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Legislation and official policy documents


15.Legislation and official policy documents

Last update: 28 September 2024
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  • Links marked with "as amended" lead to the up-to-the-minute versions.
  • Please scroll down to a list of all law titels in German



General or pertaining to more levels


Act Governing the Statuary Recognition of Religious Communities (ReligionsgesA) (Imperial Act)

=Gesetz betreffend die gesetzliche Anerkennung von Religionsgesellschaften (Anerkennungsgesetz 1874) (Reichsgesetz) as amended

As Article 15 of the Basic Law of 21 December 1867 about the general rights of nationals did not define the recognition by the law of churches and religious societies, this law defined in detail how such status could be achieved. Recognition may be granted by virtue of the law or by decree. Such recognition bestows a religious community with all rights which are granted under the law to churches and religious communities that are recognised by statute. This act is continued as Federal Act on the Legal Personality of Religious Creeds, BGBl. I 19/1998.


Act on Life and Health Protection for Federal Employees (Federal Law) (B-BSG)

=Bundes-Bedienstetenschutzgesetz (B-BSG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

The Act provides for life and health protection to be ensured for employees on duty at federal posts and the required protection of morality at work taking account of the age and gender of employees, and the way of monitoring of the pertaining rules.


Act on Staff Employed by Private-law Contract 1948 (Federal Law) (VBG)

=Vertragsbedienstetengesetz 1948 (VBG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing Federal employment under private-law contracts (including in particular teaching staff).


Act on the Accession of Austria to the European Union (Treaty) (Austria_EU)

=EU-Beitrittsvertrag (Vertrag) German as amended

English / date of the version: 1st February 2010

Provisions governing the conditions of accession to the European Union for the Kingdom of Norway, the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden, and the alignment of the founding treaties of the European Union.


Basic Law on the General Rights of Nationals (Constitutional Law) (StGG)

=Staatsgrundgesetz über die allgemeinen Rechte der Staatsbürger (StGG) (Verfassungsgesetz) German as amended

English / date of the version: 1st February 2010

Legislation on the fundamental rights of citizens, above all the principle of equality, freedom of conscience and creed, freedom of knowledge and its teaching, and the right to found establishments for instruction and education if proof of one’s qualification is furnished in legally acceptable manner.


Child and Youth Services Act 2013 (Federal Law) (B-KJHG_2013)

=Bundesgesetz über die Grundsätze für Hilfen für Familien und Erziehungshilfen für Kinder und Jugendliche (Bundes-Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetz 2013 – B-KJHG 2013) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Public youth welfare assists mothers, expectant mothers, babies and their parents (maternity and infant welfare) and is to encourage and safeguard the development of minors by offering assistance in their care and education and provide educational measures (youth care).


Childcare Allowance Act (Federal Law) (KBGG)

=Kinderbetreuungsgeldgesetz (KBGG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions for financial supporting parents.


Civil Service Code (Federal Law) (BDG)

=Beamten-Dienstrechtsgesetz (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the tasks and responsibilities of all staff employed by the Federation under public-law contract (civil servants, including university professors, teachers and school oversight organs): employment relationship, training, assignment of tasks, duties of service, rights, performance evaluation for civil servants, disciplinary code, appointment and tenure-tack position requirements.


Collective Agreement for Employees at Universities (Collective Agreement) (KV_Univ)

=Kollektivvertrag für die ArbeitnehmerInnen der Universitäten newest amendments

Numerous rights and entitlements arising from an employment contract (e.g. minimum wages, annual special payments) are not regulated by law but are secured exclusively through collective agreements. This is also true for the rights and duties held by employees at universities. The 2015 version of the Collective Agreement for Employees at Universities builds the foundation and is renegotiated on an annual basis.


Collective Agreement for Private Educational Institutions (Collective Agreement) (KV_priv_Bild)

=Kollektivvertrag für private Bildungseinrichtungen newest amendments

As of October 1st 2010 the Federal Arbitration Board of the Federal Ministry for Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection has, for the first time, declared the BABE-Collective Agreement (BABE=Professional Association of Employers of Private Educational Institutions) as a statute. Consequently, the BABE-Collective Agreement is no longer limited in its applicability to active members of the BABE, yet, is to be applied to employees and employers of the majority of private educational institutions in the field of adult education. The collective agreement is renegotiated on an annual basis.


Concordat (Treaty)

=Konkordat samt Zusatzprotokoll (Staatsvertrag) as amended

The Concordat governs the relationship between the Holy See and the Austrian State. The Republic of Austria ensures to the Roman Catholic Church in its different rites the free exercise of its spiritual power and the free and public exercise of their religious belief. The Austrian State recognises the right of the Catholic Church to issue laws, decrees and orders within its purview, it will not impede or prevent the exercise of such right. The Catholic Church in Austria is a public-law entity.


Declaration of Independence (Constitutional Law) (Austria_indep)

=Unabhängigkeitserklärung (Staatsgesetz) German as amended

English (multiligual) / UN original treaty

Proclamation of Austria's independence; re-establishment of the democratic Republic of Austria in the spirit of the Constitution of 1920; the annexation imposed upon the Austrian people in 1938 is declared null and void.


Disabled Persons Employment Act (Federal Law) (BEinstG)

=Behinderteneinstellungsgesetz (BEinstG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended


Education Documentation Act 2020 (Federal Law) (BildokG_2020)

=Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz (BdokG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the use of data on pupils and students (according to the Data Protection Law) by the educational establishments in the field of schooling, education and health care covered by this Act in order to enable these institutions to fulfil their statutory tasks in the field of school and higher education administration, students’ support and representation matters. It provides for the keeping of overall student records for statistics/planning and control purposes only, and the use of data from the records of educational establishments for the purposes of the Federal Statistics on the Education and Training System and the National Educational Attainment Register maintained by Statistik Austria.


Emoluments Act 1956 (Federal Law) (GehG)

=Gehaltsgesetz 1956 (GehG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the remuneration, allowances and remuneration schemes for all federal civil servants in active service (including university teaching staff, school teachers, heads of educational establishments and school inspection officials).


Engineer Act 2017 (Federal Law) (IngG_2017)

=Ingenieurgesetz 2017 (IngG 2017) (Bundesgesetz) as amended


European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Constitutional Law) (EMRK)

=Europäische Konvention zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten (EMRK) (Bundesverfassungsgesetz) as amended

Provisions safeguarding the fundamental rights and freedoms laid down in the Convention for every person in Austria.


External Legal Relations of the Jewish Religious Community (Imperial Law, Federal Law) (IsraelitenG)

=Gesetz betreffend die Regelung der äußeren Rechtsverhältnisse der Israelitischen Religionsgesellschaft (IsraelitenG) (Reichsgesetz, Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the external legal relations of the Jewish religious community; delimitation of the competences of the state organs of educational administration.


Family Support Act 1967 (Federal Law) (FamLAG_1967)

=Familienlastenausgleichsgesetz 1967 (FamLAG 1967) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions ruling the financial support types for families in Austria.


Federal Act Governing the Legal Personality of Religious Denominations (Federal Law) (BekGG)

=Bundesgesetz über die Rechtspersönlichkeit von religiösen Bekenntnisgemeinschaften (Bundesgesetz) as amended

The law is applied to pending administrative procedures arising under the Law on the Statutory Recognition of Religious Communities. Under this law, religious groups being endowed with legal personality are entitled to carry the designation “state-registered religious groups”. Proof is to be submitted that this community has a minimum number of members who are neither members of any other religious group as defined by this federal law, nor of any officially recognised church or religious community.


Federal Act on the National Qualifications Framework (Federal Law) (NQR-G)

=Bundesgesetz über den Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmen (NQR-Gesetz) (Bundesgesetz) as amended.

This federal act regulates the allocation of Austrian qualifications to a qualification level of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the publication of this allocation in a publicly accessible register (NQF register) for information purposes.


Federal Act on the New Teacher Training Scheme 2013 (Federal Law, Amendment) (BRG_PBilNeu)

=Bundesrahmengesetz 2013 zur Einführung einer neuen Ausbildung für Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen (Bundesgesetz) as amended.

Federal Act amending the 2005 Act on Organisation of University Colleges of Teacher Education, the 2002 Universities Act and the Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education.


Federal Constitutional Law (Constitutional Law) (B-VG)

=Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz (B-VG) (Verfassungsgesetz) German as amended

English / date of the version: 1st January 2015

Legal bases of the Republic of Austria; central provisions governing the division of competences in legislation and execution between the federation and the provinces (including in the field of schooling), the highest executive authorities, federal school authorities, and the federal legislative procedure.


Federal Disability Act (Federal Law) (BBG)

=Bundesgesetz vom 17. Mai 1990 über die Beratung, Betreuung und besondere Hilfe für behinderte Menschen (Bundesbehindertengesetz – BBG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended.


Federal Equality Act for People with Disabilities (Federal Law) (BGStG)

=Bundesgesetz über die Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen (BGStG) as amended.


Federal Finance Bill (Federal Law) (BFG_2016)

=Bundesfinanzgesetz (BFG_2016) (jährliches Bundesgesetz) as amended.

At the proposal of the Federal Minister of Finance, Parliament adopts the entire Federal budget through the annual Federal Finance Bill. The Federal Finance Bill also specifies amounts appropriated in detail.


Federal Law on the External Legal Relations of Islamic Religious Societies (Federal Law) (IslamG_2015)

=Bundesgesetz über die äußeren Rechtsverhältnisse islamischer Religionsgesellschaften (IslamG_2015) (Bundesgesetz) as amended.

The law regarding the recognition of members of the Islamic Religious Community stipulates that the external religious relationships of the followers of Islam shall be governed by way of ordinance according to the principles of self-rule and self-determination, always however under the supervision of the state.


