the legal representation for the students of all types of higher education and offers a wide variety of services, consisting of the following departments: Chair ; Office for Educational Policy ; Office for Universities of Teacher Education ; Office for Universities of Applied Sciences ; Department for financial affairs ; Social Affairs Office ; Office for Public Relations ; Guidance Counselling for Students and Prospective Students ; International Office ; International Students Office ; Office for Feminist Politics ; Office for Human Rights and Social Politics ; Tutorial Project.
Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG)
=Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
WebsiteGerman / English. Mail contact
Address: Stubenring 6. 1010 Wien, Tel: +43 1 51561-0
Type: Assoziation
The Austrian National Public Health Institute (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, GÖG) is the institution responsible for researching and planning public healthcare in Austria, and also acts as the national competence and funding centre for the promotion of health. Set up by federal law on 1 August 2006, GÖG has the federal government as its sole shareholder, represented by the Ministry of Health. It is a public non-profit limited liability company fully owned by the Republic of Austria and is organised in three business units:
ÖBIG - Österreichisches Bundesinstitut für Gesundheitswesen: The Austrian National Institute for Health Services Research was founded in 1973. We analyse data, provide comprehensive information in the field of public health policy, and facilitate reform and innovation processes.
BIQG - Bundesinstitut für Qualität im Gesundheitswesen: The Austrian National Institute for Quality in Health Care was founded in 2007 (Act on Healthcare Quality). We develop standards, maintain registries, evaluate the quality of healthcare interventions and provide information and decision support to promote high quality healthcare in Austria.
FGÖ - Fonds Gesundes Österreich: The Austrian Health Promotion Fund was founded in 1998 (Health Promotion Act). We promote health and support initiatives to establish and improve knowledge, competences, and networks by granting financial assistance and offering guidance.
Austrian Research and Support Centre for the Gifted and Talented (OEZBF)
=Österreichisches Zentrum für Begabtenförderung und Begabungsforschung Salzburg (ÖZBF) GND
Website German. Mail contact
Address: Schillerstraße 30/Techno 12, A-5020 Salzburg, Tel:+43-662-439581
Type: Association
The “Austrian Research and Support Centre for the Gifted and Talented” was established in 1999 as an association financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, and the Federal Ministry of Science and Research. It focuses on the support and promotion of young people’s talents and on initiating holistic educational enrichment for the promotion of gifted young people in Austria. Being a national centre, the ÖZBF develops new ideas, and suggests measures in the field of education programmes for gifted young people, and also conducts research in this area, thus enabling the pooling of experience from both research and practice. The ÖZBF acts as a turntable for national and international networking among experts. These valuable research findings form the basis for developing new educational strategies and concepts. Further areas of work include school quality development and quality assurance, especially in teacher training and talent support. In publications, handouts, and teacher training courses the latest research results are disseminated to educators committed to the education of the gifted. Thus schools are supported in making more appropriate provisions for the stimulation of the talented, and in developing an awareness for a talent-friendly and optimal environment.
Austrian Society for Civic Education (OEGPB)
=Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung GND
Address: Mayerhofgasse 6/3, 1040 Wien, Tel. +43-1-5046858
Type: Association
The Austrian Society for Civic Education is a public non-profit association founded in 1977. It aims at the promotion of adult civic education by funding related projects as well as providing professional training and project consulting.
Charlotte Bühler Institute of Practice-Oriented Early Childhood Research (CBI)
=Charlotte Bühler Institut für praxisorientierte Kleinkindforschung
Address: Stephansplatz 6, Stiege 2, Tür 3, 1010 Wien, Tel. +43 664 8536333
Type: Public Agency
The institute was founded in 1992 with the aim of linking theory and practice in infant research.
