The management structures in place related to the provision of adult education at the University of Malta (UM), the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), the Institute for Tourism Studies (ITS) and the Institute for Education (IFE) are the same as those that are in place for the provision of higher education by the different educational institutions.
Directorate for Lifelong Learning and Employability
Management staff responsible for steering Adult Education at the Directorate for Lifelong Learning and Employability include the Director, an Assistant Director and an Education Officer, under the stewardship of the Director General for Curriculum, Lifelong Learning and Employability.
The Director General, Director and Assistant Director are considered headship/senior management positions within the Public Service. Headship and Assistant Director positions across the Public Service are filled through a central call for applications issued by the Office of the Prime Minister. Proficiency, verbally and in writing, in the Maltese and English languages is also required.
Assistant Director positions are not deemed to warrant a specialised/technical/sector-specific academic qualification. Headship appointments are for a four-year tenure, tied to a Performance Agreement of a corresponding length. They are subject to a one-year probation/trial period and fall under Regulation 7(4)(b)(i) of Subsidiary Legislation 452.81 entitled “Contracts of Service for a Fixed Term Regulations”.
As public officers, the conduct of the Director General, Director and Assistant Director is regulated by the Public Service Management Code and its complementary manuals.
The role of the Education Officer is to guide, coordinate and ensure an effective and efficient educational service provision. Education Officers are recruited through a public call for applications, subject to criteria in vigour at the time the call is issued. The conditions are outlined in the Agreement between the Government of Malta and the Malta Union of Teachers and their conduct is regulated by the Public Service Management Code since they are public officers. Education officers are paid at Salary Scale 5 and receive a class allowance and works resources allowance.
Administrative support is given by executive/administrative officers and clerks in the following areas:
database and registration of learners,
customer care and contacts with learners,
monthly returns, payments and operations,
projects and resources.
Centre Co-ordinators run the five centres used for adult lifelong learning courses. There are also various Subject Co-ordinators leading courses pertaining to subjects of ICT, English and Maltese as a Foreign Language (EFL/MFL), Literacy and Numeracy Skills and Key Competencies. Both Centre Co-ordinators and Subject Co-ordinators are employed on a part-time basis.
Jobsplus mainstream courses are administered by the Training Services Unit under the leadership of the Head of the Employer Services Division. The Training Services Unit is responsible for designing training programmes; seeking feedback from experts on the designed courses; submitting courses for accreditation; setting the trainers’ qualification requirements; assisting in the shortlisting and recruiting of part-time trainers; scheduling of courses; registration of trainees for courses; issuing of certificates; conducting quality checks on the training programmes; and evaluating trainees’ and trainers’ feedback. The Unit is managed by a Department Manager with the support of a Unit Manager.
The administrative personnel that assist in the processes outlined above include:
6 Training Co-ordinators
- 1 Principal Executive
- 3 Senior Executives (one is also responsible for the upkeep of the Training Complex)
- 2 Executives
3 Training Design and Quality Assurance staff
- 2 Principal Executives
- 1 Senior Executive
1 Senior Clerk (administers the reception desk at Jobsplus Training Complex).
The requirements for the appointment or filling of vacancies for administrative staff are all set and administered by Jobsplus’ People Management Department in close cooperation with the Training Services Unit. Likewise, the conditions of work are all covered by a collective agreement.