Federal Law on the External Legal Relations of the Greek-Oriental Church in Austria (Federal Law) (griech-orientG)

=Bundesgesetz über äußere Rechtsverhältnisse der griechisch-orientalischen Kirche in Östereich (griech-orientG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

The Greek-Oriental (Orthodox) Church is recognised by law; the provisions under the Law Regarding the External Legal Relations of the Protestant Church also apply mutatis mutandis to the Greek-Oriental Church, especially with regard to religious instruction and youth education, taking account of the particular structure, number of members and competence of the state-recognised institutions of this Church in Austria.


Federal Law on the External Relations of the Oriental Orthodox Churches in Austria (Federal Law) (orient-orthodoxG)

=Bundesgesetz über äußere Rechtsverhältnisse der orientalisch-orthodoxen Kirchen in Österreich (orient-orthodoxG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended.

Federal Law on the External Relations of the Oriental Orthodox Churches in Austria. The law governs the external relationships of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Austria; the Coptic Orthodox Church in Austria, and the Syrian Orthodox Church in Austria; provisions on religious instruction are analogous to the Orthodox Act.


Federal Law Regarding the External Legal Relations of the Protestant Church (Federal Law) (Ev_KirchenG)

=Bundesgesetz über äußere Rechtsverhältnisse der Evangelischen Kirche (Ev_KirchenG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Federal Law 1961 succeeding the 1861 Protestant Patent that governs the external legal relations of the Protestant Church based on a convention (agreed between the church and the state) and determines in particular that the tri-partite Protestant church (Protestant Church A.C., Protestant Church H.C., and the amalgamated Protestant Church A.C. and H.C) is recognised by law and enjoys the status of a public-law entity.


Federal Ministries' Act 1986 (Federal Law) (BMG)

=Bundesministeriengesetz 1986 (BMG) (Bundesgesetz) German as amended

Provisions governing the number, designation, establishment and scope of competence of federal ministries.


Federal Staff Representation Act (Federal Law) (PVG)

=Bundes-Personalvertretungsgesetz (PVG) (PVG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing staff representation at the Federal establishments; staff representatives shall secure and promote the professional, economic, social, cultural and health interests of public staff.


Financial Equalisation Act 2017 (Federal Law) (FAG_2017)

=Finanzausgleichsgesetz 2017 (FAG_2017) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing financial equalisation between federation and provinces in years from 2008 onwards.


Forestry Act 1975 (Federal Law) (ForstG_1975)

=Forstgesetz 1975 (Bundesgesetz) as amended.

Provisions governing forestry; organisation of the Fachschulen for forestry.


General Civil Code of Austria (Federal Law) (ABGB)

=Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (ABGB) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Code which lays down the rights and obligations of the State’s residents under private law.


General Pension Act (Federal Law) (APG)

=Allgemeines Pensionsgesetz (APG) (Bundesgesetz as amended

Provisions ruling rights and duties after retirement.


General Social Insurance (Federal Law) (ASVG)

=Allgemeines Sozialversicherungsgesetz (ASVG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing general social insurance, in particular for people employed in Austria. All students enjoy accident insurance coverage with regard to their activities as students. The costs of such insurance are borne by a special Equalization Fund for families ("Familienlastenausgleichsfonds") and by a statutory accident insurer ("Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt").


Industrial Code 1994 (Federal Law) (GewO_1994)

=Gewerbeordnung 1994 (GewO 1994) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing all activities which are exercised as trades and not prohibited by law; criteria for an activity qualifying as a trade: self-employment (exercised at one's own cost and risk), on a continual basis and with the intention to gain a profit or any other economic benefit.


Industrial Constitution (Federal Law) (ArbVG)

=Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz (ArbVG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Codification of industrial law in the form of an Austrian Labour Code on "collective law" (including collective agreements) and "works constitution".


Labour Market Promotion Act (Federal Law) (AMFG)

=Arbeitsmarktförderungsgesetz (AMFG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions to promote the Labour Market: the tasks (placement, promotion, career ounselling, employment policies consistent with the requirements of social and economic policy).


Labour Market Service Act (Federal Law) (AMSG)

=Arbeitsmarktservicegesetz (AMSG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the legal bases of the Labour Market Administration: the tasks (placement, promotion, career ounselling, employment policies consistent with the requirements of social and economic policy) and organisation of the Labour Market Administration.


Law on Ethnic Groups (Federal Law) (VoGrG)

=Volksgruppengesetz (VoGrG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Ethnic groups in Austria and their members enjoy protection by the law; the preservation of ethnic groups and their continued existence are safeguarded; their languages and traditions shall be respected.


Law Regarding Interdenominational Relationships (Imperial Act) (interkonfessG)

=Rechtsvorschrift für Interkonfessionelle Verhältnisse der Staatsbürger (interkonfessG) (Reichsgesetz) as amended

How to deal with different confessional addiction in families regarding to education.


Leave Act (Federal Law) (UrlaubsG)

=Bundesgesetz betreffend die Vereinheitlichung des Urlaubsrechtes und die Einführung einer Pflegefreistellung (Urlaubsgesetz) as amended.

Hauptsächliche Rechtsquelle des Urlaubsrechts ist das Urlaubsgesetz 1976, das gleichermaßen für Arbeiter und Angestellte gilt. Das Urlaubsausmaß beträgt 30 Tage, ab einer Dienstzeit von 25 Jahren 36 Tage. Der Anspruch entsteht in den ersten 6 Monaten des Arbeitsverhältnisses im Verhältnis zur Dienstzeit, ab 6 Monaten gebührt der volle Anspruch auf Urlaub. Nachtschwerarbeiter erhalten zusätzliche Urlaubstage.


Ordinance on the Islamic Community in Austria (Ordinance) (V_Islam_Oest)

=Verordnung betreffend die islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich (Verordnung) as amended.

Ordinance based on the Islamic Law, especially concerning the designation and constitution of the Islamic Community in Austria.


Private Employees' Act (Federal Law) (AngG)

=Angestelltengesetz (AngG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the service contract of persons employed under private law.


State Treaty of Saint-Germain (1919), State Treaty of Vienna (1955) (State Treaty) (Staatsvertrag 1919) (Staatsvertrag 1955)

=Österreichischer Staatsvertrag von 1919 (St. Germain) und 1955 (Wien) (Bundesverfassungsgesetz)

German St.Germain 1919 as amended

German Vienna 1955 as amended

English (multilingual) / UN original treaty

State treaty of 1919: provided inter alia for the protection of minorities; embodiment of the major rights to education for linguistic minorities; State treaty of 1955: provisions governing the re-establishment of an independent and democratic Austria between the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and France on the one hand, and Austria on the other, especially with regard to the rights of the Slovene and Croat minorities.


Treaty governing questions of education (SchKG) (State Treaty) (Staatsvertrag_Kath_Kirche_Schule)

=Vertrag zwischen dem Heiligen Stuhl und der Republik Österreich zur Regelung von mit dem Schulwesen zusammenhängenden Fragen (Staatsvertrag) as amended

Agreement on issues pertaining to education between the Holy See and the Republic of Austria, in particular the right of the church to provide religious instruction for Catholic students at all public schools and schools enjoying public-sector status, and the right of the church to provide, conduct and directly supervise religious instruction (cf. Religious Instruction Act).


Pre-school, school and vocational education


Act on Federal Schools for Agriculture and Forestry (Federal Law) (LFBSG)

=Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Bundesschulgesetz (LFBSG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the school organisation of the federal secondary schools for agriculture and forestry.


Act on Final Examination for Compulsory Schooling (Federal Law) (PSAPG)

=Pflichtschulabschluss-Prüfungs-Gesetz (PSAPG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the final examination for adolescents and adult learners who reached the prerequesites for this examination outside ordinary compulsory schooling.


Act on Private Schools for Agriculture and Forestry (Federal Law) (LFPSG)

=Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Privatschulgesetz (LFPSG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing private higher-level secondary schools for agriculture and forestry, the private institutions for the initial and in-service training of teachers at forestry and agriculture schools, and for the private Fachschulen training forestry staff; provisions governing the subsidisation of private Berufsschulen and Fachschulen for agriculture and forestry.


Act on School Education for Ethnic Minorities in Burgenland (Federal Law) (MindBG)

=Minderheiten-Schulgesetz für das Burgenland (MindBG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the Croatian and Hungarian minorities and the language of ethnic minorities in Burgenland, in particular the right, under certain circumstances (basically a minimum number of registrations), to learn the Croat or Hungarian language as compulsory subject or to use the Croat or Hungarian language as the language of instruction in Burgenland.


Act on the Teaching Assignment of Federal Teachers (Federal Law) (BLVG)

=Bundeslehrer-Lehrverpflichtungsgesetz (BLVG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the teaching assignment of Federal teachers employed under public-law contract Federal teachers at schools (with the exception of universities, fine-arts colleges (now fine-arts universities) and the Academy of Fine Arts) and at boarding homes. Furthermore, provisions governing the compulsory teaching loads of school heads, department heads and subject heads; auxiliary tasks counting towards the compulsory teaching load; and subjects belonging to subject groups.


Amendment to the Service Law 2018 (Federal Law, Amendment) (DRN_2018)

=Dienstrechts-Novelle 2018 (Bundesgesetz) amendment

Service and salary law framework for school quality management.


Basic Act on the Maintenance of Compulsory Schools (Federal Law) (PfSG)

=Pflichtschulerhaltungs-Grundsatzgesetz (PfSG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Principles for provincial legislation in the field of the establishment, maintenance and discontinuation of districts (geographical catchment areas of schools) for public compulsory schools and public boarding homes primarily designed for compulsory school pupils.


Basic Federal Act governing Vocational Schools for Agriculture and Forestry (Federal Law) (LFBerufS)

=Bundesgesetz betreffend die Grundsätze für land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufsschulen (Bundesgesetz) as amended.

Provisions governing the principles of provincial legislation concerning some matters of Berufsschulen for agriculture and forestry (fundamental school education for occupations in agriculture and forestry, in particular function, compulsory schooling, compulsory subjects).


