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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff working in adult education and training


10.Management and other education staff

10.7Management staff working in adult education and training

Last update: 20 March 2024

Public institutions for adult education in training can be public institutes for adult education and training or organisational units of other pubic institutes. Public institutes for adult education and training are lead by directors. Organisational units are lead by head teachers or unit leaders.

Directors are the management organ and the andragogical leaders of public institutes for adult education and training. They are designated by the Institute Councils based on a public call for applications. The duration of the term of office is five years. The Institute Council has to seek an opinion on the candidate of the andragogical assembly and the founder before they designate the director.

Directors of public institutes for adult education and training have to have:

  •     2nd cycle degree educational qualification or equivalent,
  •     pedagogical-andragogical qualification,
  •     certificate of professional examination in education and training,
  •     five years of previous experience at a minimum, of this, at least three years previous experience in adult education.

Directors designate educational leaders. Educational leaders have to meet the requirements for education staff in officially recognised education programmes for adults, namely:

  •     They have to have a perfect command of the standard Slovenian language,
  •     2nd cycle degree educational qualification or equivalent,
  •     pedagogical-andragogical qualification,
  •     certificate of professional examination in education and training.

Leaders of organisational units are designated by directors of the relevant public institutes.

Leaders of organisational units have to have:

  •     2nd cycle study degree educational qualification or equivalent,
  •     pedagogical-andragogical qualification,
  •     certificate of professional examination in education and training,
  •     three years of previous experience at a minimum in adult education.