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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff
Belgium - French Community

Belgium - French Community

10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 27 November 2023

The role of management personnel may vary considerably depending on the target public. The skills required of management teams are closely connected with the characteristics of the target public and of the staff responsible for them.

For childcare facilities, the decree of the Government of the French Community of 27 February 2003 is one of the key pieces of legislation. It states that all childcare facilities, apart from childminders, must appoint a physical person who will be responsible for day-to-day management.

For schools, the decree of 2 February 2007 adds important details regarding school heads and the general framework of their roles. In addition, the decree of 8 March 2007 defines a General Department of Inspection, which is responsible for steering quality at pre-secondary and secondary levels. Finally, free Centres for Psychological, Medical and Social Services (CPMS) exist which both receive and listen to young people, and where multidisciplinary teams operate: educational psychologists, assistant educational psychologists, assistant social workers, assistant paramedics and doctors.

In higher education, the appointment of management personnel and the role they play assume different forms in higher education institutions, arts colleges and universities.

Finally, in adult education, the picture is extremely varied depending on which organisation is providing the training.