Basic Federal Act on Technical Schools for Agriculture and Forestry (Federal Law) (LFFachS)

=Bundesgesetz betreffend die Grundsätze für land- und forstwirtschaftliche Fachschulen (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the principles of provincial legislation concerning some matters of education at Fachschulen for Agriculture and Forestry (in particular function, form of organisation, admission requirements, length, compulsory subjects).


Basic Federal Act on Vocational Training for Agriculture and Forestry (Federal Law) (LFBAG)

=Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Berufsausbildungsgesetz (LFBAG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Legal provisions governing the initial training of farm and forestry workers and own family workers.


Boards of Education Establishment Act (Federal Law) (BD-EG)

=Bildungsdirektionen-Einrichtungsgesetz (BD-EG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

School administration is being exercised by boards of education, a joint authority of the federation and the provinces  since 1.1.2019.

All of Austria’s nine provinces have a board of education.

The board of education consists of an executive committee (Präsidialbereich; responsible in particular for personnel administration and accounting) and also the pedagogical service (Pädagogischer Dienst; responsible for school supervision). The allocation of resources for schools is also carried out by the board of education according to legally defined criteria.

The board of education is headed by a director of board of education. When fulfilling his/her tasks, he/she is bound by the instructions of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research or the respective provincial government.

The Federal School Supervision Act is replaced by the Board of Education Act since 1.1.2019.


Compulsory Schooling Act 1985 (Federal Law) (SchPfG)

=Schulpflichtgesetz 1985 (SchPfG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing general full-time compulsory schooling of children residing permanently in Austria, and the compulsory schooling of pupils in an apprenticeship or training relationship at part-time vocational schools (Berufsschulen).


Compulsory Training Act - Education and Training up to 18 (Federal Law) (APflG)

=Ausbildungspflichtgesetz (APflG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Since the 2016/17 school year, all youths who have not yet reached the age of 18 are required to engage in education or training after completing general compulsory schooling. This includes attending an academic or vocational upper secondary school, completing a dual education/training programme or attending a recognised vocational or training institution which prepares them for reintegration in continuing education and training offers. In addition, measures continue to rely on proven instruments such as youth coaching and production schools to prepare for training and to support in-company vocational training, and on coaching for apprentices as well as businesses that employ apprentices. Moreover, low-threshold measures and programmes in youth programmes outside of school also serve to support the integration of youth into the labour market, for example through employment by the hour. Older youths are provided with support in completing their education at later stages, in vocational training and supplementary qualifications.


Curricula for Vocational Schools (Ordinance) (LPBerS)

=Lehrpläne für Berufsschulen (Verordnung) as amended

Curricular provisions (especially educational objectives, didactic principles, contents of teaching, weekly number of lessons) for the instruction of students at part-time compulsory vocational schools, providing supplementary specialised instruction and offering persons who have to complete compulsory vocational schooling basic theoretic knowledge, promoting and complementing their company-based training, and strengthening their general education.


Curricula for Compusory Secondary Schools (Ordinance) (LPMS)

=Lehrpläne der Mittelschulen (Verordnung) as amended

Curricular provisions (especially educational objectives, didactic principles, contents of teaching, weekly number of lessons) for the instruction of pupils at general secondary schools, providing a basic general education and enabling pupils to embark on working life or progress to a medium or higher-level school.


Curricula for Pre-vocational School (Ordinance) (LPpS)

=Lehrplan der Polytechnischen Schule (Verordnung) as amended

Curricular provisions (especially educational objectives, didactic principles, contents of teaching, weekly number of lessons) for the instruction of pupils at Polytechnische Schule, promoting their general education especially with a view to work and occupation, preparing pupils for career decisions through vocational guidance and teaching basic vocational knowledge.


Curricula for Primary School and Special Needs School (Ordinance) (LPVSS)

=Lehrpläne der Volksschule und der Sonderschulen (Verordnung) as amended

Curricular provisions (especially educational objectives, didactic principles, contents of teaching, weekly number of lessons) for the instruction of children attending Vorschulstufe. They are to be supported in attaining school readiness, thereby taking account of the social inclusion of disabled children. Curricular provisions for the instruction of children in grades 1 to 4, providing for the joint elementary education of all pupils, in due respect of the social inclusion of disabled children. Curricular provisions (especially educational objectives, didactic principles, contents of teaching, weekly number of lessons) for the instruction of physically and mentally disabled children attending Sonderschule who are to be supported in a way that is consistent with their disability.


Education Reform Act 2017 (Federal Law, Amendment) (BRefG_2017)

=Bildungsreformgesetz 2017 (Bundesgesetz) amendment

Federal Act amending the Federal Constitutional Act in the version of 1929 with regard to the school system, the Federal Constitutional Act on the Limitation of Remuneration of Public Officials, the Incompatibility and Transparency Act, the Administrative Court Procedure Act and the Administrative Court Act 1985, Boards of Education Establishment Act in the provinces is enacted, the Tendering Act 1989, the School Organisation Act, the Act on Federal Schools for Agriculture and Forestry, the Compulsory Schooling Act 1985, the School Periods Act 1985, the Act on School Education for Ethnic Minorities in Burgenland, the Minority Schooling Act for Carinthia, the Federal Law BGBl. Nr. 420/1990, the School Education Act 1986, the School Education Act for Working Adults, the Act on the Organisation of University Colleges of Teacher Education, the Compulsory Schooling Act 1985, the Federal Law on General Higher Education Entrance Examination for Graduates of the Initial Vocational Training System, the Act on Final Examination for Compulsory Schooling, the Schooling Allowance Act 1983, the Private Schools Act, the Religious Instruction Act, the Education Documentation Act 2020, the Pupil' Representation Act, the BIFIE Act 2008 and the Education Investment Act are amended, the Federal School Supervision Act is repealed and the Civil Service Act 1979, the Salaries Act 1956, the Contractual Employees Act 1948, the Federal Teachers' Apprenticeship Obligations Act, the Provincial Teachers' Service Act, the Provincial Teachers' Agricultural and Forestry Teachers' Act, the Federal School Supervision Act is repealed and the Civil Servants Service Act 1979, the Salaries Act 1956, the Contractual Employees Act 1948, the Federal Teachers' Service Act, the Provincial Teachers' Service Act, the Provincial Teachers' Service Act for Agriculture and Forestry, the Provincial Contract Teachers Act 1966, the Provincial Contract Teachers Act for Agriculture and Forestry, the Federal Staff Representation Act and the Teaching Internship Act are amended.


Elementary Education for the Kindergarten Years 2022/23 to 2026/27 (Now Valid Following Agreement between Federation and Provinces According § 15a Federal Constitutional Law) (15aEP_22-27)

=Elementarpädagogik für die Kindergartenjahre 2022/23 bis 2026/27 (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Legal agreement between federation and provinces on the extension of childcare for children under 3 years of age. The focus of these expansion efforts is on promoting qualified child-minder offerings, and extending opening times during the year. It rules financing from 2022 to 2027 (Start agreement from 2008).


Extension of Institutional Childcare Facilities (Agreement between Federation and Provinces According § 15a Federal Constitutional Law (Start)) (15aKBetr)

=Vereinbarung gemäß Artikel 15a B-VG über den Ausbau des institutionellen Kinderbetreuungsangebots as amended

Legal agreement between federation and provinces on the extension of childcare for children under 3 years of age. The focus of these expansion efforts is on promoting qualified child-minder offerings, and extending opening times during the year. It rules financing from 2008 to 2010 and will be followed by agreements afterward.


Federal Act on Employment and Payment of Teachers 2013 (Federal Law, Amendment) (DRN_2013)

=Dienstrechts-Novelle 2013 – Pädagogischer Dienst (Bundesgesetz) amendment

Federal Act amending the 1956 Salaries Act (Gehaltsgesetz), the 1948 Federal Act Regulating the Rights and Duties of Contractual Employees in Public Service (Vertragsbedienstetengesetz), the Act on the Teaching Assignment of Federal Teachers (Bundeslehrer-Lehrverpflichtungsgesetz), the Service Act for Teachers Employed by Provinces (Landeslehrer-Dienstrechtsgesetz), the 1966 Provincial Contractual Teachers Act (Landesvertragslehrpersonengesetz), the Service Act for Agriculture and Forestry Teachers Employed by Provinces (Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Landeslehrer-Dienstrechtsgesetz), the Provincial Contractual Agriculture and Forestry Teachers Act (Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Landesvertragslehrpersonengesetz) and repealing the Teaching Internship Act (Unterrichtspraktikumsgesetz).

This new legislation on employment and payment being implemented from September 2015 onwards concerns new entrants to the profession, who have a five-year-option to choose between the existing regulation and the new one. It fully applies to new teacher students. All newly employed teachers will be civil servants with contractual status. Career civil servant status will not be granted any more.


Federal Act on Schools for the Initial Training of Physical Education Teachers and Sports Instructors (Federal Law) (BSpS)

=Bundesgesetz über Schulen zur Ausbildung von Leibeserziehern und Sportlehrern (Bundesgesetz) as amended

These medium-level secondary schools (established and maintained by the federation as far as they are public) carry the designation of Bundesanstalten für Leibeserziehung (federal institutions for physical education) and offer courses lasting one to eight semesters. In order to be admitted to a federal institute for physical education, candidates must have completed the first eight years of compulsory schooling and pass an aptitude test. There are initial training courses for sports instructors, physical education teachers at schools, and trainers and instructors for various kinds of sports.


Federal Act on the Compensation for certain teaching and education activities within the competence of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and Women’s Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (Contract Teachers Law) (Federal law) (ALSPH)

=Bundesgesetz über die Abgeltung von bestimmten Unterrichts-, Lehr- und Erziehungstätigkeiten an Schulen und Pädagogischen Hochschulen im Bereich des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung und des Bundesministeriums für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (Lehrbeauftragtengesetz) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the compensation of contract teachers who are employed at the various types of schools according to the school laws; this Act covers, among other things, the compensation for distance instruction at schools for working adults and Pädagogische Hochschule.


