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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in early childhood and school education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.1Mobility in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

The mobility opportunities of schools and preschool education institutions are primarily linked to the participation in the international cooperation projects.

Serbia started preparatory measures for its full participation in Erasmus+ in 2016. By becoming an Erasmus+ Programme Country in 2019, Serbia is now country who fully participate in the programme. This new status allows Serbia to participate in more actions in the fields of higher education and youth, start its involvement in sport, vocational education and training as well as in actions for school and adult education staff. According to this, all students, teachers and other school staff can fully participate in mobility programes, bilateral or multilateral cooperation.

Pupils and Student Mobility

Learner’s mobility of VET pupils would be possible for VET schools in Serbia through KA1 Vocational Education and Training component of Erasmus+ programme as of 2017. This action can finance projects promoting VET traineeships up to 12 months. Pupils of secondary VET schools can be hosted at a workplace or at another VET school.

The Future Leaders Exchange (FLEX) Program is a United States Department of State-sponsored program for secondary school students from countries of Eurasia.  The program provides merit-based scholarships for students to travel to the United States, live with a host family, and attend an U.S. high school for a full academic year. The program is free of charge as it is funded by the Government of the United States.

Teacher Mobility

As of 2015, Serbia is a member of the eTwinning network. This network enables schools from Serbia to participate in virtual projects with schools from other countries - members of the network. This way, the teachers and pupils have the possibility of learning through virtual mobility. Moreover, one of the leading features of this platform for digital communication is the possibility of learning languages and ICT skills.

A limited number of teachers who use eTwinning platform could also attend specific contact seminars and conferences organized within the eTwinning scope of work.

The number of teacher involved in this network is consistently growing, thus in the beginning of February 2021 there have been:

  • 4111 teachers from 1270 schools in Serbia
  • 3650 eTwinning projects with the participation of teachers from Serbia.

Teachers’ mobility is continuously increasing with participation in Erasmus+ projects.  By the participation in these projects, teachers are improving their professional competences, but also foreign language skills, raising awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries.

At the same time, the projects are perceived as potentially beneficial for increasing capacity of educational institutions for international cooperation.