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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teachers and education staff
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

9.Teachers and education staff

Last update: 27 November 2023

The education system in BiH is composed of four levels: preschool education, compulsory primary education, secondary education and higher education. Educators in preschool education, teachers in primary and secondary education are educated in accordance with targeted educational level, i.e. age of the children with whom they work. In BiH they are highly qualified (completed an appropriate study programme at the higher education).

In order to be qualified to work in a school or preschool education all future teachers must attend study programmes that lead to higher pedagogical knowledge and teaching qualifications at a particular level of education. Upon completion of a particular programme they acquire the right to lecture certain subject at a certain level of education.

Teachers in BiH are employed in public and private institutions, and their qualifications and professional development are regulated by legislation and regulations.

Institutions responsible for matters relating to conditions of service of teachers are: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, local government and educational institutions. Conditions of service are governed by the regulations of the competent ministries of education.