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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Continuing professional development for academic staff working in higher education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.6Continuing professional development for academic staff working in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Organisational Aspects

Academic educators are responsible for their CPD. As a result, there is no system of obligatory continuous professional development (CPD) for academic staff in higher education. There are no formal in-service trainings organised. However, the promotion depends upon the professional development.

Incentives for Participation in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Activities

The system of promotion and career advancement provides incentives for academic staff to engage in CPD. The various academic positions are based on one another and are awarded in line with the requirements specified in the Higher Education Act and internal regulations of the institutions. The Government Decree stipulates the qualification criteria related to teachers’ or researchers’ positions, the qualification criteria applicable to the senior heads of the institution, the rector and the chancellor, which provides a basis for the continuous self-assessment and organizational assessment of having met the requirements prescribed in the employment-related set of requirements and the individual’s job description.

Pursuant to the Higher Education Act, permanent employment as an assistant lecturer is subject to enrolment in a doctorate course. The prerequisite to permanent employment as assistant professor is subject to holding a PhD/DLA degree. Occupying (on the basis of an application) an associate professor’s educational position and title for an indefinite term is subject to the existence of a doctoral degree, to managing the students’ and subordinate instructors’ study and scientific work, just as preparation for holding lectures in a foreign language and the possession of a scientific degree. A professor’s educational position and title may be granted to those who have a scientific degree, are habilitated instructors and whose scientific work is recognized in the national and international groups of his science or arts field.

The law stipulates that the teacher who failed to get a scientific decree until the end of the tenth year from the date of his employment must not be employed any longer.

The salary of the academic staff is increased in line with promotion system.