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Main types of provision


8.Adult education and training

8.4Main types of provision

Last update: 17 July 2024

Adult training and education can be differentiated by institution type:

  • formal (school-based) education of adults - in the framework of public education

  • formal (school-based) vocational training for adults – in the framework of VET, in VET institutions

  • non-formal vocational training of adults (outside of the school system) – in the framework of VET or adult learning

  • other non-formal adult training – in the framework of adult learning

School-based adult education is aimed at obtaining general or secondary education and/or professional qualifications, which are governed by the National Public Education Act (2011. évi CXC. törvény a nemzeti köznevelésről)), and in case of vocational training for adults the Vocational Education and Training Act (2019. évi LXXX. törvény a szakképzésről)). Generally adult education is publicly subsidised, in case of vocational trainings, adults can rely on public funding until they acquire two basic vocations. The training is free, if it takes place in a vocational training institution maintained by the state – performing public tasks relating to secondary education - or operated by a maintainer participating in state tasks on the basis of a cooperation agreement. 

Vocational education and training is regulated by the Vocational Education and Training Act, the Adult Education Act and the Act on the Employment Enhancement and Unemployment Care, which provides the legal basis for employment-supported training (1991. évi IV. törvény a foglalkoztatás elősegítéséről és a munkanélküliek ellátásáról), and their implementing regulations. 

Trainings outside the school system are fundamentally governed by the Act on Adult Education (2013. évi LXXVII. törvény a felnőttképzésről).  For statutory training, which is also covered by other legislation, must be subject to both regulations. Training outside the school system can be organised as market-based training or with the use of state or EU support along the set goals and projects. As a basic rule, during the vocational training of adults, the acquisition of the first vocational qualification is free for the participant and financed by the state, if the training is organised in a VET institution. If the training is publicly subsided the training provider institution requires authorisation.

Types of trainings based on the main functions and tasks of adult learning:

  • Initial education and/or initial training required for the individual's career. In Europe, this means at least the acquisition of primary education and the first vocational qualification.

  • Continuing vocational training and the support of gaining a higher-level profession. It is mostly based on the training needs of employers, in many cases with the organization and support of employers.

  • Training for employment with the aim of providing a new qualification for unemployed people and those without marketable competences. This includes retraining and further training.

  • Supplementary training that supports the success of vocational training, job search and more efficient work.

Basic education, secondary school and higher education are integral parts built on one another of the educational system. Public education can take the form of adult education at any school level. Based on the new regulations, professional qualifications can only be obtained in school-based education. In adult training for a full or partial vocation one can obtain a  vocational qualification following an examination at an accredited examination centre. Until the successful completion of the examination, the completion of the training is confirmed by a certificate.

Possibilities for adults to enter vocational education

without comleted primary education
  • "Dobbantó" Programme of a vocational school
  • Workshop School - partial vocation, basic qualification

Under 16 years of age in student status 

In adult training status or under 25 years of age in student 

completed primary education
  • Workshop School - partial vocation, basic qualification
  • Technicum with general education - vocation and upper secondary school leaving exam certification
  • Vocational school with general education - vocation
  • Vocational school with training exclusively for vocational examinations - vocation





In adult training status or under 25 years of age in student 

vocational qualification without secondary school leaving exam
  • Vocational school with training exclusively for vocational examinations - vocation
with a secondary school leaving certificate
  • Technicum - vocation
  • Vocational school with training exclusively for vocational examinations - vocation


To help find information on vocational education and training institutions, there is a comprehensive national vocational database with a map (Átfogó szakmai országos keresőrendszer), which allows users to search or filter by county, city, school, sectoral classification and vocation for the courses advertised for the given academic year.

In international literacy, the area of adult education and training is engaged within the framework of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning includes all that is a person's life-long learning activity aimed at: developing knowledge, skills and abilities from a personal, civil, social and work perspective.

Educational and training programmes are divided into formal, non-formal and informal learning activities based on the learning environment.  If the learning process is "institutionalized" (organized, managed by an institution), it can be classified into a formal or non-formal category, otherwise learning activities may be informal.

In the offer of non-formal training, the role of companies and service-based providers is decisive, but the role of state-run training providers is also significant, especially in the field of labour market trainings.

