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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure


7.Higher education

7.4Programmes outside the bachelor and master structure

Last update: 27 November 2023

Even after the introduction of the Bologna multi-cycle system, there are a few fields that retained their original one-tier programmes which still have the features of the earlier, dual structure of single-tier 3-4-year-long college degree programmes and 5-6-year-long university degree programmes. There are different reasons for keeping the earlier structure of study but it is typical of regulated professions and is related to the requirements set by external sectoral organisations and the traditions of the programmes. A few programmes – after having run for a couple of years in cycled structure – were also reorganised as single-tier master programmes.

To these programmes the admission procedure and admission requirements are identical to the programmes of bachelor programmes in the multi-cycle system. Applicants apply during the same procedure and they can apply to programmes of the multi-cycle system and to undivided programmes at the same time. Calculation of the scores needed for admission, regulations on extra scores and other rules are also identical.

There are no obstacles to further studies. College degrees obtained in the earlier system are recognised as Bachelor degrees and entitle such degree holders to apply for Master Degree programmes or any other programmes for which a Bachelor degree is a prerequisite. University degrees acquired in the earlier system are recognised as Master degrees and entitle degree holders to apply for doctoral programmes or any other programmes that are based on a Master degree as a prerequisite.

The former, dual-structured teachers’ training programme offered in colleges, as well as kindergarten teacher, conductor and teacher of special needs underwent a significant development period before shifting to the multi-cycle system. Therefore, their three and four-year programmes (180/240 credits) could easily be adjusted to the first-cycle of the Bologna system. Therefore, although no in-merit changes were introduced to these programmes in the course of the multi-cycle transformation formally, they can be considered first-cycle programmes. 

There are several 5-6-year long one-tier programmes available. Applicants to these apply in the same procedure as applicants to Bachelor programmes but after uninterrupted studies of 10-12 terms they obtain a Master degree. Programmes include medicine (12 terms, 360 ECTS credits), dentistry (10 terms 300 ECTS credits) and pharmacy (10 terms 300 ECTS credits) in the field of medicine and health care; veterinary medicine (11 terms, 300 + 30 ECTS credits), agricultural engineering, and forestry (10 terms 300 ECTS credits) in the agricultural field as well as architecture (10 terms 300 ECTS credits), law (10 terms 300 ECTS credits), economic and financial mathematical analysis (10 terms 300 ECTS credits) in the field of economy, some art programmes (e.g. film studies, theatre studies, stage director, acting, painting, sculpture, graphics, inter-media and architecture designer [which also have a divided programme]) (10 terms 300 ECTS), teacher training (secondary education; 10 terms, 300 ECTS), and theology studies of some churches (10 terms 300 ECTS credits, and in pastor specialisation 12 terms, 360 credits). The proportion of students enrolled in these programmes in full-time studies is nearly 50% higher as the number of students enrolled in Master programmes.

Some programmes are offered both as undivided long programmes and as BA + MA programmes as a result of agreements made by higher education institutions and professional bodies.