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Mobility in early childhood and school education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.1Mobility in early childhood and school education

Last update: 17 July 2024

The Határtalanul! (Without borders) Programme, which has been operating with state support since 2010, aims at developing Hungarian-Hungarian relations, establishing and deepening personal relationships. As part of the programme, students from Hungary take part in class field trips for educational purposes in the Hungarian-populated areas of neighbouring countries. Hungarian schools can apply for the programme to travel to the Hungarian-populated areas of Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Ukraine, Slovenia or Croatia with their 7th grade or high school students. In addition, the programme supports community cooperation between Hungarian students in secondary schools with Hungarian sections or classes in Romania, Slovakia, Serbia, Ukraine, Slovenia or Croatia, for example, by organising school competitions. The application process is co-ordinated by Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, many trips were cancelled during 2020, and the deadline for the implementation of the selected projects has been extended until 2022.

In addition, some schools also have student exchange programmes that allow students to travel abroad. Hungarian students are regularly successful in international study competitions and in student olympics. In nine Hungarian secondary schools, students have the opportunity to obtain an international baccalaureate.

The Erasmus+ program to improve the quality of education provides opportunities for students and staff in public education (kindergarten, primary school, secondary school) to improve their professional skills and to work with European partners in an international environment.  The previous phase of Erasmus+ (2014-2020) is now closed, with only a few applications pending, and for the 2021-2027 phase, from 2021 onwards, public education and secondary vocational education and training institutions can apply for two types of learning mobility for individuals in general education: regular funding as an accredited institution and short-term mobility projects. A broad variety of activities can be supported in both types of projects to promote teacher and student mobility.

Pupil and student mobility

The Erasmus+ Programme supports the improvement of the quality of teaching and learning in kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools. An important objective is to develop students' language and communication skills, to increase their motivation to learn languages and to facilitate the integration of students with special learning needs. Student mobility takes place within the Erasmus+ public education and VET sector, and within the mobility projects of the youth sector. In the new programme phase starting in 2021, in the public education and VET sector, the "learning mobility of individuals" (KA1) category also offers the possibility to apply for learning mobility, which has generated a lot of interest in the first year, with many people opting for group and short-term learning mobility.

Teacher mobility

The ERASMUS+ in public and VET education  provides support for the professional development in an international environment of teachers and school staff.

In the framework of mobility abroad, the staff members of public education institutions may perform teaching activities, they may participate in an organised training course or further training, or they can gain experience through a professional visit. There is also the possibility of hosting incoming experts and trainee teachers. Mobility projects can support short-term mobility activities and provide regular support to institutions with Erasmus accreditation. The number of public education and VET institutions awarded Erasmus accreditation is constantly growing. In 2021, 32 mobility applications were granted among the previously accredited institutions, supporting the mobility of 1 215 participants (teachers, students mixed). Among the short-term mobility projects, 31 proposals were supported, involving a total of 466 participants. In 2021, for short-term mobility projects, 42% of applicants were in general secondary education, 31% in general primary education and 27% in secondary vocational education. The main themes of the supported projects were digital skills and competences, new learning and teaching methods and approaches, teaching and learning of foreign languages and digital contents.

In-service teacher trainings stated by bilateral inter-governmental agreements can be recognised in Hungary, and the related list shall be published based on Section 8 (4) of the no. 277/1997 (XII.22.) Government Decree as a part of the in-service training list. At present in-service trainings based on bilateral inter-governmental educational, cultural and scientific cooperation agreements can be recognised in relation to 31 countries.