Federal Act on the Compensation for Examination Activities at Schools (Federal Law) (APruefS)

=Bundesgesetz über die Abgeltung von Prüfungstätigkeiten im Bereich des Schulwesens (Prüfungstaxengesetz - Schulen/Pädagogische Hochschulen) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions concerning the examination charges due to federal civil servants (federal teachers) and provincial teachers who act as examiners or members of examination boards with entrance, aptitude or final exams at schools.


Federal Act on the Establishment of the Federal Institute for Quality Assurance of the Austrian Educational Sector (IQS Act 2019) (Federal Law) (IQS-G)

=Bundesgesetz über die Einrichtung eines Institutes des Bundes für Qualitätssicherung im österreichischen Schulwesen und die Eingliederung des Bundesinstitutes für Bildungsforschung, Innovation und Entwicklung des österreichischen Schulwesens (IQS- Gesetz – IQS-G) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

This Institute has been established to conduct studies in the field of applied educational research, to monitor the school system, to provide information for educational policy decisions, and to monitor and implement educational policy actions as a legal entity under public law. Its tasks and activities span the whole range of the school system, apart from kindergarten, day-care centres, universities and universities of applied sciences.


Federal Act on the Vocational Education and Training of Apprentices (Federal Law) (BAG)

=Berufsausbildungsgesetz (BAG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the vocational training of apprentices; listing of apprenticeable trades, authorised apprenticeship trainers, apprenticeship relationship and contract, period of apprenticeship, training regulations, pre-apprenticeship phase (to better include disadvantaged youths with placement impediments); subsidies for company-based apprenticeship training and training of apprentices at interworks training centres; crediting of school education for apprenticeship training.


Federal Law Governing Special Allied Health Professions (Federal Law) (MTD-G)

=Bundesgesetz über die Regelung der gehobenen medizinisch-technischen Dienste (MTD-Gesetz) (Bundesgesetz) as amended 

Regulations for the following special allied health professions: physiotherapists, biomedical scientists, radiological technologists, dieticians, occupational therapists, logopedics and orthoptists; job descriptions and field of activities, vocational title; professional entitlement and duties; education and training, examination, further education and training, penal provisions.


Federal Law on Cardiology Technicians (Federal Law) (KTG)

=Kardiotechnikergesetz (KTG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Regulations for certified cardiology technicians/perfusionists: professional entitlement; practice of the profession; professional duties; job description and field of activities; initial training and examination; penal provisions.


Federal Law on Clinical and Therapeutic Masseurs (Federal Law) (MMHmG)

=Medizinischer Masseur- und Heilmasseurgesetz (MMHmG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Regulations for clinical and therapeutic masseurs: professional entitlement; practice of the profession; professional duties; job description and field of activities; initial training and examination; penal provisions; special qualifications.


Federal Law on Clinical Assistants and Health Care Support Workers (Federal Law) (MTF-SHD-G)

=Bundesgesetz über die Regelung des medizinisch-technischen Fachdienstes und der Sanitätshilfsdienste (MTF-SHD-G) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Regulations for medico-technical and paramedical professions (surgical aides, laboratory aides, autopsy aides, medical practice aides, occupational therapy aides, disinfection aides): professional entitlement; practice of the profession; professional duties; job description and field of activities; initial training and examination; penal provisions.


Federal Law on Emergency Medical Technicians (Federal Law) (SanG)

=Sanitätergesetz (SanG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Regulations for emergency medical technicians (ambulance staff with basic paramedical skills, ambulance staff with emergency medical competences): professional entitlement; practice of the profession; professional duties; job description and field of activities; initial training and examination; penal provisions; general and special emergency qualifications.


Federal Law on General Higher Education Entrance Examination for Graduates of the Initial Vocational Training System (Federal Law) (BRPG)

=Bundesgesetz über die Berufsreifeprüfung (BRPG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Persons without a matriculation examination (who have successfully completed their apprenticeship-leave examination or agricultural or forestry apprenticeship certification exams, a master craftsman examination acc. to § 20 Austrian Industrial Code (GewO), a qualification examination acc. to § 22 Austrian Industrial Code (GewO), an agricultural or forestry master examination or an intermediate-level school of at least three years’ duration, a nursing school, or a school for the medico-technical professions of at least 30 months’ duration) may sit for the general higher education entrance examination for graduates of the initial vocational training system, the successful passing of which carries the entitlements of a matriculation examination from a secondary higher school (enrolment at a apprenticeship-leave examination, academy, universities of applied sciences study course, science and arts university).


Federal Law on Midwifery (Federal Law) (HebG)

=Bundesgesetz über den Hebammenberuf (Hebammengesetz - HebG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Regulations for the profession of a midwife: vocational title, job description and field of activities, professional entitlements and duties, education and training, examination, further education and training, Austrian Midwifery Board, penal provisions.  


Federal Law on Nursing Professions (Federal Law) (GuKG)

=Bundesgesetz über Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeberufe (Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegegesetz - GuKG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Regulations for the health care and nursing professions (higher-level health care and nursing: certificated health care workers and nurses, certificated paediatric nurses, psychiatric health care workers and nurses, nursing auxiliaries): professional entitlement; practice of the profession; professional duties; job description and field of activities; initial training and examination; penal provisions; special trainig, in-service training and continued education.


Federal Law on the Expansion of All-day School Forms (Education Investment Act) (Federal Law) (Ganztagsausbau)

=Bundesgesetz über den weiteren Ausbau ganztägiger Schulformen (Bildungsinvestitionsgesetz) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Basic regulations for the funding and further expansion of all-day school forms in Austria.


Federal Law on the Religious Education of Children 1985 (Federal Law) (BrelK)

=Bundesgesetz über die religiöse Kindererziehung 1985 (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Parents are free to decide on the religious education of a child, if they are responsible for their care and education. Children having completed fourteen years of age may decide for themselves which religious denomination they want to adhere to.


Federal Law on Training and Professional Requirements of Kindergarten Teachers (Federal Law) (AE-GG)

=Gesamte Rechtsvorschrift für Anstellungserfordernisse für Kindergärtnerinnen, Erzieher (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Federal Act from 13 November 1968 on the Principles regarding Specialist Employment Requirements for the Kindergarten Teachers, Educators at Day Care Centres and Educators at Student Homes (which are intended solely or mainly for Pupils of Compulsory Schools) who are to be employed by the Provinces, Municipalities or Associations of Municipalities.


Federal School Inspection Act (Federal Law) INVALID!

=Bundes-Schulaufsichtsgesetz (Bundesgesetz): Ausserkrafttreten 31.12.2018. The Federal School Supervision Act is replaced by the Boards of Education Establishment Act since 1.1.2019.


Healthcare and Nursing Training Regulation (Ordinance) (GuK-AV)

=Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege-Ausbildungsverordnung (GuK-AV) as amended

Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales über die Ausbildung im gehobenen Dienst für Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege.


Introduction of Half-day Free-of charge and Compulsory Early Support in Institutional Childcare Facilities (Agreement between Federation and Provinces According § 15a Federal Constitutional Law (15aPfKbetr5)

=Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG über die Einführung der halbtägig kostenlosen Kindergartenbetreuungseinrichtungen as amended

Legal agreement between federation and provinces on obligatory free of cost kindergarten attendance for 16 to 20 hours (half day) over a minimum of at least 4 days per week for 5 year olds (i.e. children one year before school entry).


Minority Schooling Act for Carinthia (Federal Law) (MindKG)

=Minderheiten-Schulgesetz für Kärnten (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Regulations governing the implementation of the schooling provisions for ethnic minorities as laid down in the Austrian State Treaty with regard to the federal province of Carinthia, in particular the right of every pupil to learn the Slovene language as a compulsory subject or to be taught in the Slovene language at Volksschule or Hauptschule in certain regions (municipalities in which instruction was bi-lingual in the academic year 1958/59).


Ordinance on Learning Standards for Schools (Ordinance) (BStandSV)

=Verordnung über Bildungsstandards im Schulwesen 2009 (Verordnung) as amended

Standards for teaching objective at primary und lower secundary level for some core subjects. Concrete competences are declared for german, one additional language and mathematics.


Ordinance on Performance Evaluation (Ordinance) (BeurtV)

=Leistungsbeurteilungsverordnung (Verordnung) as amended

Ordinance providing for the evaluation of pupil performance based on performance assessments, whose forms and possibilities are also defined. Detailed provisions refer to pupils’ continuous participation in classroom activities, oral examinations, oral exercises, school tests, quizzes, dictations, and practical/graphic performance assessments; furthermore, there are provisions covering the principles of performance assessment, assessment grades, evaluation of behaviour at school, end-of-year performance evaluation (regarding the right to appeal against certain decisions, see School Education Act) and the possibilities of later exams and determination exams.


Ordinance on School Events 1995 (Ordinance) (SchVV)

=Schulveranstaltungenverordnung 1995 (SchVV) (Verordnung) as amended

Rules governing the function, type, number, planning and school-autonomous implementation of school events to complement lessons according to the curriculum.


Ordinance on School Quality Management - Continuing Pedagogical Development (Ordinance) (SQM-CPD)

=Verordnung des Bundesministers für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung betreffend die Weiterbildung der Bediensteten des Schulqualitätsmanagements (SQM-Weiterbildungsverordnung) (SQM-CPD) as amended

Ordinance ruling compulsory continuing education and training for school quality management staff.


Ordinance on School Quality Management (Ordinance) (SQM-VO)

=Schulqualitätsmanagement (SQM-VO) (Verordnung) as amended

Measures for establishment and maintenance of suitable framework conditions concerning school quality.


Ordinance on School Rules (Ordinance) (SchOrdV)

=Verordnung betreffend die Schulordnung (Verordnung) as amended

Contains detailed regulations on the conduct of students at school, at school events and school-related events, on measures for student safety and to facilitate orderly school operations. In particular, students, teachers and legal guardians are given the opportunity to establish Agreed Codes of Conduct which will complement school rules.


