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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 27 November 2023

In public educational institutions, the requirements for other education staff and the qualification requirements for employees are defined by law: Act on Public Education (61.§) and the government decree on the promotion system of teachers (annex 2). Employees with a higher education degree - who directly assist in the work of education and training – are members of the school board of the institution.

The employer of the assistant and technical staff operating school infrastructure (maintenance staff, heater, cleaning staff, receptionist, etc.) - is the school district centre in the case of public schools, while in kindergartens it is the municipality.  As of 1 September 2015, the staff directly involved in teaching and education is also subjected to the promotion system of teachers, if they maintain a pedagogical/teacher degree or qualification.

The following support staff helps the work of teachers in kindergartens:

  • Childcare workers in kindergarten: they participate in educating and caring for children, as well as in maintaining a tidy and clean environment, protecting against accidents, preparing meals, and actively helping children’s activities  Following the Public Education Act, one childcare worker shall be employed for each kindergarten group. Childcare worker kindergarten course (480-740 lessons) may be completed in VET outside the school system. The criterion for starting the course is completed primary school education.
  • Carer and cleaner: instead of a childcare worker or together
  • Pedagogical assistant: the employment of 1 assistant per 3 kindergarten groups is state funded. The assistant contributes to the preparation and organisation of the child's activities, participates in the preparation and organisation of in-house and external programmes and leisure activities, Supervises and accompanies the group, cares for the child/young person in his/her care, participates in the development of hygiene habits. The educational assistant qualification can be obtained through formal or non-formal training (900-1300 hours).
  • School secretary: has tasks in institutional administration and operative institution maintenance. In kindergartens with a headcount of over 100 children, 1 school secretary shall be employed.
  • Lifeguard: in kindergartens with swimming pools, 1 lifeguard shall be employed.
  • School doctor: in kindergartens for SEN children with a headcount over 250 children 1 school doctor shall be employed.
  • Psycho-educator: at the decision of the maintainer.

Jobs directly involved in teaching and education in public educational institutions:

  • Pedagogical assistant: in public educational institutions they attend and accompany pupils or learner groups. If needed they provide childcare and first aid. They participate in general pedagogical work and in its preparation, and in the leisure time activities of the school. I primary schools the employment of 1 pedagogical assistant per 250 learners is guaranteed by state funding.
  • School librarian: operates the institutional library (stock creation and preservation), supports educational work (library user sessions), provides modern library services (reader service). If the institution has a library, but no librarian/teacher is employed, 0.5-2 people can be employed, depending on the number of pupils. A librarian qualification is required.
  • Leisure time organiser or school social worker or child and youth welfare worker: only those institutions shall employ him/her where the ratio of multiply disadvantaged students reaches the 25% of the headcount of the school or the dormitory, and the number of those affected exceeds 100 persons. Under 500 students 0.5 persons and over 500 students 1 person are eligible.
  • School secretary: has tasks in institutional administration and operative institution management. In  institutions with a headcount over 100 students 1 school secretary shall be employed, whereas over 450 pupils 1 more person shall be employed.
  • Dormitory secretary: 1 person per autonomous dormitory and 1 person per off-site dormitory unit funded.
  • Professional assistance secretary
  • IT system administrator: has to be employed by all schools: in the case of a student headcount between 1 and 250 in a part-time job, in a student headcount between 251-750 one person, over the above headcount 2 people shall be employed. His/her main tasks are to supervise the IT equipment of the institution, ensure its operation, provide user support, support pedagogical processes and administrative tasks.
  • Laboratory assistant: from 5th grade, with a headcount over 250 students 1 laboratory assistant shall be employed. In addition to maintaining order in the laboratory and handling equipment and chemicals in accordance with the regulations, in cooperation with the teacher, he/she participates in the preparation and performance of teacher-student experiments.
  • Psycho-education: in institutions where the proportion of multiply disadvantaged students reaches at least 25% in the school or the dormitory, and this number exceeds 100, 1 psycho-educator shall be employed.
  • Child and youth protection supervisor or special education assistant: 1 person per 15 pupils in schools exclusively for pupils with special educational needs and 6 pupils in schools and colleges for pupils with disabilities.
  • Instrument maintainer or costume attendant: in basic art schools with a headcount over 200 students the employment of 1 instrument maintainer or costume attendant is state funded.
  • Pedagogical supervisor: 1 person, if the dormitory's board of teachers decided to introduce the post before the entry into force of the Regulation, per 100 pupils per gender and per building.
  • Technical manager: 1 person may be employed in a vocational school where there are at least 120 workstations in the workshop or on the farm, or where the workshop or farm is open both in the morning and in the afternoon.
  • Medical Specialist: 1 person in an establishment exclusively for pupils with special educational needs.
  • Nurse: 0,5 to 2 persons, depending on the number of pupils, may be employed in dormitories and in dormitories exclusively for pupils with special educational needs.
  • Physical therapist

School Doctor, Public Health Care Inspector, Dentist, Dental Assistant

School healthcare shall cover all educational institutions, and it has to be organised by institutions, or jointly by several institutions. School healthcare can be provided by the school doctor in part-time or full-time job, by the public health care inspector in part-time or full-time job, and by the regional health visitor as a district-related task. If the number of students in the public educational institution reaches 800 people (in special educational institution over 400 students), the school public health care inspector shall be employed full time. One public health care inspector can provide for maximum of 1000 persons.

For school doctors and public health care inspectors who are employed in part-time, or who are providing school health care in several institutions, the time that has to be spent in each institution – in consultation with the tasks - shall be determined when establishing the legal relationship for the work, and this has to be published in the public educational institution.

School doctor’s tasks should be performed by a GP, internal medicine specialist or infant and paediatric specialist, possibly with a specialist examination in school health science and youth protection. Public health care inspector tasks may be performed by a public health care inspector with a college degree. The health care of children and pupils is provided by a doctor and a school nurse according to a schedule agreed with the head of the educational institution.

The minimum basic equipment of the school consulting room is determined by the School Health Care ministerial decree (annex 1). It is not compulsory to establish a school consulting room inside the school if students can receive provision in a health care institution near the school. In special educational- and conductive educational kindergartens and schools, a consulting room has to be established in every case.

School dental care has to be organised in a way that dental consulting rooms have to be assigned to all institutions. In a student headcount exceeding 1,200 people, the dentist to provide school dental care has to be employed in full time. The number of children in a district served by one dentist employed in full time may not exceed 1,800 people. Disabled children have to be counted twice when determining the headcount. The dentist and the dental assistant perform their school dental care tasks partly in the consulting room, partly in the educational institution. School dentists have to be paediatric dentists or dentists with experience in paediatric dentistry.

Group screening and treatment of children and pupils is carried out twice a year at the local dental clinic during term time. One pupil (group of pupils) may be deducted from 10 school hours per school year for dental check-ups and treatment. Participation in the dental check-up and supervision of the pupils during the check-up is ensured by the educational establishment.