Formal and non-formal learning can be distinguished on the basis of whether the training attained leads to a state-recognized qualification or vocational qualification in the given country or not. If it ends with a qualification, then the education or training is formal, if it is not, then it is non-formal. In Hungary, formal training includes the state-recognized qualifications in the school system and trainings preparing for qualifications obtained in accredited examination centres.

The training can be individual training, group training (or contact training), distance education or blended training. All forms of training can be state-supported or market-based.

The Act on Adult Education (Act LXXVII of 2013) defines the concept of distance education. Based on this, distance education is a form of education in which, for more than half of the training period, the participant learns alone, with guidance embedded in the distance-learning curriculum. This results that the adult participant attends consultations or traditional lessons in less than a half of the training period, and the learning package containing the curriculum, assessment and guide materials for independent learning is provided by the adult training organisation. During consultations, the self-acquired knowledge of the training’s participant is clarified or deepened. The use of info-communication technology data carriers can also help all phases of distance learning.

The law’s definition of distance education promotes a flexible organisation of training that reduces adult’s training time and makes it at an individual pace.

Blended learning, which provides flexible learning, combine the benefits of distance education and contact training, are highlighted in the VET 4.0 strategy. Blended learning is a form of teaching in which self-study based on electronic curriculum is complemented by personal presence and contact classes. Consultations and mentoring are possible in these occasions. In contact classes, there is a possibility to organise practical training in case of vocational training. Using blended learning instead of traditional education can reduce training cost by up to 40-50%. In addition, students can learn more efficiently and have access to up-to-date information faster.

Adult education and training by the purpose of the training can be:

  • Basic skill development (public education programmes for low-qualified people, training courses in public employment, etc.)

  • Vocational training programmes and preparation (vocational trainings that prepare students for vocational and partial vocational qualifications defined in the Register of Vocational Qualifications)

  • Labour market training (vocational training which ensures vocational qualification to obtain and retain a job, professional trainings, additional trainings to help employment)

  • Other trainings for developing skills and competences (general educational training, language courses, leisure and community trainings)

Hungary participated in the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies – PIAAC of OECD. PIAAC is an international survey, which measures the workplace skills and competencies of the adult population as well as the conditions for the acquisition and loss of them in both education and employment. Its result enables evidence-based policy planning of education, vocational and adult training and employment. In the main PIAAC survey, approximately 5,000 adults between the ages of 16 and 65 are interviewed in each participating country. In Hungary, the data collection of the main survey took place between 1 September and 31 December 2022, the results of which will be published in 2024. Repeated measurements show how the skills of adults change within a country and in comparison with other participating countries.

Provision to raise achievement in basic skills

In adult education and training, primary school and secondary school programmes, compensatory education programmes, certain compulsory training programmes related to public work are specifically aimed at developing basic skills. The same initiative appeared in many EU funded programmes, such as the former operational programmes.

Primary education

Adult education

To those who have not completed elementary education (8 years, ISCED 2) state-run institutions (usually those that also provide full-time education) offer free adult education programmes. The Ministry of Interior is responsible for these programmes and institutions. The programme has a tradition of many decades, but because of the decline in demand - as primary school is completed by 99% of young people by the end of compulsory schooling – the programme is limited to larger cities. In general, they organize education for the last two grades (7th and 8th), as it is the least likely, that somebody completes less than 6 grades. In some cases - if the institution organizes the education that way - the two-year programme can be completed in one year. Completion of the programme ends with the issuance of a certificate (HuQF level 2) equivalent to a day-to-day system, which entitles the participant to enter secondary education (ISCED 3) and allows obtaining a driving license. The latter is one of the main motivating forces for participation. Based on the records of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office:

  • in 2022, 676 students completed primary school (8 grades),

  • in the 2022/2023 school year, the number of students in adult primary education is 3963.

Secondary education

In 2022, the percentage of graduates from full-time education as a percentage of 18-year-olds was 64.9%. Anyone, who has not completed upper secondary education and received the upper secondary school leaving certificate in full time education, can obtain it in adult education after reaching compulsory school age. Upper Secondary Grammar School trainings for adults have been going on for many decades, they have long been popular and still being sought. This makes it possible to enrol in higher education or to trainings that requires an upper secondary school leaving certificate as a prerequisite. Passing the upper secondary school leaving examination in itself improves the labour market position and result in higher social status. Upper Secondary Grammar School graduation is practically free; a fee only has to be paid if someone registers for the same grade for the third time.