Ordinance on School Time (Ordinance) (SchZV)

=Verordnung betreffend die Schulzeit (Verordnung) as amended

Contains specialized regulations on the schoolyear and timetables for some schools.


Ordinance on the Final Examinations at Schools of Intermediate Vocational Education and Training, Colleges of Higher Vocational Education and Training, Kindergarten Teacher Training Colleges and Training Colleges for Social Pedagogues (Ordinance) (BMHSPruefV)

=Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Bildung und Frauen über die abschließenden Prüfungen in den berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulen sowie in den höheren Anstalten der Lehrerbildung und der Erzieherbildung (Prüfungsordnung BMHS und Bildungsanstalten) as amended

New regulation of matriculation examination and matriculation and diploma examination in vocational schools and training colleges.


Ordinance on the Matriculation Examination and Matriculation and Diploma Examination at Academic Secondary Schools (Ordinance) (AHSPruefV)

=Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Bildung und Frauen über die Reifeprüfung in den allgemein bildenden höheren Schulen (Prüfungsordnung AHS) as amended

New regulation of matriculation examination and matriculation and diploma examination in academic secondary schools.


Private Schools Act (Federal Law) (PrivSchG)

=Privatschulgesetz (PrivSchG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the establishment and running of private schools - with the exception of schools for agriculture and forestry - and on the granting of public-law status, as well as the granting of subsidies to private schools.


Province Teacher Service Authority Act (Provincial Laws of the 9 provinces) (LandLDG)

Landeslehrer-Diensthoheitsgesetze (Landesgesetze):

=Burgenländisches Landeslehrerinnen und -lehrer Diensthoheitsgesetz (Bgld. LDHG) as amended

=Kärntner Landeslehrergesetz (K-LG) as amended

=Niederösterreichisches Landeslehrpersonen-Diensthoheitsgesetz 2014 (NÖ L-DHG) as amended

=Oberösterreichisches Landeslehrer-Diensthoheitsgesetz 1986 (Oö. LDHG) as amended

=Steiermärkisches Landeslehrer-Diensthoheitsgesetz 1966 (Stmk. LDHG 1966) as amended

=Tiroler Landeslehrer-Diensthoheitsgesetz 2014 (TLDHG 2014) as amended

=Vorarlberg: Landeslehrer-Diensthoheitsgesetz (Vbg. LDHG) as amended

=Wiener Landeslehrer und Landeslehrerinnen -Diensthoheitsgesetz 1978 (W.-LDHG 1978) as amended

Provisions governing the competence of authorities in the different provinces as service authority for teachers at primary schools, secondary general schools, special schools and Polytechnische Schulen as well as Berufsschulen who are employed by a province under public-law contracts "civil service employment", and vis-à-vis persons entitled to pension or retirement payments arising under such employment relation.


Provincial Kindergarten Education Act (Provincial Laws of the 9 provinces) (LandKGG)

Landeskindergartengesetze (Landesgesetze):

=Burgenländische Kinderbetreuungsbauten- und -einrichtungsverordnung 2009 (Bgld. KBEV 2009) as amended

=Burgenländisches Kinderbildungs- und -betreuungsgesetz 2009 (Bgld. KBBG 2009) as amended

=Burgenland: Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG über die Einführung der halbtägig kostenlosen und verpflichtenden frühen Förderung in institutionellen Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen as amended

=Burgenland: Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG über den Ausbau des institutionellen Kinderbetreuungsangebots und über die Einführung der verpflichtenden frühen sprachlichen Förderung in institutionellen Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen sowie Schaffung eines bundesweiten vorschulischen Bildungsplanes as amended

=Kärntner Kinderbetreuungsgesetz (K-KBG) as amended

=Kärntner Kindergartenfondsgesetz (K-KGFG) as amended

=Niederösterreichisches Kindergartengesetz 2006 as amended

=Niederösterreichisches Kinderbetreuungsgesetz 1996 (NÖ KBG) as amended

=Niederösterreichisches Schul- und Kindergartenfondsgesetz as amended

=Niederösterreich: Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG über den Ausbau des institutionellen Kinderbetreuungsangebotes as amended

=Niederösterreich: Verordnung über die Geschäftsordnung und die Wahl des Elternbeirates in öffentlichen Kindergärten as amended

=Niederösterreich: Verordnung über die Herabsetzung des Kostenbeitrages für die Nachmittagsbetreuung an öffentlichen Kindergärten as amended

=Niederösterreich: Verordnung über die Ausbildung von Kinderbetreuerinnen/Kinderbetreuern as amended
=Niederösterreichische Tagesmütter/-väter-Verordnung as amended

=Oberösterreichisches Kinderbildungs- und -betreuungsgesetz (Oö. KBBGas amended

=Oberösterreichisches Kinderbetreuungs-Dienstgesetz 2014 (Oö. KB-DG 2014) as amended

=Oberösterreich: Bau- und Einrichtungsverordnung für Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen as amended

=Oberösterreich: Vereinbarung über den Ausbau des institutionellen Kinderbetreuungsangebots; frühe sprachliche Förderung; Bildungsplan as amended

=Oberösterreich: Verordnung über die Durchführung von Anpassungslehrgängen und Eignungsprüfungen für Kindergärtner(innen) und Erzieher(innen) as amended

=Salzburger Kinderbetreuungsgesetz 2007 as amended

=Salzburg: Tagesbetreuungs-Verordnung as amended

=Salzburg: Ausbau des institutionellen Kinderbetreuungsangebots und Schaffung eines vorschulischen Bildungsplanes - Vereinbarung as amended

=Salzburg: Bauliche Gestaltung und Einrichtung von Kindergärten - Richtlinien as amended

=Salzburg: Einführung der halbtägig kostenlosen und verpflichtenden frühen Förderung in institutionellen Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen as amended

=Dienst- und Besoldungsrecht der von den Gemeinden anzustellenden Kindergartenpädagoginnen/ Kindergartenpädagogen, Erzieherinnen/Erzieher an Horten und Kinderbetreuerinnen/Kinderbetreuer as amended

=Steiermärkisches Kinderbetreuungsförderungsgesetz (StKBFGas amended

=Steiermärkisches Kinderbildungs- und -betreuungsgesetz (StKBBG) as amended

=Steiermark: Organisationsstatut für Heilpädagogische Kindergärten und Horte as amended

=Steiermark: Art. 15a B-VG; Ausbau des institutionellen Kinderbetreuungsangebots as amended

=Steiermark, Verordnung: Erprobung besonderer Formen der Kinderbetreuung in der Steiermark as amended

=Tiroler Kinderbildungs- und Kinderbetreuungsgesetz as amended

=Tirol: Halbtägige kostenlose und verpflichtende frühe Förderung in institutionellen Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen, Vereinbarung as amended

=Tirol: Institutionelles Kinderbetreuungsangebot und Einführung der verpflichtenden frühen sprachlichen Förderung in Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen as amended

=Vorarlberg: Gesetz über das Kindergartenwesen as amended

=Vorarlberg: Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG über den Ausbau des institutionellen Kinderbetreuungsangebots und über die Einführung der verpflichtenden frühen sprachlichen Förderung as amended

=Vorarlberg: Verordnung der Landesregierung über die pädagogische Kindergartenarbeit as amended

=Wiener Kindergartengesetz 2014 (WKGG_Leg) as amended

=Wien: Vereinbarung Art. 15a B-VG; Kinderbetreuung - Ausbau as amended

=Wien: Vereinbarung Art. 15a B-VG; Kinderbetreuung - Kostenfreiheit as amended

=Wiener Tagesbetreuungsverordnung (WTBVO) as amended

Provisions governing kindergartens and day-care centres; kindergartens are half or full-day institutions (no overnight care) which are to complement the education of children aged three to six in addition to the education provided within the family on a voluntary basis; special kindergartens are provided for physically and mentally disabled children; day-care centres are minding institutions which take care of pupils of general compulsory schools during instruction-free time.


Provincial Laws governing Berufsschulen and Fachschulen for Agriculture and Forestry (Provincial Laws of the 9 provinces) (LandLFG)

Landesgesetze für die land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Berufs- und Fachschulen (Landesgesetze):

=Burgenländisches Landwirtschaftliches Schulgesetz as amended

=Burgenland: Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufsausbildungsordnung 1993 (B-LFBAO) as amended

=Burgenland: Bestimmungen über die Organisation sowie Lehrpläne für die landwirtschaftlichen Berufs- und Fachschulen as amended

=Burgenland: Landwirtschaftliche Berufsschule, "Ländliche Hauswirtschaft" as amended

=Burgenland: Landwirtschaftliche Berufsschule, "Landwirtschaft" as amended

=Burgenland: Leistungsbeurteilung an land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Schulen as amended

=Kärntner Land- und Fw. Berufsausbildungsordnung 1991 (K-LFBAO) as amended

=Kärntner landwirtschaftliches Schulgesetz 1993 (K-LSchG) as amended

=Kärntner landwirtschaftliche Schulverordnung (K-LSchV) as amended

=Kärnten: Lehrverträge in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft as amended

=Niederösterreichisches Landwirtschaftliches Schulgesetz (NÖ LSchG) as amended

=Niederösterreichische Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufsausbildungsordnung 1991 (NÖ LFBAO 1991) as amended

=Niederösterreichische Landwirtschaftliche Schulorganisationsverordnung as amended

=Niederösterreichische Landwirtschaftliche Leistungsbeurteilungs- und Zeugnisformularverordnung as amended

=Oberösterreichisches Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Berufsausbildungsgesetz 1991 (Oö. LFBAG 1991) as amended

=Oberösterreichisches Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Schulgesetz as amended

=Oberösterreich: Verordnung über die Leistungsbeurteilung der Schüler an Landwirtschaftlichen Fach- und Berufsschulen und die Gestaltung der Zeugnisformulare as amended

=Oberösterreich: Verordnung über die Organisationsform der land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Berufs- und Fachschulen as amended

=Oberösterreich: Verordnung, mit der die Lehrpläne für land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufs- und Fachschulen erlassen werden as amended

