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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.5Support measures for learners in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Definition of the target group(s)

In higher education, disadvantaged students and students with disabilities are supported in accordance with the law.

Pursuant to the Act on National Higher Education, the following persons receive support:

  • those who are under the age of 25 at the time of enrolment (application), and disadvantaged pursuant to the Act on Child Protection and Guardianship Administration
  • student (applicant) with disability, who is multiply disadvantaged in the case of physical disability, sensory and speech impairment, or if several disabilities occur at the same time, or copes with autism spectrum disorder or other psychic developmental disorder (severe learning, attention or behavioural regulation disorder)

In the admission procedure to a higher education institution, disadvantaged applicants and applicants with disabilities receive extra points.

Specific support measures

Measures for students with disabilities

In accordance with Act CCIV of 2011 on national higher education, disabled students are offered convenient circumstances for preparation and examination and are assisted in their fulfilment of obligations arising from their student status. They may be exempted from the obligation to take certain subjects, subject parts, or to undergo assessment. If necessary, such students are exempted from language examination, or from a certain level thereof. Disabled students are given a longer time of preparation at examinations and are afforded the opportunity to use aids at the written examination (typewriter, computer, etc.), or if necessary, the substitution of written examinations by oral ones or of oral examinations by written ones is made possible. The exemption granted is exclusively granted in the context of the condition justifying such exemption and cannot result in exemption from the fulfilment of basic academic requirements that are requisite to the award of the professional qualification certified by the Bachelor and the Master degree, or of the vocational qualification evidenced by the certificate of higher education vocational training.

One student may pursue higher education studies, including studies in short-cycle vocational training, in a state funded place for a maximum of 12 terms. The higher education institution may prolong the financing period of disabled students by a maximum of 4 terms.

Higher education institutions have to provide information and counselling for their students, in particular for disabled students, to help their integration and progress during higher education studies, as well as career planning counselling during and after the completion of studies.

Higher education institutions have to ensure the conditions according to the type of disability and accessible environment for the disabled. In addition to this, as stated by the Organisational and Operational Rules of the institution, they also have to employ a mentor, coordinator to coordinate tasks related to students with disabilities. The coordinator is one of the members of the Disability Committee, which judges the requests of students for exemptions and organises support. The tasks of the coordinator are to:

  • keep a continuous record of disabled students pursuing studies at the institutions,
  • have individual consultation with students
  • in order to assess their needs and provide information, advice and assistance for them,
  • organise consultations needed by disabled students,
  • ensure support and consultations both during term-time and exam periods,
  • make a proposal on how to allocate the state funding received by the university in relation to disabled students and on purchasing special equipment for accessibility,
  • assist students with individual problems during their studies.

Pursuant to the Organisational and Operational Rules of the higher education institution:

  • the institution judges the requests of disabled students for assistance, exemption and benefits,
  • a coordinator is appointed to carry out the task of providing assistance for students with disabilities at institutional level,
  • students with disabilities can use the personal and technical support and services provided by the higher education institution or not provided but made available in another manner in accordance with the type and severity of their disability,
  • students with disabilities can use the allowance for textbooks and notes for obtaining special notes or other technical aids replacing notes that help preparation.

The higher education institution provides regular or special social scholarship for socially disadvantaged students.