Federal Centre for Inclusive and Special Needs Education (BZIB)
=Bundeszentrum Inklusive Bildung und Sonderpädagogik
Address: Kaplanhofstraße 40, 4020 Linz, Tel: +43 732 7470-7339
Type: Public Agency
The goals of the BZIB are nationwide coordination and networking of higher education establishments and universities with the help of
- the design of an inclusive system at school and higher education level
- the development of curricula as part of the New teacher training scheme
- the development of projects at national and international level
- representation of the Education Ministry in the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education
Federal Institute for Quality Assurance in the Austrian School System (IQS)
=IQS - Institut des Bundes für Qualitätssicherung im österreichischen Schulwesen (former name 2008-2020: BIFIE)
Address: Alpenstraße 121, 5020 Salzburg, Tel: +43 662 620088
Type: Public Agency
The scientific and educational staff of the IQS is working on projects in all aspects of the Austrian school system. The core responsibilities are: - Quality concepts and practice in school environments and development of teaching resources. - Monitoring of the entire Austrian school system; introduction and control of teaching/learning standards and implementation of international evaluation studies. - Monitoring the development and implementation of educational reforms. - Educational guidance for the administrative bodies. Former name: Federal Institute of Educational Research, Innovation and Development. .
ECHA Austria Association (ECHA)
=ECHA-Österreich - Verein zur Förderung von Begabungsforschung und Begabungsinitiativen im European Council for High Ability (Wien)
Website German. Mail contact
Address: Mühlgasse 67, 2500 Baden, Tel. +43-2252-88570-125
Type: Association
Der Verein führt den Namen "ECHA-Österreich - Verein zur Förderung von Begabungsforschung und Begabungsinitiativen im European Council for High Ability". Als nationaler Subverein steht er in Verbindung mit der international konstituierten Vereinigung von "ECHA - European Council for High Ability", www.echa.ws (Sitz in Arnheim / Niederlande) und mit dem Zentrum für Begabungsforschung an der Universität Nijmegen / Niederlande. "ECHA - Österreich" wurde 1998 in Salzburg als Verein zur Begabungsforschung von Univ. Prof. Dr. Franz J. Mönks und Mag. Dr. Sieglinde Weyringer gegründet.
FH Council
see Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria (AQA)
Intercultural Center (IZ)
=Interkulturelles Zentrum GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Dresdner Straße 82/12, 1200 Wien, Tel: +43-1-5867544
Type: Association
Intercultural Centre is an independent non-profit organisation based in Vienna/Austria aiming at the enhancement of intercultural relations both on national and international level. IZ promotes the development of communication between people of different cultural origin and educates people to carry out practical, intercultural work. Since 1987 IZ has been supporting international school partnerships, cross-border co-operation in the field of education, international youth work, as well as intercultural education and diversity management in Austria and abroad.
KulturKontakt Austria (KKA)
=Kulturkontakt Austria GND
Website German. Mail contact
Address: Universitätsstraße 5, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-5238765-0
Type: Association
KKA is a European competence and resource centre for education, culture and the arts, focusing geographically on Austria, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. KKA operates as an Austrian institution on behalf of and supported by the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture. The core areas of activity of this non-profit organisation are cultural cooperation, arts sponsorship, cultural education in schools, and educational cooperation. Over 60 staff members implement KKA’s multifaceted programmes.
In its work, KKA is committed to the fundamental principles of educational and cultural policy formulated at European level, namely lifelong learning, diversity and inclusion. Based on these principles, KKA designs its activities and programmes with the objective of facilitating equal access to education, culture and the arts for all.
Office of Religious Affairs (Kultusamt)
Website German / Englisch. Mail contact
Type: Public Agency
As the supreme authority of religious affairs, the Office of Religious Affairs is responsible for implementing state regulations concerning religions. These include, in particular, decisions on applications to register religious denominations and the recognition of churches and religious communities, to the effect that these then possess the status of a public body. These decisions are made while preserving the fundamental religious/ideological neutrality of the state (rejecting the system of a legally preferred "state church").
The Office of Religious Affairs plays an informative and advisory role when other ministries, governments of the lander, courts, authorities and governmental offices come into contact with religious communities when implementing their regulations or when religious/ideological concerns of citizens are involved.
