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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and Education Staff

9.7Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

In Bulgaria there is no organized national system of preparation and training of Teachers and Trainers Working in Adult Education and Training. 

The number and proportion of teaching staff with higher education degree (ACS) "master" or "bachelor", while reducing the share of those with less education.

Teacher training is subject to state policy, not an initiative of individual institutions, given the social significance of the profession. Overcoming this problem is possible by created the following possibilities for further training and / or retraining and / or specialization in Adult in the system for lifelong learning:

  • Development of methodical manuals for teachers of the adults, suitable for self-study;
  • Training of specialists for training teachers of the adults (multipliers, etc.);
  • Stimulating providers for ensuring its own methodological tools and teaching staff for adult education. A decisive factor in the selection policy and the development of teaching staff in the school is the director of the training institution;
  • Improving the tools for motivation and evaluation - the director of the school within the delegated budget and / or on behalf of the targeted funds allocated differentiated bonuses to teachers for adults.

Continuing training for all participants in the learning process for adults include:

  • For teachers - in methodology of teaching the adults by providing additional knowledge, implementation of interactive educational technologies, supporting training, exchange of experience and best practices;
  • For teachers and students - corporate training to learn about innovations in the profession (modern technology, machinery, materials, etc.), the periodic training in leading companies;
  • Directors of schools - in management, marketing, ICT, entrepreneurship and others.

In formal school system of education and training for adults in the public education system teachers - organize and carry out educational process on the subjects examined and evaluated the knowledge and skills of older students promote their full integration in school and social environment. The teacher is the key figure in the learning process of the adults with a leading role in the transmission of educational content and form of learning skills and the organization of educational process as a whole. Brings professional responsibility for setting goals, learning tasks and assessment of learning of the trainees / students. Other participants in the educational process can be mentors, trainers, consultants, masters and others. non-teaching staff.

Education / Training of Teachers and Trainers Working in Adult Education and Training are carried out:

  • By higher education institutions and their specialized structures for conducting trainings for teacher training for adults;
  • Through a carrying out workplaces of the specialized courses for training of teachers for adults. Teacher of the adults are required to be aware of their role and function - his motivation to support and facilitate the process of learning; be able to understand the educational needs of adult learners, possess technical and practical skills to organize this training and the creation of a training situation.

Characteristics of the Teachers and Trainers Working in Adult Education and Training - stems from the essence of Andragogic process based on partnership and cooperation suggesting a relationship of trust, respect, clear rules and allocation of rights and responsibilities

The professional development of specialists involved in adult education is achieved through: 

  • Elaborating and conducting teachers’ qualification programmes; 
  • Motivating higher schools to include adult education training in their pedagogical study courses; 
  • Involving higher schools in organizing teachers’ and trainers’ qualification courses; 
  • Development and application of adult education teaching methods. 

Legal framework - regulates the general minimum requirements for teachers/ trainers of the adults in the public education system and to improve their qualification covers the following laws, regulations.

The Public Education Act - regulates the general requirements for teachers who teach adults at the institutions of the public education system. Compulsorily condition is teacher training is carried out in the higher education system. Teachers for adults must to have the acquired proffesional wualification “Theacher”. 

The Higher Education Act - regulates the acquisition of educational and qualification degree of the higher education in the specialty and the acquisition of professional qualification "teacher";

"Teacher in Adult Education and Training" can be occupied only by persons who are not been sentenced to deprivation of liberty by a final sentence for a premeditated crime, they are not deprived of the right to practice and do not suffer from diseases and deviations that threaten the life or health students designated by the Minister of Education and Science, in coordination with the Minister of Health;

Implementing Regulations of The Public Education Act sets:

  • Obligations of the state to create conditions for career development of teachers - a process of improving the competencies at consistently occupying positions of the teachers to improve the quality and efficiency of educational process;
  • Funds for enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers are allocated from the State budget if it introduces new or change existing state educational requirements;
  • Teachers' positions and arrangements for their occupation in the public education system; rights and obligations of the teacher;
  • The obligations of the school to create conditions for teachers to improve their professional qualification in organized forms of learning and self-study.
  • Ordinance on conditions for raising the qualifications of the teachers in the public education system and procedure for acquiring professional qualifications;
  • Instruction on the requirements for the position of "teacher" or "educator" according to the acquired education, vocational training and qualification;
  • State educational requirements for acquiring qualification in professions in which, in addition of the requirements to be met by teachers in theory and practice in the profession and text contained on periodic training of teachers with a view to continuing their professional development.
  • The mandatory requirement for teachers in vocational training is to have a university degree in the relevant specialty for which teach

Measures taken for raising the prestige of the teaching profession for adults:

  • Increasing salaries of teachers.
  • Assessing the results of the work of teaching staff and an additional labor pay for performance of work.
  • Introduction of the career development of pedagogical specialists
  • