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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.6Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training

Last update: 30 March 2024

European, global and intercultural dimension in curriculum development

The Adult Education and Training Framework - Basic Level includes citizenship and employability, which aims to help adults develop skills in these two areas. This is transversal and seeks to develop behaviour and attitudes regarding citizenship and employability, which are seen as dependent on basic instrumental skills. The framework is common to all basic level qualifying provision (AET courses, recognition, validation and certification of skills and certified modular training) with the global and intercultural dimensions included in the curriculum.

The Adult Education and Training Framework – Upper Secondary level, which includes a key area of competence called citizenship and professionalism, is based on lifelong learning that involves active citizenship, individual development and social inclusion. In addition to employment and work, it focusses on the social, historical, cultural, political and emotional aspect of learning. Individuals are key players in this process. The framework is common to all vocationally oriented upper secondary level provision (EFA/AET courses, recognition, validation and certification of skills and certified modular training) with global and intercultural competences assured.

According to Decree-Law No 55/2018, 6 July, the citizenship and development curriculum component is now included in the basic curricular models of all educational and training provision. This is to encourage active citizenship, democratic participation in intercultural contexts of sharing and collaboration, and discussion of current issues.

Certified modular training may also be developed to meet specific needs, particularly in the development of foreign language skills. 

To this end, the National Qualifications Catalogue has been including short training units to meet this need. Currently, in addition to short training courses included in the basic training component, there are short training courses available in foreign languages in the technological component of some training frameworks: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch, Swedish, German, Mandarin and Russian.

Partnerships and networks

Through bilateral cooperation between Portugal and other countries, several partnerships and twinning have been established between Portuguese education and training institutions and those same countries. In addition to these, there are other partnerships and networks established as part as the community's education programmes.

The Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027 supports projects developed by organisations active in adult education, or who are involved with associated work areas both within Key Action 1 – Learning Mobility of Individuals, and Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions.

Action 1 supports adult learning providers and other organisations active in adult learning that wish to organise learning mobility activities for adult learners and teaching staff. Participating organisations should actively promote inclusion and diversity, environmental sustainability and digital education through their activities.

In relation to these two Key Actions, ANQEP, I.P. has been implementing the EQF, European Agenda for Adult Education and EPALE objectives in Portugal. These last two initiatives, which were launched in 2012 and 2014 respectively, aim to give new impetus to adult education at European and national level, and promote an exchange of practices, resources and knowledge among adult education and training professionals throughout Europe.