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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.6Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training

Last update: 8 March 2024

European, global and intercultural dimensions in curriculum development

The Resolution on the National Programme of Adult Education in the Republic of Slovenia 2021–2030 ( is a development document that contributes to a harmonised provision of adult education at the national level and associates with goals and contents of strategic and programme documents at national and international levels.

It covers education, upskilling and training, and learning of people who have completed the basic school obligation. It defines the national policy of adult education. At the same time, it provides the basis for concrete planning at the level of the country, in the form of annual education programmes adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for each year. It is an instrument of systemic regulation in adult education and at the strategic level, it complements the Adult Education Act.

The officially recognised basic skills programmes in the public interest that comply also with the relevant European recommendations and frameworks (e. g. Council recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning, DigComp 2.1 and DigComp 2.2, the GreenComp, and so forth) do not have a special emphasis on internationalisation. Upper secondary education programmes for adults are adapted in terms of implementation but not in terms of content and standards of knowledge. Therefore, they have the same substantive characteristics as the education of young people.

The Programme of Initial migrant integration 2011, which consists of an initial and advanced module, includes the acquisition of knowledge and competences in Slovenian language, Slovenian culture, the legal system in Slovenia, as well as individual rights. 

The Slovenian Institute of Adult Education (ACS) provides the basic training for teachers in implementing the Initial Migrant Integration programme and counselling service to the institutions and other providers of training and this programme.

There are both national and European funds available for various adult education programmes, upskilling and training. Funds are intended to co-fund adult education, including professional education for multilingual and intercultural communication and training for work in international networks, programmes of mobility and different partnerships.

Partnerships and networks

The partner international cooperation is set out primarily in the scope of the Cooperation Partnerships transnational projects in the Erasmus+ programme.

The Small-scale partnership action enables smaller actors and individuals who are otherwise difficult to reach access to also adult education. Partnerships pave the way for organisations to make the first step into cooperation at European level, including target groups with fewer opportunities, supporting active European citizenship, and European dimension at a local level.

The National Support Service of the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) is set up at the Centre for Mobility and European Education and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS). 

The ongoing process at the Centre since 2012 is the implementation of the European adult learning programme within the programme of Erasmus+.

Slovenia maintains various international ties, such as the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), the European Basic Skills Network (EBSN), the European Distance and e-Learning Network (EDEN), the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA), the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE).

Slovenia participates also in various international connections such as the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), the European Society for Research on the Education of Adult Learning (ESREA), and the International Council for Adult Education (ICAA).