These activities are of particular importance in the system of cooperation that prevails in Austria (e.g. compulsory religious education in state schools) between the state, churches and religious communities, which exists alongside all due organizational separation and fundamental neutrality of the state.
Office of the Austrian Student Ombudsman (OS)
=Ombnudsstelle für Studierende (OS)
Website German / Englisch. Contact
Type: Public Agency
The Austrian Student Ombudsman
- investigates matters referred to him and in individual cases seeks to arbitrate vis-à-vis the relevant governing bodies and staff of the higher educational institution, or with other authorities. All matters are dealt with confidentially.
- supports measures to address or identify shortcomings at higher education institutions
- draws attention to problem areas in the higher education system
- collaborates with other national ombudsmen, information and ombudsmen’s offices, interest groups and umbrella organisations within the higher education sector
- advises all governing bodies and staff of the educational institution
Public Employment Service Austria (AMS)
=Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich GND
Website German / Englisch. Mail contact
Address: Treustraße 35-43, 1200 Wien, Tel: +43-1-33178-0
Type: Public Agency
The Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) is Austria’s leading provider of labour-market related services. We match candidates with job openings and assist jobseekers and companies who turn to us by offering advice, information, qualification opportunities and financial assistance.
Within the framework of the Federal Government’s policy of full employment, the AMS renders a major contribution to preventing and eradicating unemployment in Austria. Commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Labour, the AMS assumes its role as an enterprise under public law in close cooperation with labour and employers’ organisations.
Under the Public Employment Service Act of July 1, 1994, the Labour Market Administration Authority AMV was spun off from the Federal Ministry of Employment, Health und Social Affairs, and the new Public Employment Service AMS was set up as a service agency under public law.
Quality Assurance Council for Teacher Education (QSR)
=Qualitätssicherungsrat für Pädagoginnen- und Pädagogenbildung
Address: Bankgasse 1, 1014 Wien, Tel.: +43-1-53120-6375
Type: Council
The Quality Assurance Council (QSR) was set up on 3 July 2013 based on the legal foundation of the Federal Framework Law concerning the Introduction of a New Teacher Training Scheme. Its inaugural meeting took place on 30 July 2013.
The Quality Assurance Council (QSR) aims to ensure external quality assurance which provides quality- and needs-oriented academic support for the development of teacher training programmes. Its members are independent in the performance of their functions and not subject to any instructions. In its work the QSR is supported by an office.
Rectors' Conference of Austrian University Colleges of Teacher Education (ROEPH)
=Rektorinnen- und Rektorenkonferenz der österreichischen Pädagogischen Hochschulen
Address: Grenzackerstraße 18, 1100 Wien, Tel.
Type: Council
- Die Rektor/innenkonferenz versteht sich als Stimme der öffentlichen und privatenPädagogischen Hochschulen Österreichs.
- Die Rektor/innenkonferenz entwickelt gemeinsame Positionen zu hochschulischen und gesellschaftlich wichtigen Fragestellungen.
- Die Tätigkeit der Rektor/innenkonferenz ist nicht auf Gewinn gerichtet.
- Als Plattform der Rektorate koordiniert die RÖPH die Meinungsbildung der PädagogischenHochschulen in Grundsatzfragen von Pädagog/innenbildung (Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung sowie Schulentwicklungsbegleitung), Forschung und Lehre.
- Die RÖPH verfasst Stellungnahmen zu Entwürfen von Gesetzen und Verordnungen, die die Angelegenheiten der Pädagogischen Hochschulen betreffen sowie zu relevanten hochschulpolitischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Themen.
- Die RÖPH fördert im Sinne des § 10 Hochschulgesetz 2005 die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen nationalen und internationalen Bildungseinrichtungen, insbesondere mit Universitäten und Fachhochschulen.
Statistics Austria (StatisticsAustria)
=Statistik Austria GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Guglgasse 13, 1110 Wien, Tel: +43-1-71128-7070
Type: Public Agency
At the beginning of 2000, the former Austrian Central Statistical Office was separated from Government Services by a new Federal Statistics Act. It is now an independent and non-profit-making federal institution under public law and is called Statistics Austria (STAT). It is responsible for performing scientific services in the area of federal statistics.
