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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working in higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.6Other education staff or staff working in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Other categories of teaching staff

According to the National Education Law no. 1/2011, in the higher education there may be associated teaching staff for teaching positions of university assistant, university lecturer / chief of works, university associate professor, and university professor.

In relation to its own academic needs, the university senate may approve, for a definite period of time, the invitation to the higher education institution of academic staff and other specialists of recognized value in the field, either from the country or abroad, as invited associated teaching staff. In the case of specialists without a recognized academic degree in the country, the academic senate approves, by evaluation, the didactic degree corresponding to the performance, according to the national standards.

Research staff

In departments, doctoral schools, research institutes, research and micro production centers or other units, there may be distinct research staff, associated research staff, including students from all three cycles, as well as other categories of staff, according to the law.

Doctoral students are assigned by the institution which is organizing doctoral studies (IODS) or by a member of IODS as research assistants or fixed-term assistants. PhD students benefit from all the rights of research assistants or university assistants, including seniority in work.

Terms of employment

To be hired indefinitely on any teaching or research function is possible only through a public competition organized by the higher education institution after having obtained the title of doctor. At the contest for a teaching or research position can participate Romanian or foreign citizens, without any discrimination, under the law. By way of exception to the provisions of labor law, the duration of a determinate period is up to 3 years. By way of exception, doctoral students may be employed for a maximum of 5 years.

The fixed-term employment contract concluded between the university and members of the teaching and research staff as a result of a competition may be renewed according to the personal professional results assessed on the basis of the criteria adopted by the university senate and according to the needs for employment and of the institution's financial resources in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

Other categories of staff

Other staff working is as follows: librarian, ICT specialist, laboratory assistant, technician and music assistant.

Depending on the size of the educational institution, the following categories of non-teaching staff may be employed:  secretary and chief secretary; financial administrator; administrator of patrimony; career counselor, psychologist; juridical counselor; public relation specialist; accountant, chief accountant; caretaker; cleaning and maintenance personnel; guard staff; canteen staff (cook).

For every position herein mentioned, the educational institution has the obligation to elaborate the exact job-description.

The minimum requirements regarding initial training for some positions are:

For the position of librarian, documentarist and editor - graduation with a diploma of an educational institution, library department or other educational institutions whose graduates have studied during the schooling the disciplines in the field of librarianship; may be in the position of librarian, documentary staff or editor other graduates of higher education, post-graduate or high school with a degree, if they have taken an initial course in the field;

For the position of ICT specialist - diploma graduation of a higher education institution or of a pre-university educational institution;

For the position of laboratory assistant and technician - graduation with a diploma exam in the position profile of a post-secondary or high school, followed by a course of initiation in the field, under the conditions established by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports;

For the music assistant function - graduating from a long-term or short-term higher education institution or a specialized high school.

The selection, recruitment and appointment process of these categories of staff is based on open competition (open recruitment procedure).