The certificate obtained from a grammar school in evening or distance training is equivalent to the full-time system certificate (HuQF level 4). Most of the institutions offering this programme are state-run; these fall under the competence of the Ministry responsible for public education. In general, those institutions offer secondary adult education, that already have full-time grammar school courses. The training is basically 4 years, but in many institutions, it is possible to complete two grades in one year, and the time of education can be reduced by the recognition of previous studies and by doing a differentiating exam. Based on the records of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office:

  • in 2022, a total of 7870 adult learner passed the upper secondary school leaving examination; in upper secondary grammar school 6400, in technicum and upper secondary vocational school 727 and in vocational school 743 students 

  • in the 2022/2023 school year, students attending upper secondary adult education that provides upper secondary school-leaving examination were 32 238.

Compensatory education programmes

The introduction of measures to reduce early school leaving helps to reduce the number of people needing compensatory programs, so that drop-out can be fundamentally prevented. The main goal is that everyone should acquire skills and knowledge that enable them to succeed in the labour market.

A carrier guidance survey was introduced which also helps reducing early school leaving. Based on the survey every student in the 8th grade receives a personal recommendation with the list of institutions that he/she can visit during open days.

After finishing basic school, young people who are uncertain in their career choice or need to improve their competences before entering vocational education can attend a competency-developing year – a so-called orientation year. Its task is to provide development based on the assessment of student’s individual competences, and to promote vocations, in practice, students can acquire in vocational education. In an orientation class, students get mentoring, development of their basic skills and key competences, career guidance and counselling in a flexible and personalised way of organising learning.

Those who have started their studies in a vocational school have enough time to make a specific career choice, as it only takes place after acquiring the required knowledge of the sector. For the 2022/2023 school year, 47 vocational education and training institutions launched orientation years.

There are also two compensatory programs to prevent school leaving without qualification:

From September 2020, Springboard Class (Dobbantó) Programme and School Workshop Programmes (műhelyiskola). give a flexible chance to learn for those who have not completed primary school to complete it and to acquire a partial vocational qualification.

In the Dobbantó Programme, the preparatory class of vocational school helps to improve core competences. It aims to prepare young people without completed 8th grade who have reached the age of 16 for vocational education. A mentor teacher helps the students to get individual development taking into consideration their own abilities and plans.

After that, the student can continue their training in School workshop programmes, where they can obtain a partial vocational qualification in 6-24 months. After acquiring the special professional knowledge, they can achieve a state-recognised completed 8th grade and a vocational certificate (HuQF level 2), which qualifies them for at least one job.

Students attending the programme are granted with a scholarship. The scholarship is 16 per cent of one month's tuition fees, as defined in the Act on the Central Budget for vocational education and training.The aims of the Dobbantó Programme are:

  • reducing the lack of core competences

  • developing the skills expected by employers

  • establishing access to vocational training.

The vocational school may initiate a training for students or participants of a training in the form of a school workshop programme. Its aim is to provide knowledge necessary for entering vocational education or getting a job.

Students or persons participating in trainings can only attend a school workshop programme if they do not have basic qualification and previously completed the Springboard programme of the vocational school, or if they have basic qualification but are still under 16. School workshop programmes only offer trainings to acquire a partial qualification. The duration of acquiring a partial qualification is minimum 6 months and maximum 24 months with no regard to the school year.

The Vocational Education and Training Act introduced new types of scholarships in vocational education and training from the 2020/2021 academic year. This allows young people to start earning a regular income while they are still studying. The scholarship is 16 per cent of one month's tuition fees, as defined in the Act on the Central Budget for vocational education and training. They will also receive support to start their careers, which they can use to start a business, buy equipment or even pay for housing.

Public employment and related training programmes

The number of people involved in public employment programmes has been continuously decreasing since 2017. For the last few years, the average monthly number of employees was 75. 600 in August 2022 and 67. 700 in December 2023. 63 percent of public employees are women, 92.9 percent are over 25 years old, and 64 percent have at most a primary education (HuQF level 2).

The aim of public employment is to ensure that public-sector workers perform value-creating work in line with their abilities and as many of them as possible return to the labour market. One of the decisive tools to boost returns is to give basic, vocational and further training. The successful implementation of the training programmes is supported by mentoring activities.

