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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teachers and education staff


9.Teachers and education staff

Last update: 27 November 2023

Teachers at all levels of school education are university graduates with a Bachelor’s degree as a minimum qualification. Day nursery staff are qualified social workers. University teachers hold a PhD as a minimum qualification.

Teachers working in early childhood and school education as well as non-university level institutes of higher education in the public sector, are civil servants with their conditions of service detailed in governing laws and schemes of service.

Academic staff in public universities are not civil servants. The Council and the Senate as well as the Faculties and Departments are the decision-making bodies for the conditions of service of academic staff.

Continuing education for teachers at all school levels is the responsibility of the state with compulsory and optional courses offered by the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus. There is no regulated continuing education for academic staff at the higher education level.