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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and education staff

9.7Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 30 March 2024

The requirements associated with trainers’ duties are set out in Ordinance No 214/2011, 30 May, and in Despatch No 11203/2007, 8 June, within the scope of adult education and training reference frameworks included in the National Qualifications Catalogue (Catálogo Nacional de Qualificações - CNQ), and are common to Adult Education and Training initiatives (Qualifica – RVCC Process; EFA Courses and Certified Modular Training).

Basic education key competences reference framework 

In relation to key competences in the basic education reference framework, teachers/trainers must be qualified to teach for the recruitment groups indicated in each key competence area, according to the legal norms in force:

a) Culture, language and communication - Portuguese (code 300), Portuguese and social studies / history (code 200), Portuguese and French (code 210) or Portuguese and English (code 220).

b) Mathematics, science and technology - mathematics (code 500) or mathematics and natural sciences (code 230).

c) Digital skills: i) computer science (code 550); ii) any recruitment group, provided they present proof of other qualifications for teaching ICT, provided for in current legal regulations; (iii) any recruitment group, provided that they are holders of the ECDL Charter (European Computer Driving Licence) - seven modules.

d) citizenship and employability - any recruitment group.

e) Personal, Social and Learning Competences (CPSA) - any recruitment group.

Upper secondary education key competences reference framework 

For key competences in the upper secondary reference framework, teachers/trainers must be fully qualified to teach upper secondary education, in accordance with the legal regulations in force, for the recruitment groups indicated in each of the key competency areas:

a) citizenship and professionalism - history (code 400), philosophy (code 410), geography (code 420) or economy and accounting (code 430).

b) society, technology and science - economics and accounting (code 430), mathematics (code 500), physics and chemistry (code 510) or biology and geology (code 520).

c) culture, language, communication - Portuguese (code 300), history (code 400) or philosophy (410).

Technology component reference framework 

Trainers teaching the technological component should meet the criteria for access and performance of duties, in conformity with the legislation in force.