Trainings related to the National Public Employment Programme (Országos Közfoglalkoztatási Program) are aimed at obtaining a professional or state-recognized qualification that aims at making the acquired knowledge useful in the private sector at an employer with similar activity.

Trainings related to public employment are implemented under the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP-6.1.1-15-2015-00001) "Training for Low-skilled and Public-Employed Persons". The purpose of the priority project running between 2015-2022, was to encourage the low educated adult population with no qualification or no competence required on the labour market (especially public employees) to participate in education and training. Hereby, these people had an opportunity to acquire qualification, knowledge, skills and competences relevant to the labour market. The project was implemented by a consortium formed by the National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning (NOVETAL), Ministry of Interior, Digitális Jólét Nonprofit Ltd. and county government offices.

The training of public employees is carried out under the professional guidance of the Ministry of Interior. Training specializations, training needs are assessed with the help of government offices, based on labour market needs, forecasts, shortages of occupations and recommendations of the Chambers.

Provision to achieve a recognised qualification during adulthood certification

As a result of the VET’s undergoing transformation in 2019-2020, the system of VET has changed among the adult target group. The reformation of the VET system was grounded by VET 4.0 Strategy.

From 2020 to 2022 the previous and the new system were operating in parallel. Adult students who have started their studies earlier (in the previous VET system) get a certification according to the old system. The new training structure is launched in phasing-out system.

Regulation in line with the Act LXXX of 2019 on Vocational Education and Training (2019. évi LXXX. törvény a szakképzésről) is reforming the system of VET, which is manifested in the use of terminology, in its structure, in the institutional structure, in the regulation of content and outcome, and in funding.

Vocational education and training and the public education system have been separated. VET has two major field:

  • Vocational education preparing for state-recognised vocations of the Register of Vocational Qualifications (Szakmajegyzék). This provides state-recognised secondary school qualification and vocational qualification entitling the participant to fill several scopes of activities;

  • Vocational training preparing for vocational qualification organised by a vocational training institution or an officially licensed adult training institution.

Register of Vocational Qualifications (Szakmajegyzék) identifies 178 vocations in 24 sectors.

Acquiring two vocational qualifications in school-based vocational education is free, apart from some exceptional conditions. Without basic qualification one can learn a partial vocation in a workshop school after completing the ‘Springboard’ programme of a vocational school. If the adult learner has a basic qualification, he/she can apply for training at a technicum or vocational school that also includes general knowledge, or he/she can learn a partial vocation in the school workshop programme. After completing the 10th grade of secondary school, or if the adult student already has a profession or vocational qualification, a second vocation can only be obtained by attending a preparatory training (without subjects in general knowledge) of   a vocational school. With an upper secondary school leaving certificate, a technicum or a vocational school is only recommended to prepare for a professional exam (without general knowledge) in the field of vocational education.

In adult education, besides full-time education (up to the age of 25), evening classes, correspondence classes and e-learning based forms of education are still available. Up to the age of 25, school-based education can be fulfilled with student legal relationship as well, which ensures further benefits for students, for example student ID card.

The vocational training scholarship is awarded to all students in vocational training who meet the conditions (full-time, first profession, student status, no vocational training employment contract). Students in sectoral basic education are entitled to a fixed amount of scholarship. The basis of the scholarship is the one-month amount of the cost of specialized education defined in the Act on the Central Budget (this was HUF 100 000 in 2023). In specialized education, the amount of the scholarship varies depending on the academic results.

The Apáczai Scholarship programme offers new opportunities for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The scholarship is available through a call for applications and is open to 9th, 10th and 11th grade students in full-time vocational education, vocational schools and technicums. The Apáczai Scholarship programme offers new opportunities for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The scholarship is available through a call for applications and is open to 9th, 10th and 11th grade students in full-time vocational education, vocational schools and technicums. The amount of the student grant that can be awarded to eligible students on the basis of their need and good academic performance is determined on a monthly basis in proportion to their academic performance. In addition to financial incentives, talent support is provided throughout the grant period, with the help of mentors. The National Office for Vocational Education and Adult Training and Adult Learning is launching the "Apáczai Scholarship Programme" within the framework of the GINOP Plus 5.3.1-23-2023-00001 flagship project.

