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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff


10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 27 November 2023

In managing the education system, the feasible decentralisation principle is used, i.e., schools are relatively autonomous and heads of schools have considerable discretionary powers.

Educational institutions are managed by a head, a director or a Rector. The owner of an institution appoints the head of the institution if the institution’s statute does not stipulate otherwise. 

In-service training for adults is offered by universities, institutions of professional higher education, vocational schools as well as cultural centres, libraries and other cultural institutions on the basis of which in-service training is organised; language schools, public higher education institutions, development and learning centres; enterprises, societies and associations which are engaged in the provision of training and which have the provision of training included in their statutes.

The rights and obligations of heads of schools are established in legal acts and statutes of educational institutions.