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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.6Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training

Last update: 19 March 2025

European, global and intercultural dimension in curriculum development

Adult education must be considered as part of the system of continuing training or lifelong learning. According to Law 2/2006 on Education (LOE), amended by Law 3/2020 (LOMLOE), one of the core objectives of adult education is to develop the ability of adults to participate in the social, cultural, political and economic life, and to effectively exercise their right to democratic citizenship.

Education at the stage of each Compulsory Secondary Education for adults is organised into three areas and two levels in each of them. Specifically, in the Social Sphere, it includes basic knowledge such as:

  • European citizenship. Ideas and attitudes in the project of building a common identity.
  • The values of Europeanism. Formulas for participation in European educational programmes.

Additionally, the following goals are identified as specific competences: Knowing and contributing to preserve the common tangible and intangible heritage, respecting the feelings of belonging and adopting commitments to principles and actions aimed at cohesion and territorial solidarity of the political community, the values of Europeanism and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Partnerships and networks

Within the framework of the Eramus+ Programme there is Key Action 1-KA1: Mobility Opportunities, which includes opportunities for adult learners' mobility. Two types of projects can be applied for under this Action:

  • Short-term projects for learner and staff mobility: These projects provide applicant organisations with the opportunity to organise various mobility activities over a period of six to eighteen months.
  • Accredited projects for learner and staff mobility: These projects are exclusively open to organisations holding Erasmus accreditation in the field of adult education. This special funding line allows accredited organisations to regularly receive funding for mobility activities contributing to the gradual implementation of their Erasmus plan.

The main objectives of KA1 action are:

  • to strengthen the European dimension of teaching and learning;
  • to promote the values of inclusion and diversity, tolerance and democratic participation;
  • to support the development of professional networks throughout Europe;
  • to improve the quality of formal, non-formal and informal adult education in Europe in terms of key competences;
  • to broaden and diversify adult education provision through the professionalisation of educators and the development of adult education providers' capacity;
  • to increase the participation of adults of all ages and from all socio-economic backgrounds in adult education.

The mobility activities that adult education institutions can undertake are:

  • Mobility for teaching staff:
    • job shadowing (2 to 60 days);
    • teaching or training assignments (2 to 365 days);
    • courses and training (2 to 30 days, maximum of 10 days of course fees per participant).
  • Mobility for learners:
    • group mobility for adult learners (2 to 30 days, at least two learners per group);
    • short-term learning mobility of adult learners (2 to 29 days);
    • long-term learning mobility of adult learners (30 to 365 days).
  • Other mobility activities:
    • invited experts (2 to 60 days);
    • hosting teachers and educators in training (10 to 365 days).