Education of teachers
The education of teachers is adjusted to the structure of public education.
Currently, teacher qualifications can be obtained through the following ways:
in one-tier training programme: teacher’s degree course(s);
cycled HE programme, teacher’s MA degree
following a non-teacher master’s degree in the area of specialization in a given teaching discipline; in parallel with a one-tiertraining programme or after a master’s degree in a teacher’s master’s course. (§1 of Ministry of Human Capacities Decree 8/2013 (I. 30.)) (8/2013. (I. 30.) EMMI rendelet 1. §)
The duration of the training period is 10 semesters in the one-tier programme, 12 semesters in the double major training programme in music. The one-tier training programme leads to a teacher’s qualification in double major general subjects
Employment of teachers
Most teachers are employed as public education employees from 1 January 2024. Their employment is governed by the Act on Teachers' Nex Career Paths (2023. évi LII. törvény a pedagógusok új életpályájáról) Their salaries are also based on this legislation.
The teacher career model was introduced in September, 2013, its first two years (or 1 year in the case of those who participates in the one-tier programme) is a compulsory traineeship period which ends with an evaluating exam. Following a successful examination, the teacher becomes ’Teacher 1’. The next level is ’Teacher 2’,the two top levels of the career model are Master Teacher and Researcher Teacher. During a teacher's career, the Teacher I qualification is compulsory and any further qualification is optional.
It is necessary to clarify that in Hungary the infant and small child teachers do not belong to the system of public education, but to the social sector. However there are uniform regulations, so in many cases the term „teacher” includes everyone who teaches and educates. This unity is shown – for example - by the fact that the scope of the teacher career model extends to the infant and small child teachers with teacher qualification. However, strictly speaking, kindergarten teachers at ISCED 0 level are considered as teachers, but the infant and small child teachers who work at nurseries, are not.
The teacher career model extends to certain professionals at institutions providing pedagogy-related professional services, to teachers at institutions under the Act on Protection of Children (1997. évi XXXI. törvény a gyermekek védelméről és a gyámügyi igazgatásról) and to pedagogical assistants with a professional qualification in pedagogy. The precondition of being advanced to the next career grade is the evaluation of the teacher’s professional work and portfolio (application for Master Teachers and for Researcher Teachers), through a certification procedure (certification exam in case of apprentices).
An important change is that from 1 July 2020, institutions that provide initial vocational education and training were excluded from the scope of the Act on Public Education, thus the public servant status of teachers employed there has terminated, they became teachers, and their employment continues within the framework of employment relationship.
Continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers
The system of continuing professional development for teachers has remained almost unchanged since 1996.The obligatory participation in in-service training for teachers is 120 hours in every 7 years. The head of the institution prepares a 5-year in-service training programme to facilitate the implementation of the teacher's 120-hour CPD obligation. The plan is approved by the institution’s maintainer, but the teaching staff may give their opinion on it. Participation in in-service trainings for teachers can be implemented in several ways, whereas non-fulfilment might imply sanctions. The employment of a teacher who has not participated in in-service training or has not successfully completed his/her studies may be terminated.
The in-service trainings for teachers provided by the state as a professional teaching service, is free-of-charge. These are carried out by territorially competent Pedagogical Educational Centres. However, there are market-based providers too, who provide trainings for a certain fee.
There are also some special in-service trainings for teachers, that are available - beyond the education sector - to the early childhood educators, employed in the social sector.