=Salzburg: Land- und Forstwirtschaftliche Berufsausbildungsordnung 1991 (S LFBAO 1991) as amended

=Salzburger Landwirtschaftliches Schulgesetz as amended

=Salzburg: Landwirtschaftliche Lehrpläneverordnung 2015 as amended

=Salzburg: Landwirtschaftliche Schulorganisationsverordnung as amended

=Salzburg: Landwirtschaftliche Schulzeugnisverordnung as amended

=Steiermärkisches land- und forstwirtschaftliches Schulgesetz as amended

=Steiermärkisches Landwirtschaftliches Schulerhaltungsgesetz as amended

=Steiermark: Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Berufsausbildungsgesetz 1991 as amended

=Steiermark: Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufsschulverordnung as amended

=Steiermark: Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Schulveranstaltungsverordnung 1998 as amended

=Steiermark: Ausbildung zum Facharbeiter und Meister auf dem Gebiet der Land- und Forstwirtschaft as amended

=Tiroler Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufsausbildungsgesetz 2000 as amended

=Tiroler Landwirtschaftliches Schulgesetz 2012 as amended

=Tiroler Landwirtschaftliche Schulorganisations-Verordnung as amended

=Tiroler Landwirtschaftliche Schulzeitverordnung as amended

=Vorarlberg: Gesetz über das land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufs- und Fachschulwesen as amended

=Vorarlberg: Gesetz über die Berufsausbildung in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft as amended

=Vorarlberg: Verordnung der Landesregierung über Organisation und Schulzeit der landwirtschaftlichen Schulen as amended

=Wien: Land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufsausbildungsordnung 1992 as amended

Implementing statutes of the individual provinces on the Basic Federal Act for Berufsschulen for agriculture and forestry and on the Basic Federal Act for Fachschulen for agriculture and forestry.


Pupils' Representation Act (Federal Law) (SchVG)

=Schülervertretungengesetz (SchVG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the establishment of pupils' representative bodies at the supra-institutional level.


Quality of Continuing Professional Development of Teachers at University Colleges of Teacher Education (QLWPH)

=Qualität der Lehrer/innen-Fort- und Weiterbildung an den Pädagogischen
Hochschulen (Verordnung) free download

This decree (from 2011) defines quality standards for continuing professional development of


Religious Instruction Act (Federal Law) (RelUG)

=Religionsunterrichtsgesetz (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions concerning religious instruction for all pupils who are members of a legally recognised church or religious community as a compulsory subject at public schools and schools enjoying public-sector status; religious education provided, conducted and directly supervised by the church or religious society; state school inspection as regards organisation and school-disciplinary matters, and the legal status of religion teachers. To ensure the basic rights of freedom of conscience and creed, the law also provides for an entitlement to withdraw from religious instruction.


School Administration Reform Act 2013 (Federal Law) (SchBehRefG)

=Schulbehörden - Verwaltungsreformgesetz 2013 (Bundesgesetz) Bgbl. 164/2013

The school administration reform comprises the elimination of district school boards as an administrative level (including faculty boards), the possibility of transferring responsibility for compulsory school teacher administration to the regional school boards, placing multiple school locations under one administration and assigning greater responsibility to school principals, continuing the further development of controlling mechanisms in the deployment of teachers, as well as additional efficiency increases and debureaucratisation in school administration.


School Education Act 1986 (Federal Law) (SchUG)

=Schulunterrichtsgesetz 1986 (SchUG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the internal organisation of schooling in the schools this law applies to, in particular: admission to school; school instruction regulations; educational work and pupil assessment; progression, repeating of grades, maximum duration of attendance; final exams; internal school regulations; tasks of teachers; school and pupils, school and legal guardians, procedures (among other things, right to appeal against certain decisions of the school, e.g. of the school head, conference, examination board, especially any decision by the conference of class teachers that a pupil may not move up to the next year or failed to complete the final year of the school type attended).


School Education Act for Working Adults (Federal Law) (SchUG-BKV)

=Schulunterrichtsgesetz für Berufstätige, Kollegs und Vorbereitungslehrgänge (SchUG-BKV) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

The 1997 Act is a special law governing the internal organisation of schools for working adults that is tailored to the specific needs of adults concerning instruction and education.


School Organisation Act (Federal Law) (SchOG)

=Schulorganisationsgesetz (SchOG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the external organisation of public-sector general and vocational compulsory schools, medium and higher-level schools and teacher and supervisory-staff training establishments (except higher education and art academies as well as schools for agriculture and forestry), and in particular: the schools' tasks; structuring according to level and contents; general accessibility; freedom from tuition fees; curricula; pilot school projects (especially the introduction of pilot schemes to develop secondary level I), structure of the individual types of schools; admission requirements; forms of organisation, and the setting of the number of pupils per class.


School Periods Act 1985 (Federal Law) (SchZG)

=Schulzeitgesetz 1985 (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing school periods and instruction-free periods (holidays) within the statutory school year, as well as the division of the instruction year into semesters, of the school time within the school day, and on the duration of lessons and breaks.


School/Church Law (Imperial Law) (SchKG)

=Schule – Kirche – Gesetz (Reichsgesetz) as amended

This law contains fundamental provisions on the relationship between school and church, especially the principle of state sovereignty over teaching and the principle of interconfessionality of public schooling.


Schooling Allowance Act 1983 (Federal Law) (SchBHG)

=Schülerbeihilfengesetz 1983 (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the requirements in order to be eligible for school and boarding home allowances and the calculation of the amount of grants.


Service Code for Province Teachers employed under Private-law Contracts 1966 (Federal Law) (LVG)

=Landesvertragslehrpersonengesetz 1966 (LVG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Service code and provisions on the remuneration of province teachers employed under private-law contracts at primary schools, secondary general schools, special schools and Polytechnische Schulen and at Berufsschulen with the exception of Berufsschulen for agriculture and forestry.


Service Code for Province-employed Teachers (Federal Law) (LDG1984)

=Landeslehrer-Dienstrechtsgesetz (LDG 1984) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Service code for teachers employed by a province on the basis of public-law contracts and persons entitled to pension (retirement) payments arising from such employment relationship, particularly dealing with employment relationship, service, duties, annual standard as working time (except Berufsschule teaching staff), rights, performance assessment and disciplinary law, safety and health protection of teachers, and appointment requirements.


Tasks and Structure of School Psychology and Psychosocial Education Counseling (Ordinance) (SchPsyV)

=Aufgaben und Struktur der Schulpsychologie und Koordination der psychosozialen Unterstützung im Schulwesen decree free download

=BMBWF Circular  28/2018.


Higher education


Act on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (Federal Act) (HS-QSG)

=Hochschul-Qualitätssicherungsgesetz 2011 (HS-QSG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

English / date of the version: 1 January 2021

(amended by: Federal Law Gazette I No. 77/2020, translated by Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy)

The scope of the Federal Act on the External Quality Assurance in Higher Education and the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria is: To enable the external quality assurance, together with the internal quality management system of the educational institutions in higher education. It is intended to ensure that they meet high standards and continuously enhance their quality. The comitted institution is AQ Austria = Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria.


Act on the Organisation of University Colleges of Teacher Education (Federal Law) (HG_2005)

=Bundesgesetz über die Organisation der Pädagogischen Hochschulen und ihre Studien (HG 2005) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Reform of initial compulsory teacher education and restructuring of the courses of study leading to teacher accreditation and diploma programmes (now degree programmes) for teachers of general compulsory schools and VET teachers by transforming Pädagogische Akademien, Berufspädagogische Akademien and Pädagogische Institute into Pädagogische Hochschule. This includes the awarding of bachelor-level degrees. Pädagogische Hochschulen are recognised post-secondary educational institutions pursuant to § 51(2) subpara 1 Universities Act. Their main tasks are to prepare, provide and conduct vocationally-oriented courses on a sound academic basis in initial, in-service and continued training for professional educational areas, particularly for the teaching profession. At any rate, all public university colleges of teacher education will offer degree programmes leading to teacher accreditation at primary school and compulsory secundary school, and for teacher accreditation at special needs school and prevocational school as well as in vocational education and training as necessary. Vocationally-oriented academic research is also mandatory. The Act further covers Hochschule bodies, internal structure, design of the degree progammes, students’ rights and obligations, and academic degrees.


Agreement between Austria and Switzerland on the Mutual Recognition of Equivalences in Higher Education - 1994 (Treaty) (OesterrSchwHE)

=Staatsvertrag Österreich - Schweiz: Gleichwertigkeiten im Hochschulbereich (Vertrag) German as amended

English / date of the version: 1st May 2010

Provisions ruling the mutual recognition of equivalences in higher education between Austria and Switzerland.


Agreement between the Federal Government and the Province of Lower Austria on the Establishment and Operation of the University Centre for Continuing Education (Danube University Krems) including Annex (Federal law) (15aDUK)

=Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG über die Errichtung und den Betrieb des Universitätszentrums für Weiterbildung (Donau-Universität Krems) samt Anlage as amended.


Agreement Pursuant to Art. 15a of the Federal Constitutional Law on the Establishment of the Faculty of Medicine at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Federal Law) (15aMedULinz)

=Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG zwischen dem Bund und dem Land Oberösterreich über die Errichtung und den Betrieb einer Medizinischen Fakultät und die Einrichtung des Studiums der Humanmedizin an der Universität Linz (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Legal agreement between federation and provinces on establishment and operation of the Faculty of Medicine at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.


Amendment to the Service Code 2012 - University Colleges of Teacher Education (Federal Law, Amendment) (DRN_2012)

=Dienstrechts-Novelle 2012 – Pädagogische Hochschulen amendment

Bundesgesetz, mit dem das Beamten-Dienstrechtsgesetz 1979, das Gehaltsgesetz 1956, das Vertragsbedienstetengesetz 1948, das Bundeslehrer-Lehrverpflichtungsgesetz, das Landeslehrer-Dienstrechtsgesetz und das Land- und forstwirtschaftliche LandeslehrerDienstrechtsgesetz geändert werden.

