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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff working in adult education and training
Belgium - French Community

Belgium - French Community

10.Management and other education staff

10.7Management staff working in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Continuing education and training initiatives for young school-leavers and adults fall within the competence of various different authorities (the French Community, the Walloon and Brussels-Capital Regions). The status and powers of management personnel vary depending on the type of body in question.

Thus the social advancement education institutions overseen by the French Community are governed by the decree of 27 December 1991. This education is defined in relation to its public rather than the level of the courses dispensed there: adults can gain the CEB (certificate of primary education) there, but equally they can gain specific vocational qualifications. In autonomous social advancement education institutions, a position of full-time director is created, representing a minimum of 36 hours per week. Depending on the situation, these working hours may be reduced, or, conversely, a position of deputy director may be created. Positions of management secretary and head of workshop can also be created. A specific inspection service is responsible for overseeing institutions at the various levels, with regard to general, special and technical courses and vocational practice courses. At the upper secondary and higher levels, the inspection service is also responsible for psychology, educational science and methodology. Finally, it supervises the auxiliary educational staff. It can also serve as educational administrator.