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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff working in adult education and training


10.Management and other education staff

10.7Management staff working in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

The function of adult education and training in Hungary is basically twofold. Adult education means school-based education for adults. If the education of adults takes place in a public education institution, it is regulated by the Act on Public Education (60. §). If adult education takes place in a higher education institution, it is regulated by the Act on Higher Education.

The term ’adult training’ refers to the organization of adult learning outside the school system. The scope of the Act LXXVII of 2013 on Adult Education extends to competence development of the organized education and training, to vocational training (if it is not provided by a vocational school or a higher education institution), and to services related to adult training activities.

Adult education in lower, upper secondary and higher education institutions

Adult education in the lower and upper secondary school system is subjected to the Act on Public Education, so the rules for the management are identical with those effective for the management of public educational institutions.

Public educational institutions and vocational training institutions may also provide non-formal adult education. Management regulations are declared in the Act on Public Education, or in the case of vocational training institutions in the Act on Vocational Training.

School-based adult training in higher education includes education and training provided in a higher education institution, in part-time system, and consequently the regulations for the management of higher education institutions shall apply for them as well.

Adult training outside the school system

Adult training outside the school system is regulated by the Act on Adult Education. This includes the institutional system and governance as well; at the same time, it does not define any criteria for the institution management. However, the pursuit of an adult training activity is subject to notification or authorization, and the professional leader responsible for the professional activity shall be employed as an employee in the adult training institution. The professional leader must:

  • obtain a college or university degree in andragogy;
  • or a college or university degree in pedagogy and at least 3 years of professional experience in adult training;
  • or a college or university degree in pedagogy and at least 5 credit points from a curse on adult training in higher education, as required by the training and outcome requirements.

The professional leader of an adult training institution operating as a sole proprietor or sole proprietorship may also be the owner of the sole proprietor or sole proprietorship if he/she meets the criteria for the qualification or professional experience required of the professional leader.

Adult training experts shall be involved in the licensing process and the supervision of adult training programmes and institutions. The conditions for the pursuit of expert activities are regulated in the government decree on the implementation of the Act on Adult Education (12. §). Adult training experts are required to undergo further training and pass an examination within 6 months of the start of the activity and every 2 years thereafter.