Federal Act on the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria (Interdisciplinary Transformation University) (Federal Law) (IT:U)

=Bundesgesetz über das Institute of Digital Sciences Austria (Interdisciplinary Transformation University) as amended


Framework Act on Quality Assurance (Federal Law, Amendment) (QSRG)

=Qualitätssicherungsrahmengesetz – QSRG (Bundesgesetz) amendment

Bundesgesetz, mit dem ein Gesetz über die externe Qualitätssicherung im Hochschulwesen und die Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria (Hochschul-Qualitätssicherungsgesetz – HS-QSG) und ein Bundesgesetz über Private Hochschuleinrichtungen (PHEIG) erlassen werden sowie das Fachhochschul-Studiengesetz (FHStG), das Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz, das Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegegesetz, das Hebammengesetz und das MTD-Gesetz geändert werden.


Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Research on the Implementation of Capacity-Oriented, Student-Related University Funding (Ordinance) (UniFinV)

=Verordnung des Bundesministers für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, mit der eine Verordnung über die Umsetzung der kapazitätsorientierten, studierendenbezogenen Universitätsfinanzierung erlassen (Universitätsfinanzierungsverordnung – UniFinV) und die Wissensbilanz-Verordnung 2016 geändert wird as amended.


Ordinance on Entrance Requirements for University Colleges of Teacher Education (Ordinance) (HZV)

=Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur über die Zulassungsvoraussetzungen an Pädagogischen Hochschulen (Hochschul-Zulassungsverordnung – HZV) (Verordnung) as amended.

This ordinance regulates the basic principles for

  1. the procedure for determining suitability for a bachelor’s programme and also the particular requirements for admission to bachelor’s programmes for teaching positions in the field of vocational education and training (sections 2 and 3),
  2. the determination of requirements for studying in (higher education) courses (section 3a and 4) and
  3. the admission procedure (section 5).


Ordinance on Higher Education Curricula (Ordinance) (HCV_2013)

=Hochschulcurricula-Verordnung (HCV 2013) (Verordnung) as amended

Basic rules for curricula and exams in university colleges of teacher education.


Ordinance on University Entrance Qualification (Ordinance) (UBVO_1998)

=Universitätsberechtigungsverordnung (UBVO 1998) (Verordnung) as amended

Rules for admission to higher education study programmes.


Ordinance on Universities Real Estate (Ordinance) (Uni-ImmoV)

=Universitäten-Immobilienverordnung (UniImmo VO) (Verordnung) as amended 


Private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Act (Federal Law) (PrivHG)

=Privathochschulgesetz (PrivHG) (Bundesgesetz) German as amended

English / date of the version: 1 January 2021

(Original version: Federal Law Gazette I No. 77/2020 Author of the translation: Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy)

This law provides general rules for accreditation and maintenance of private higher education institutions (private university colleges and private universities).


Students Support Act 1992 (Federal Law) (StudFG_1992)

=Studienförderungsgesetz 1992 (StudFG 1992) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the granting of study grants and other supporting measures in order to provide a sound financial backing for students and to avoid the need for side-line employment.


Union of Students Act 2014 (Federal Law) (HSG_2014)

=Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaftsgesetz 2014 (HSG 2014) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions governing the tasks of the Austrian Union of Students (as a self-governing body): representation of the interests of its members and the material and non-material promotion of its members (students); technical support for students and counselling for prospective students.


Universities of Applied Sciences Act (Federal Law) (FHG)

=Fachhochschulgesetz (FHG) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

English / date of the version: 1 January 2021

(amended by: Federal Law Gazette I No. 77/2020. Author of the translation: Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy)

Provisions governing the official recognition of study programmes as “Fachhochschule“ study programmes and conferral of the designation “Fachhochschule“ (Universities of Applied Sciences) as university-level study programmes that provide a sound scientifically-based education with regard to certain fields of academic professions. Aims and guiding principles, access, academic degrees, tasks of the “Fachhochschule“ Council, provider.


Universities Act 2002 (Federal Law) (UG_2002)

=Universitätsgesetz 2002 (UG 2002) (Bundesgesetz) as amended

English / date of the version: 10 January 2019

Under the Universities Act, the currently 21 Austrian universities were granted full autonomy. They have the status of legal entities under public law. The state, represented by the Ministry, still plays a statutory supervisory role and is the partner for the performance agreement with each university. Contracts, business transactions and recruitment will be managed by the universities on their own account. The senior bodies of the universities will be the university council, the rectorate and the senate.


Adult education


Federal Financing Act on the Funding of Adult Education and Public Libraries from Federal Funds (Federal Law) (FoerEB)

=Bundesgesetz über die Förderung der Erwachsenenbildung und des Volksbüchereiwesens aus Bundesmitteln (Bundesgesetz) as amended

Provisions on the obligation of the state to promote adult education and to award government subsidies for the purpose of continuous further education (development of individual talents, acquisition of knowledge, skills and of the capability and readiness to judge and to act responsibly). Listing of adult education institutions eligible to receive grants.


Government Bill According § 15a Federal Constitutional Law on legal provisions (federal government - provinces) for the funding of educational measures in the field of basic education as well as acquisition of the compulsory school-leaving certificate as an adult (15aEBasisPf)

=Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG zwischen dem Bund und den Ländern über die Förderung von Lehrgängen für Erwachsene im Bereich Basisbildung/Grundkompetenzen sowie von Lehrgängen zum Nachholen des Pflichtschulabschlusses as amended.


Legislation title list in German


General and pertaining to more levels

Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (ABGB) (Bundesgesetz)

Allgemeines Sozialversicherungsgesetz (ASVG) (Bundesgesetz)

Angestelltengesetz (AngG) (Bundesgesetz)

Arbeitsmarktförderungsgesetz (AMFG) (Bundesgesetz)

Arbeitsmarktservicegesetz (AMSG) (Bundesgesetz)

Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz (ArbVG) (Bundesgesetz)

Beamten-Dienstrechtsgesetz (BDG) (Bundesgesetz)

Behinderteneinstellungsgesetz (BEinstG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz 2020 (BildokG_2020) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesbehindertengesetz (BBG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundes-Bedienstetenschutzgesetz (B-BSG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundes-Personalvertretungsgesetz (PVG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz (B-VG) (Verfassungsgesetz)

Bundesfinanzgesetz 2016 (BFG_2016) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über äußere Rechtsverhältnisse der Evangelischen Kirche (Ev_KirchenG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über äußere Rechtsverhältnisse der griechisch-orientalischen Kirche in Österreich (griech-orientG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über äußere Rechtsverhältnisse der orientalisch-orthodoxen Kirchen in Österreich (orient-orthodoxG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über den Nationalen Qualifikationsrahmen (NQR-G) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die äußeren Rechtsverhältnisse islamischer Religionsgesellschaften 2015 (IslamG_2015) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die Gleichstellung von Menschen mit Behinderungen (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz - BGStG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die Grundsätze für Hilfen für Familien und Erziehungshilfen für Kinder und Jugendliche (Bundes-Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetz 2013 – B-KJHG_2013) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die Rechtspersönlichkeit von religiösen Bekenntnisgemeinschaften (BekGG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesministeriengesetz 1986 (BMG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesrahmengesetz 2013 zur Einführung einer neuen Ausbildung für Pädagoginnen und Pädagogen (BRG_PBilNeu) (Bundesgesetz)

EU-Beitrittsvertrag (Austria_EU) (Vertrag)

Europäische Konvention zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten (EMRK) (Bundesverfassungsgesetz)

Famlienlastenausgleichsgesetz 1967 (FamLAG_1967) (Bundesgesetz)

Finanzausgleichsgesetz 2017 (FAG_2017) (Bundesgesetz)

Forstgesetz 1975 (ForstG_1975) (Bundesgesetz)

Gehaltsgesetz 1956 (GehG) (Bundesgesetz)

Gesetz betreffend die gesetzliche Anerkennung von Religionsgesellschaften (ReligionsgesA) (Reichsgesetz)

Gesetz betreffend die Regelung der äußeren Rechtsverhältnisse der Israelitischen Religionsgesellschaft (IsraelitenG) (Reichsgesetz, Bundesgesetz)

Gewerbeordnung 1994 (GewO_1994) (Bundesgesetz)

Ingenieurgesetz 2017 (IngG_2017) (Bundesgesetz)

Kinderbetreuungsgeldgesetz (KBGG) (Bundesgesetz)

Kollektivvertrag für private Bildungseinrichtunge (KV_priv_Bild) (Kollektivvertrag)

Kollektivvertrag für die ArbeitnehmerInnen der Universitäten KV_Univ) (Kolletivvertrag)

Konkordat samt Zusatzprotokoll (Konkordat) (Staatsvertrag)

Österreichischer Staatsvertrag von 1919 und 1955 (Staatsvertrag_1919) (Staatsvertrag_1955) (Bundesverfassungsgesetz)

Rechtsvorschrift für Interkonfessionelle Verhältnisse der Staatsbürger (interkonfessG) (Reichsgesetz)

Staatsgrundgesetz über die allgemeinen Rechte der Staatsbürger (StGG) (Verfassungsgesetz)

Unabhängigkeitserklärung (Austria_indep) (Staatsgesetz)

Urlaubsgesetz 1976  (UrlaubsG) (Bundesgesetz, Novelle)

Verordnung betreffend die islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich (V_Islam_Oest) (Verordnung)

Vertrag zwischen dem Heiligen Stuhl und der Republik Österreich zur Regelung von mit dem Schulwesen zusammenhängenden Fragen (Staatsvertrag_Kath_Kirche_Schule) (SchKG) (Staatsvertrag)

Vertragsbedienstetengesetz 1948 (VBG) (Bundesgesetz)

Volksgruppengesetz (VoGrG) Bundesgesetz)


Pre-school, school and vocational education

Aufgaben und Struktur der Schulpsychologie-Bildungsberatung (SchPsyV) (Organisationsstatut)

