At central level, the government is in charge of the different aspects of national education:
- The Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJE; ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse) manages:
- Legislation on public education, educational provision and curricula, diplomas, access to education and public schools' staff
- Provision of day-care structures in early childhood education and care and non-formal education
- Support schemes and offers in adult education.
- The Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR; ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche) manages:
- Higher education and university-level provision (University of Luxembourg, International University Institute, BTS provision at lycées, etc.) and accreditation of higher education programmes
- Legislation on higher education and research
- Funding of higher education institutions (University of Luxembourg, International University Institute), based on pluriannual contracts
- Information on financial aids (subsidies, grants) and accommodation for students
- Relations with students’ associations
- Recognition and accreditation of higher education qualifications.
At local level, the municipalities have to provide the required infrastructures and equipment to ensure pre-primary and primary education. They allocate pupils by default to the school of their place of residence and they approve the schools' development schemes.
At institutional level, organisation and governance differs according to the type of educational institution:
- Responsibility for the management of pre-primary and primary schools lies with the regional directorates of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJE) and the local school committees
- Secondary schools are managed by their respective principal (directeur) under the direct responsibility of the Ministry of Education
- The University of Luxembourg is managed by a rectorate and governed by a board of governors.