The Federal Statistics Act of 2000 defines federal statistics as a (non-personal) information system of the government providing data on the economic, demographic, social, ecological and cultural situation in Austria. This information helps administrative bodies in planning and political decision-making procedures and in controlling the measures they have taken. Moreover, data are made available to the scientific and economic community and to the general public. Federal statistics comprises the compilation of statistics of all kinds as well as analyses, prognoses and statistical models which reach beyond the interests of an individual Austrian province. The statistics are decreed by international legal acts of the European Community, by federal laws and by regulations. In the performance of its duties, Statistics Austria must observe a number of principles in the interest of its clients, other users and respondents. The most important of these are:
- to maintain objectivity and impartiality in the compilation of statistics;
- to apply statistical methods and procedures according to internationally accepted scientific principles and standards and to disclose them;
- to continuously control quality improvements;
- to maintain a high degree of topicality;
- to publish statistics and their underlying concepts, definitions and explanations immediately; main results will be available via the Internet free of charge from 2002 onward;
- to endeavour to keep the costs to relevant persons and business enterprises as low as possible and to supply the providers of statistical data with sufficient information;
- to keep personal data confidential.
Access to the compiled data should be possible not only for administrative purposes but also to the scientific and economic community, to the public and to individual citizens. To enable this access, Statistics Austria provides information and expert services, in particular statistical analyses, as well as statistical data free of charge or at a reasonable cost.
The Innovation Foundation for Education (IB)
=Die Innovationsstiftung für Bildung
Address: Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Wien, Tel: +43-1-53408-120
Type: Public Agency
The Innovation Foundation for Education was established on January 1, 2017 by federal law.
Its mission is to contribute to raising the level of education and innovation competence of all age groups in Austria by promoting innovative projects in the Austrian education landscape.
Universities Austria (UNIKO)
=Österreichische Universitätenkonferenz GND
Website German / English. Mail contact
Address: Liechtensteinstraße 22, 1090 Wien, Tel: +43-1-3105656-0
Type: Council
Universities Austria is a non-profit association under private law. Its purpose is to assist the Austrian universities in the fulfilment of their tasks and responsibilities and thus to foster scholarship and research.
Universities Austria handles the internal coordination of the 21 public Austrian universities, it represents them in national and international organisations and is the public voice of the universities. Furthermore, Universities Austria provides administrative and organisational support to the National University Federation (Dachverband der Universitäten).
Universities Austria is funded through membership fees, paid by the universities. The fees are graded according to the size of the institutions.
Institutions list in German
Public Bodies (terms in German)
Bundesministerin für Frauen, Familie und Jugend (BMFFJ)
Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft (BMAW)
Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF)
Bundesministerium für europäische und Internationale Angelegenheiten (BMEIA)
Bundesministerium für Finanzen (BMF)
Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK)
Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Regionen und Wasserwirtschaft (BML)
Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz (BMSGPK)
Burgenland / Bildungsdirektion
Niederösterreich / Landesregierung
Niederösterreich / Bildungsdirektion
Oberösterreich / Landesregierung
Oberösterreich / Bildungsdirektion
Salzburg (Land) / Landesregierung
Salzburg (Land) / Bildungsdirektion
Steiermark / Bildungsdirektion
Vorarlberg / Bildungsdirektion
Public Universities (terms in German)
=öffentliche Universitäten
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Medizinische Universität Innsbruck
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
Universität Mozarteum Salzburg
Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien
Private Higher Education Institutions (terms in German)