Aufgabenprofil der Schulaufsicht (Allgemeine Weisung) ⇒ REPLACED BY Bildungsdirektionen-Einrichtungsgesetz

Ausbildungspflichtgesetz (APflG) (Bundesgesetz)

Berufsausbildungsgesetz (BAG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bildungsdirektionen-Einrichtzungsgesetz (BD-EG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bildungsreformgesetz 2017 (BRefG_2017) (Bundesgesetz, Novelle)

Bundes-Schulaufsichtsgesetz (Bundesgesetz) ⇒ REPLACED BY Bildungsdirektionen-Einrichtungsgesetz

Bundesgesetz betreffend die Grundsätze für land- und forstwirtschaftliche Berufsschulen (LFBerufS) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz betreffend die Grundsätze für land- und forstwirtschaftliche Fachschulen (LFFachS) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz für Anstellungserfordernisse für Kindergärtnerinnen, Erzieher (AE-GG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über den Hebammenberuf (Hebammengesetz - HebG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die Abgeltung von bestimmten Unterrichts- und Erziehungstätigkeiten im Bereich des BMBWF und des BML (Lehrbeauftragtengesetz - ALSPH) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die Abgeltung von Prüfungstätigkeiten im Bereich des Schulwesens (APruefS) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die Berufsreifeprüfung (BRPG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die Einrichtung eines Bundesinstitutes für Bildungsforschung, Innovation und Entwicklung des österreichischen Schulwesens (BIFIE-Gesetz 2008) (Bundesgesetz) REPLACED by Bundesgesetz über die Einrichtung eines Institutes des Bundes für Qualitätssicherung im österreichischen Schulwesen und die Eingliederung des Bundesinstitutes für Bildungsforschung, Innovation und Entwicklung des österreichischen Schulwesens (IQS- Gesetz – IQS-G) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die Regelung der gehobenen medizinisch-technischen Dienste (MTD-G) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die Regelung des medizinisch-technischen Fachdienstes und der Sanitätshilfsdienste (MTF-SHD-G) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über die religiöse Kindererziehung 1985 (BrelK) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegeberufe (GuKG) (Gesundheits- und Krankenpflegegesetz - GuKG) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundesgesetz über Schulen zur Ausbildung von Leibeserziehern und Sportlehrern (BSpS) (Bundesgesetz)

Bundeslehrer-Lehrverpflichtungsgesetz (BLVG) Bundesgesetz)

Dienstrechts-Novelle 2013 – Pädagogischer Dienst (DRN_2013) (Bundesgesetz, Novelle)

Dienstrechts-Novelle 2018 - Schulqualitätsmanagement (DRN_2018) (Bundesgesetz, Novelle)

Die Aufsichtspflicht der Lehrerin und des Lehrers, Aufsichtserlass (Erlass des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur) ⇒ REPLACED BY Bildungsdirektionen-Einrichtungsgesetz

Elementarpädagogik für die Kindergartenjahre 2022/23 bis 2026/27 (15aEP_22-27) (Bundesgesetz)

Erlass zur LehrerInnenfort- und -weiterbildung an Pädagogischen Hochschulen (ELWPH) (Verordnung)

Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege-Ausbildungsverordnung (GuK-AV) (Verordnung)

Kardiotechnikergesetz (KTG) (Bundesgesetz)

Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Berufsausbildungsgesetz (LFBAG) (Bundesgesetz)

Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Bundesschulgesetz (LFBSG) (Bundesgesetz)

Land- und forstwirtschaftliches Privatschulgesetz (LFPSG) (Bundesgesetz)

Landesgesetze für die land- und forstwirtschaftlichen Berufs- und Fachschulen (LandLFG) (Landesgesetze)

Landeskindergartengesetze (der 9 Bundesländer) (LandKGG) (Landesgesetze)

Landeslehrer-Diensthoheitsgesetze (LandLDG) (Landesgesetze)

Landeslehrer-Dienstrechtsgesetz (LDG_1984) (Bundesgesetz)

Landesvertragslehrpersonengesetz 1966 (LVG) (Bundesgesetz)

Lehrplan der Polytechnischen Schule (LPpS) (Verordnung)

Lehrpläne der Berufsschulen (LPBerS) (Verordnung)

Lehrpläne der Mittelschulen (LPMS) (Verordnung)

Lehrpläne der Volksschule und der Sonderschulen (LPVSS) (Verordnung)

Leistungsbeurteilungsverordnung (BeurtV) (Verordnung)

Medizinischer Masseur- und Heilmasseurgesetz (MMHmG) (Bundesgesetz)

Minderheiten-Schulgesetz für das Burgenland (MindBG) (Bundesgesetz)

Minderheiten-Schulgesetz für Kärnten (MindKG) (Bundesgesetz)

Pflichtschulabschluss-Prüfungs-Gesetz (PSAPG) (Bundesgesetz)

Pflichtschulerhaltungs-Grundsatzgesetz (PfSG) (Bundesgesetz)

Privatschulgesetz (PrivSchG) (Bundesgesetz)

Qualität der Lehrer/innen-Fort- und Weiterbildung an den Pädagogischen Hochschulen (QLWPH) (Verordnung)

Religionsunterrichtsgesetz (RelUG) (Bundesgesetz)

Sanitätergesetz (SanG) (Bundesgesetz)

Schule – Kirche – Gesetz (SchKG) (Reichsgesetz)

Schülerbeihilfengesetz 1983 (SchBHG) (Bundesgesetz)

Schülervertretungengesetz (SchVG) (Bundesgesetz)

Schulbehörden - Verwaltungsreformgesetz 2013 (SchBehRefG) (Bundesgesetz, Amendment)

Schulorganisationsgesetz (SchOG) (Bundesgesetz)

Schulpflichtgesetz 1985 (SchPfG) (Bundesgesetz)

Schulunterrichtsgesetz 1986 (SchUG) (Bundesgesetz)

Schulunterrichtsgesetz für Berufstätige (SchUG-BKV) (Bundesgesetz)

Schulveranstaltungenverordnung 1995 (SchVV) (Verordnung)

Schulzeitgesetz 1985 (SchZG) (Bundesgesetz)

Schulzeitverordnung (Verordnung) (SchZV) (BMBWF)

Vereinbarung gemäß Artikel 15a B-VG über den Ausbau des institutionellen Kinderbetreuungsangebots (15aKBetr) (Bundesgesetz)

Vereinbarung gemäß Artikel 15a B-VG über die Einführung der halbtägig kostenlosen Kindergartenbetreuungseinrichtungen in den Kindergartenjahren 2022/23 bis 2026/27 (15aEP_22-27) (Bundesgesetz)

Verordnung betreffend die Schulordnung (SchOrdV) (Verordnung)

Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Bildung und Frauen über die Reifeprüfung in den allgemein bildenden höheren Schulen (AHSPruefV) (Prüfungsordnung AHS)

Verordnung der Bundesministerin für Bildung und Frauen über die abschließenden Prüfungen in den berufsbildenden mittleren und höheren Schulen sowie in den höheren Anstalten der Lehrerbildung und der Erzieherbildung (BMHSPruefV) (Prüfungsordnung BMHS und Bildungsanstalten)

Verordnung über Bildungsstandards im Schulwesen 2009 (BStandSV) (Verordnung)


Higher education

Bundesgesetz über die Organisation der Pädagogischen Hochschulen und ihre Studien (HG 2005) (Bundesgesetz)

Dienstrechts-Novelle 2012 – Pädagogische Hochschulen (DRN_2012) (Bundesgesetz, Novelle)

Fachhochschul-Studiengesetz (FHG) (Bundesgesetz)

Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaftsgesetz 2014 (HSG_2014) (Bundesgesetz)

Hochschul-Qualitätssicherungsgesetz (HS-QSG) (Bundesgesetz)

Hochschul-Studienberechtigungsgesetz (HStudBerG) (Bundesgesetz): deleted 1.10.2017.

Hochschul-Zulassungsverordnung (HZV) (Verordnung)

Hochschulcurricula-Verordnung (HCV_2013) (Verordnung)

Institute of Digital Sciences Austria (Interdisciplinary Transformation University) (IT:U) (Bundesgesetz)

Privathochschulgesetz (PrivHG) (Bundesgesetz)

Qualitätssicherungsrahmengesetz (QSRG) (Bundesgesetz)

Staatsvertrag Österreich - Schweiz: Gleichwertigkeiten im Hochschulbereich (OesterrSchwHE) (Vertrag)

Studienförderungsgesetz 1992 (StudFG_1992) (Bundesgesetz)

Universitäten-Immobilienverodnung (Uni-ImmoV) (Verordnung)

Universitätsberechtigungsverordnung (UBVO_1998) (Verordnung)

Universitätsgesetz 2002 (UG_2002) (Bundesgesetz)

Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG über die Errichtung und den Betrieb des Universitätszentrums für Weiterbildung (Donau-Universität Krems) (DWK-Gesetz 2004 - deleted 2021-12-31) (15aDUK) (Bundesgesetz)

Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG zwischen dem Bund und dem Land Oberösterreich über die Errichtung und den Betrieb einer Medizinischen Fakultät und die Einrichtung des Studiums der Humanmedizin an der Universität Linz (15aMedULinz) (Bundesgesetz)

Verordnung des Bundesministers für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, mit der eine Verordnung über die Umsetzung der kapazitätsorientierten, studierendenbezogenen Universitätsfinanzierung erlassen (Universitätsfinanzierungsverordnung) (UniFinV) (Verordnung).


Adult education

Bundesgesetz über die Förderung der Erwachsenenbildung und des Volksbüchereiwesens aus Bundesmitteln (FoerEB) (Bundesgesetz)

Vereinbarung gemäß Art. 15a B-VG zwischen dem Bund und den Ländern über die Förderung von Lehrgängen für Erwachsene im Bereich Basisbildung/Grundkompetenzen sowie von Lehrgängen zum Nachholen des Pflichtschulabschlusses (15aEBasisPf) (Bundesgesetz)

