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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 18 December 2023

Categories of non-teaching staff involved directly in the process of education are listed below:



Starting Salary Scale

Maximum salary Scale


Primary healthcare nurses’

Check and update children’s vaccination records prior to first entry into school; Scoliosis screening; Administration of legally obligatory and recommended vaccines.

Conditions of employment in accordance with the respective sectoral collective agreement

Conditions of employment in accordance with the respective sectoral collective agreement

Peripatetic school nurses

Administer oral medication as prescribed by the physician, monitor blood glucose levels and, when necessary, administer insulin, and perform nursing interventions such as urethral (and suprapubic) catheterisation, Ryle’s tube feeding, PEG (percutaneous endoscope gastrostomy) tube feeding, cleaning and changing of colostomy and ileostomy bags.

Conditions of employment in accordance with the respective sectoral collective agreement

Conditions of employment in accordance with the respective sectoral collective agreement

School Librarian 

Organisation of the school library (in middle and secondary schools, ISCED 2&3) including cataloguing of books, guiding and advising teachers and students on the choice and use of the various information formats including assisting students in their research work and perform teaching duties.





MQF Level 7 degree in Teaching and Learning, or 

(i) any other qualification recognized by the Education Act and its subsidiary legislations obtained prior 2021 leading to the award of a teacher’s warrant and in possession of a permanent teacher’s warrant;

(ii) suitably qualified teachers with a Temporary Teacher’s Warrant who will eventually qualify for a Permanent Teacher’s Warrant.

Other non-teaching staff giving a service at school include the school secretaries and clerks who work the general public service hours and who carry out the secretarial/clerical duties associated with the school’s administration.