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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in early childhood education and care


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.1National reforms in early childhood education and care

Last update: 12 July 2024


New early childhood education law integrates childcare service and preschool education

Estonia is set to introduce a comprehensive Act on Early Childhood Education and Childcare that will integrate childcare service and preschool education into a single system. The government has approved the draft law and sent it to the Parliament. The new law, which will enter into force on 1 January 2025, aims  to ensure access to high-quality early childhood education and care for all children between 18 months and 7 years, streamline services and improve quality.

Childcare service, which are currently regulated under the Social Welfare Act, will become part of the ECEC system. The exception will be childcare provided as a social service for children with significant care and support needs. This reform will standardise the requirements for both childcare and preschool services to ensure consistent and high quality early childhood education and care across the country.

A key component of the reform is the establishment of a single qualification system for early childhood educators, ensuring that all professionals have the necessary skills and training. The law will also require continuous professional development for educators to keep them up to date with the latest pedagogical practices.

The law introduces a framework for cooperation between local governments, educational institutions and families. This collaborative approach aims to create a supportive environment for children's early development, involving all stakeholders in the process. Local governments will play a key role in implementing the new standards and ensuring access to the necessary services.


Changes to the national curriculum for preschools prepare for the transition to Estonian-medium education

From the 1st of September 2024, an amendment to the Preschool Childcare Institutions Act will enter into force, stipulating that educational activities in kindergartens take place in the Estonian language. Establishing Estonian as the language of instruction in municipal kindergartens is part of the transition to Estonian-medium education in kindergartens and schools with another language of instruction. The language of instruction in kindergarten can be different from Estonian only in private kindergartens and municipal kindergartens based on a special government permit.

In 2022/23, nearly 69,000 children participate ECEC in Estonia, 81% of whom have Estonian as a language of instruction, 13% Russian, and nearly 6% attend language immersion groups. According to the changes to the national curriculum for ECEC, starting from 01.09.2024, Estonian-medium kindergartens must support the acquisition of the Estonian language of children with a different home language through integrated learning and educational activities and, if necessary, specific language learning activities. The national curriculum no longer stipulates language learning methodologies, as well as language learning support, because these can be determined by the kindergarten in its curriculum. Specific language learning activities include individual support of the child, if necessary.

Estonian-medium preschool education is considered to be a crucial prerequisite to a successful transition to school and school success.

See more about the activities related to the transition to Estonian-medium education in National reforms in school education.


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