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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training
Belgium - French Community

Belgium - French Community

13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.6Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

European, global and intercultural dimension in curriculum development

The Europass Certificate Supplement describes the knowledge and skills acquired by holders of vocational education and training certificates. They are available for every title of competence issued by the Skills Validation Consortium.

Partnerships and networks

EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) is a European, multilingual open membership community for teachers, trainers, researchers, academics, policy makers and anyone else with a professional role in adult learning across Europe.

It is set up around the sharing of content related to adult learning, including news, blog posts, resources, and events.

Members of the community can engage with adult learning colleagues across Europe through the site’s features, including the forums, the communities of practice and the comments sections.  You can find articles and resources around specific topics through the thematic areas. You can also look for projects and make professional connections using the Partner Search tool.


In the field of adult education, Erasmus + introduces an institutional logic in the organization of mobility: The active organizations in the field of adult education submit an application file to organize periods of mobility for their members : teachers, trainers, educators, managers of structures, advisers, animators, etc.

Within the framework of a project, transnational mobility activities make it possible to develop :

  • new skills and knowledge to improve the quality of adult education ;

  • new methods and tools ;

  • Educational cooperation and synergies between peers and between formal and non-formal education sectors, vocational training or the world of work.

Organizations in the formal or non-formal adult education sector carry mobility projects for all their staff : teachers, trainers, educators, managers of structures, advisers, animators.

Organizations can apply individually or by joining together through a consortium to facilitate the organization of mobilities and pool their resources.

The staff of organizations active in the field of adult education can :

  • participate to structured lessons or training events ;

  • go on an observation internship in a work situation within structures active in adult education ;

  • provide lessons / training within a partner structure abroad ;

  • The duration of the mobility can vary between 2 days and 2 months (excluding travel).

Staff mobility must be part of an institution strategy : the European Development Plan, in which the organization indicates how mobility activities fit into a long-term strategy for the development and modernization of the organization. It must show a reflection centered on the analysis of staff needs and their translation into training objectives, the identification of training activities and participants, the exploitation of the results of training mobility.

Erasmus+ :

Strategic partnerships allow cooperation around a common theme between organizations active in education and training. They can range from simple exchange of good practices to the development of innovative productions. Depending on the objectives of the project, it will be open to students, staff or any other stakeholder concerned by the theme developed in the project. This allows whole classes or groups of students to work on a common theme and to participate in exchanges between partner countries.

In the French Community, the programme is managed for the European Union by the French-speaking Agency for Lifelong Learning (AEF-Europe). Each year, the European Union publishes a Call for new projects following which interested organizations can respond by sending their application in order to obtain funding for their project.