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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.6Guidance and counselling in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Academic Guidance

In most cantons specialised counselling centres are responsible for issues relating to study and academic professions. They are directed at higher education applicants, students and graduates. Persons with disabilities with concerns in the field of job and career planning can contact the Invalidity Insurance career guidance offices. The Swiss online study guide offers detailed information on all courses and on career opportunities after completing study.

For interested individuals, higher education institutions organise study information days which provide an overview of the study process and help them choose the right course of study. To help new students just starting, these usually take place shortly before or after fresher’s week in the autumn semester. The faculties or institutes provide information about study in general, about individual subjects and the central facilities (counselling services, libraries etc.) of each institution.


Psychological Counselling

Specialist counselling services are available to assist with conflicts, personal difficulties and crises or issues of learning techniques and preparation for examinations inter alia.


Career Guidance

Universities and the Federal Institutes of Technology (FIT) in particular organise regular Career Days at which students can meet employers and make contact with companies. Universities generally also operate contact points for career issues. Job fairs are also organised, together with courses and seminars on career-specific topics.