=Private Hochschuleinrichtungen
Anton-Bruckner-Privatuniversität für Musik, Schauspiel und Tanz Linz (BrucknerUL)
Bertha von Suttner Privatuniversität St. Pölten (SuttnerUP)
Central European University Private University (Vienna) (CEU)
Charlotte Fresenius Private University (CFPU)
Danube Private University Krems (DPU)
Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik (Klagenfurt) (GMPU)
JAM MUSIC LAB Privatuniversität für Jazz and Populärmusik (Wien) (JAM)
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften (KL)
Katholische Privatuniversität Linz (KathUL)
MODUL Privatuniversität Wien MODUL)
Musik und Kunst Privatuniversität der Stadt Wien (MUK)
New Design University - Privatuniversität St. Pölten (NDU)
Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität Salzburg (PMedP)
Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg (vormals: UM Private Wirtschaftsuniversität) (PUSeeburg)
Sigmund-Freud-Privatuniversität Wien (SFU)
Stella Vorarlberg Private Higher Education Institution for Music (SVPHM)
Webster Vienna Private University (WebsterV)
Universities of Applied Sciences (terms in German)
Campus 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft Graz
Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt
Ferdinand Porsche Fernfachhochschule Wiener Neustadt
FH Gesundheitsberufe Oberösterreich
FHG - Zentrum für Gesundheitsberufe Tirol
University Colleges of Teacher Education (terms in German)
Hochschule für Agrar- und Umweltpädagogik Wien
Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten
Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich
Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich
Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg
Pädagogische Hochschule Steiermark
Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg
Private University Colleges of Teacher Education (terms in German)
=Private Pädagogische Hochschulen
Institut für Islamische Religion KPH Wien/Krems
Institut für Jüdische Religion an KPH Wien/Krems
Katholische Pädagogische Hochschuleinrichtung Kärnten
Private Pädagogische Hochschule Augustinum
Private Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland
Private Pädagogische Hochschule Edith Stein
Private Pädagogische Hochschule Linz
Private Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems
Institutions of Adult Education (terms in German)
=Einrichtungen der Erwachsenenbildung
Analyse Beratung und Interdisziplinäre Forschung (ABIF)
Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung Sankt Wolfgang (BIFEB)
Konferenz der Erwachsenenbildung Österreichs (KEBÖ)
Österreichisches Institut für Berufsbildungsforschung Wien (ÖIBF)
Österreichisches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung Sankt Pölten (OIEB)
Weiterbildungsakademie Österreich (WBA)
Other Institutions (Councils, Associations, Public Agencies) (terms in German)
=Sonstige Institutionen (Räte, Gesellschaften, Vereine...)
ACT - Servicestelle der österreichischen Übungsfirmen
Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria (AQAustria)
Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich (AMS)
Bundeszentrum Inklusive Bildung und Sonderpädagogik (BZIB)
Charlotte Bühler Institut für praxisorientierte Kleinkindforschung (CBI)
Die Inovationsstiftung für Bildung (IB)
ECHA Österreich - Verein für Begabungsförderung und Begabungsfoschung
Ombnudsstelle für Studierende (OS)
Österreich / Fachhochschulrat siehe Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria (AQAustria)
Österreich / Hochschulkonferenz (HSK)
Österreich / Rechnungshof (Rechnungshof)
Österreichische Austauschdienst-GmbH Wien (ÖAD)
Österreichische Fachhochschul-Konferenz (FHK)
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Politische Bildung (ÖGPB)
Österreichische Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaft (ÖH)
Österreichische Privatuniversitäten Konferenz (ÖPUK)
Österreichische Qualitätssicherungsagentur - AQA siehe Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria (AQAustria)
Österreichische Universitätenkonferenz (UNIKO)
Österreichischer Akkreditierungsrat siehe Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria (AQAustria)
Österreichischer Integrationsfonds (ÖIF)
Österreichischer Wissenschaftsrat (ÖWissRat)
Österreichisches Sprachen-Kompetenz-Zentrum Graz (ÖSZ)
Österreichisches Zentrum für Begabtenförderung und Begabungsforschung Salzburg (ÖZBF)
Qualitätssicherungsrat für Pädagoginnen- und Pädagogenbildung (QSR)
Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung (RFTE)
Rektorinnen- und Rektorenkonferenz der österreichischen Pädagogischen Hochschulen (RÖPH)
Statistik Austria Wien (StatisticsAustria)