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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach


12.Educational Support and Guidance

12.8Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach

Last update: 27 November 2023

For most services of guidance on education and training, as well as career and psychosocial guidance, the House of guidance (Maison de l’orientation) is the main hub designed to address each individual’s needs in matters of schooling, and educational and work opportunities. As defined by the law of 17 June 2017, this structure includes relevant services active in guidance, from different institutions, for the purpose of their most flexible and efficient cooperation.

The House of guidance includes the following services:

  • The psycho-social support and guidance services for secondary school students (CePAS; Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires), a substructure of the ministry of Education
  • National Youth Service’s local branch (ALJ; Antenne locale jeunes), a support service for young people in transition from school to active life
  • National Youth service’s information desk (SNJ; Service national de la jeunesse) on voluntary service, such as the SVO (Service volontaire d’orientation) and other programmes
  • Information service on professions (Anelo) from the administration of Employment, in cooperation with the National Youth Service.

Academic guidance

Information and counselling in adult education are provided by the following guidance and information services:

1. For higher education (see 12.6 Guidance and Counselling in Higher Education):

  • The Centre for documentation and information on higher education (CEDIES; Centre de documentation et d'information sur l'enseignement supérieur)
  • The University of Luxembourg’s Student services (SEVE; Service des études et de la vie étudiante)

2. At the ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJE;  ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse):

  • Service for Adult Education (SFA; Service de la formation des adultes), for information and counselling on the provision of adult secondary and general education
  • Unit for the validation of non-formal and informal learning (Cellule Validation des acquis de l’expérience  [VAE]), organising information sessions and providing support to persons preparing a request for the validation of previous learning.

See also: 12.4 Guidance and Counselling in Early Childhood and School Education.

Psychological counselling

As described above, the House of guidance includes structures providing psychological counselling.

Psychological counselling to help adult learners overcome academic, personal and social problems is offered to certain target groups:

  • Psychological counselling and accompaniment for young adults is provided by the Centre for educational psychology and support (CePAS; Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires)
  • Psychological counselling for job seekers is provided by non-profit organisations operating in cooperation with the Administration for the Development of Employment (ADEM; Administration pour le développement de l'emploi)
  • Psychological counselling for other special target groups may be provided by organisations supporting these target groups and benefitting from public grants on the basis of individual grant agreements.

Career guidance

The House of guidance includes structures providing career guidance.

All adults, regardless of their professional status, can consult the Service for vocational guidance (Service d’orientation professionnelle) of the Administration for the Development of Employment (ADEM; Administration pour le développement de l'emploi). They are offered advice by a professional counsellor, who provides vocational guidance and information considering the person’s specific interests and competences. The counsellor takes the current job situation into account, its evolution and the individual’s future employment perspectives.

Local Youth Action (ALJ; Action locale pour jeunes) provides guidance and information on informal learning projects.

Competence asbl is a non-profit organisation that hepls jobseekers under the age of 25 years or over 45 develop their competences with a view to new employment. The association holds a ministerial agreement as CVET organisation since 2015.