From 2020, vocational education and training is principally provided in VET institutions, at the level of secondary education. VET institutions provide vocational education in order to fill a job or activity that does not require tertiary level vocational qualifications, and vocational training leading to a vocational qualification.

VET institutions are operating in a new system from 1 September 2020:

  • Technicum (five years, with Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination)

  • Vocational school (three years)

Training time can be shortened in adult education. As a starting point, in the first two years in a technicum and in the first year of vocational school the participants acquire a wide range of sectoral knowledge, then they take a sectoral basic exam (ágazati alapvizsga). The new VET system ensures greater flexibility and interoperability from the labour market to the school system. For this purpose, vocational education for adults is usually a part-time, evening training. Training time can be shortened with the recognition of  prior professional knowledge acquired in a similar job. E-learning is also a possibility, or if the participant of the training works in the field, the company employing him/her can also take part in the training as a partner in dual training, so the training can be organised more flexibly than before.

From September 2020, the term ‘upper secondary vocational school’ (szakgimnázium) is referring to an educational institution providing five-year artistic, pedagogical and general competences education. It prepares students for upper secondary school leaving examination and obtaining a vocational qualification based on the Act on VET.

Based on the data of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office

  • the number of full-time graduates in adult education in VET institutions in 2022 was 18 947;

  • in the 2022/2023 school year, the number of people enrolled in non-full-time training in technicums and upper secondary vocational schools was 31 272.

Besides the VET institutions, adults can continue their studies for a partial vocation or attend a preparatory training for VET in an adult training institution. Training and Learning Outcomes Requirements of a partial vocational training, and programme requirements which set a base for vocational qualifications define the exit requirements of a given vocation based on learning outcomes.

The centrally developed programme requirements (Programkövetelmények) for vocational training, that can be launched in adult training as well (under the Act LXXX of 2019 on VET), include the Hungarian Qualifications Framework (HuQF) level. To register programme requirements, anyone can apply to the Ministry of Culture and Innovation. The registration is the competence of the Minister responsible for adult education and is developed centrally in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Innovation and the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce. In the first half of 2024, 591 programme requirements are available on the website of the Innovative Training Support Centre.

The vocational training is carried out in line with the training institution’s training programme based on the programme requirements, participants receive a certificate of completion. After completing the vocational training, the qualifying examination takes place in an independent accredited examination centre, the adult learner receives a state-recognised vocational qualification certificate. In the case of labour market trainings, the employer decides in which cases they need only the certificate of completion and in which the state-recognised vocational qualification certificate.

The certification of acquiring a vocation, and the vocational qualification certificate attest state-recognised secondary level qualification and vocational qualification (HUQF level 4), and enable its owner to apply for the entire scope of activities of one or more given job. Certificate of acquiring a partial vocational qualification certifies state-recognised basic and vocational qualification (HuQF level 2, 3 4), and enables the owner to fill for at least one activity of a job. The certificate of competency obtained in vocational training certifies a state-recognized vocational qualification that does not represent a separate qualification level.

It is possible to enter VET at any age. With these provisions, the new VET system supports the re-training, further training and lifelong learning of the adult population.

The transformation process leads to an output-driven adult education system. The key aspects of the transformation are:

  • adult training should reflect real labour market demands

  • accredited examination centres independent from training providers should measure the participants’ competences acquired during the training

  • the effectiveness of trainings should be measurable and comparable in the graduate tracking system

Provision targeting the transition to the labour market

‘Labour market trainings’ are vocational and non-vocational trainings aimed at providing qualifications that meet the current needs of the labour market, improving citizens’ employment position to serve the economy.

The labour market website (Foglalkoztatási portál), operated by the Ministry for National Economy (Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium) (previously Ministry of Technology and Industry) and launched in April 2020, helps to overview the labour market. This website informs visitors interested in the most important provisions and opportunities. It gives access for visitors to the following web pages from one place: National Employment Service; Virtual Labour Market Portal; Labour force development support; Programmes to support entrepreneurship; Support for the employment of severely disadvantaged workers; Support for employment of Ukrainian citizens; Youth Guarantee programme; Housing support for workers with refugee status; From public employment to the private sector programme; Occupational safety and health and labour affairs; Public employment.

Among active labour market instruments, labour market trainings have played an important role in more than the last two decades. Public-funded labour market trainings are typically organized for the unemployed, though the courses given to people facing with the threat of unemployment (people who will lose their jobs without training), people with refugee status, entrants, secondary-labour market employees, people with disabilities are also called labour market trainings. Since joining the European Union, most of these training courses have been funded by EU co-financing. Trainings were organized by the Public Employment Service (Nemzeti Foglalkoztatási Szolgálat), which concluded a cooperation agreement with the selected providers of the tender.

Recent and currently running support programmes:

  • The ‘Improvement of the adaptability and productivity of employees and companies through workforce development’ (GINOP Plusz-3.2.1-21) project supports companies – through government offices – implementing in-service trainings with the aim of increasing the company’ productivity. Employers can receive subsidy after submitting their applications to the government office acting as a state employment agency. Supported trainings are: soft skill trainings (development of cooperation, communication, work efficiency, management skills), info-communication trainings, foreign language trainings and training aimed at professional knowledge. Launched in October 2021 and scheduled to run until the end of 2027, it offers employers the opportunity to finance the training of their employees.

  • ‘Establishment of an incentive system in vocational training - Apáczai scholarship programme’ (GINOP-6.2.9-VEKOP-20-2021-00001) project supports the studies of talented, but disadvantaged young people in technicums. The development of the scholarship programme includes the development of the call for application, a full description of the scholarship assessment, support, contract and payment procedures. It also financed the scholarships during the project period between 2021-2023. The National Office for Vocational Education and Adult Education and Adult Learning is launching the "Apáczai Scholarship Programme" in the framework of the GINOP Plus-5.3.1-23-2023-00001 priority project.

  • In 2020, a new call for application was launched with the title of  ‘Support training, scholarship and employment of parents raising young children’ (GINOP-5.3.13-20). Its purpose is to facilitate the participation of parents of young children in training, to boost their employability and to support their return to work in the coming years. A key target group is parents with low level of education or without qualification. The programme is implemented by the Hungarian State Treasury together with the National Employment Public Non-profit Ltd. The project run between 2020-2023.

  • The aim of the ‘Training of people with low level of qualification and public employees’ (GINOP-6.1.1-15-2015-00001) priority project was to encourage the participation of adults with a low level of education, who do not have the competencies needed in the labour market or any vocational qualifications, especially public employees, in education and training. They got the opportunity to acquire education, knowledge, skills and competences relevant to the labour market. The project was implemented under the leadership of the National Office of Vocational Education and Adult Training Learning with the cooperation of the Ministry of the Interior, Digitális Jólét Nonprofit Kft., and 18 county government offices between 2015-2023.

  • The goal of the ‘Reducing the number of people leaving vocational training without a qualification’ (GINOP-6.2.2-VEKOP-15-2016-00001) project was to lower the number of school leavers without a qualification, to support the key competence development activities of vocational training institutions, to develop tools that help the improvement of basic skills, to improve the effectiveness of vocational training, and to increase school performance supporting lifelong learning. The project supported the development of vocational and adult training between 2016-2022.

  • The ‘Improvement of the quality and content of vocational and adult trainings in the 21th century’ priority project (GINOP-6.2.4-VEKOP-16-2017-00001) aimed to improve the adaptation of education and training systems to the needs of the labour market, to facilitate the transition from learning to work, strengthening and improving the quality of vocational education and training systems including more effective career guidance. The project’s objectives also include IT system development, development of validation measurement methodologies, development of digital learning materials, introduction of work-based learning systems (School Workshop Programme, Springboard program), and strengthening the dual training programmes. The project run between 2017-2023.

Additional trainings to support employment

Trainings related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT Training)

The main purpose of the training programmes developed by the Governmental lnformation Technology Development Agency (Kormányzati Informatikai Fejlesztési Ügynökség) ​​was to make the economically disadvantaged social groups catch up and develop their digital competences in order to increase economic competitiveness and improve their labour market chances.

The ‘Digital curriculum development of certain professions, IT trainings supporting structural change’ (GINOP-6.2.8.-VEKOP-20-2020-00001) priority project – through the digital curriculum development and by providing structure-changing IT training, it supports that vocational education training have a training structure that meets the needs of the labour market, and that the quality and content of the training support competitive and sustainable economic development. The project was implemented between 2020 and 2023.

  • The Replanning Programme (‘Újratervezés program’), launched in May 2020, offered digital skills development. Participation in the supported training is conditional on completing an 8-week online IT course which can be accomplished besides work or at weekends, studying 10-30 hours a week. The course ends with a final examination, the successful completion is one of the conditions for the participants to continue their studies with one of the IT trainings available in the program with 100% state support, and to have the opportunity for Student Loan Plus. The Replanning programme was implemented in 3 phases, providing nearly 82 000 adults with the opportunity to acquire basic IT skills and develop their digital competences. More than 13 000 of the participants received a certificate or certificate of participation. Those who successfully completed the free IT training were given the opportunity to obtain a state-recognised IT qualification. The programme offered a range of IT skills that are in constant demand by employers (e.g. Junior Frontend Developer, Junior Java Backend Developer, Junior Software Tester, Junior System Administrator, Database Operator). The intensive training courses, which lasted a few months, provided participants with the knowledge to give them a good chance of entering the job market. The total number of graduates in IT was 2 649.

  • Mentors from the Digital Success Programme Network developed the info-communication skills of adults within the framework of Digital Success Programme (Digitális Jólét Program). The Network was coordinated by the Digital Success Coordination Centre. Between 2017 and 2023, 2116 DSP mentor works for reducing digital illiteracy at 1415 Digital Succes Programme Points of 1173 locations.

Provision of liberal (popular) adult education

Language trainings

Knowledge acquired in language courses can be used not only in professional activity, but also in everyday life.

From 1 September 2020, language courses are subject to notification, state-supported language trainings are subject to authorisation.


The introduction of the system of micro-credentials is a tool for improving the quality of adult learning and achieving its strategic objectives. The system is currently being developed, but the possibility of providing training and certification by issuing micro-credentials has already been introduced at the level of legislation. The concept of micro-credentials was introduced in the legislation on adult education with the amendment of the Act from 1 January 2023 (Article 13/C of the Adult Education Act). At that time, only higher education and vocational education and training institutions were authorised to issue micro-credentials. With the amendment of the Adult Education Act on 1 July 2023, adult training providers became entitled to issue micro-credentials, but only for vocational training.

Under the current legislation, micro-credentials issued in higher education and vocational education and training are considered public documents, while micro-credentials issued by adult educators are not. Micro-credentials can be issued as follows:

  • Following the completion of any subject, course or module, the higher education institution may issue a micro-credential containing the description and topics of the subject, as proof of the learning outcomes, under the conditions set out in the Act on National Higher Education. The higher education institution may issue a micro-credential to a student who has been admitted to any course or module of the institution on self-financed terms without a separate admission procedure.

  • An adult training provider may issue a micro-credential on the basis of the content and conditions specified in the decree of the Minister responsible for adult learning to certify the learning outcomes acquired in the framework of vocational training under the Vocational Training Act, provided that the training content on which the micro-credential is based is taught using a vocational training textbook under the Vocational Training Act, and provides documentation that participant has adequately mastered the entire content of the vocational training textbook.

  • A vocational education and training institution may issue a micro-credential on the knowledge and skills acquired in the framework of vocational education and training under the conditions specified in the Vocational Education and Training Act. Since the legislation on vocational education and training does not yet specify the manner and conditions under which vocational education and training institutions can issue micro-credentials, it has not been possible to issue them.

Any institution (higher education, VET, adult training) that issues a micro-credential is always part of the adult learning and adult education system and strengthens the statistics on participation in adult learning. It is expected that the micro-credential system will be further developed and introduced in adult learning in 2024.

Other Trainings and general competence development

The renewed Adult Education Act (2013. évi LXXVII. törvény a felnőttképzésről) does not define other trainings (previously: general training), that are aimed at increasing general knowledge and developing general competencies, contributing to the development of the adult’s personality and the formation of social equality and civic competences.

The primary purpose of cultural activities and general competence development trainings is not related to workplace promotion, but to leisure activities (e.g. sports, music, arts and crafts activities, etc.) or to personal growth. In these kinds of trainings, the amount of involvement depends on the level of educational attainment.

In many cases, NGOs, cultural organisations, church institutions and community colleges undertake the development of general, social and civic competencies. These trainings are typically project-funded.

Other types of publicly subsidised provision for adult learners

Apart from the mentioned above, additional adult education programmes are not typical.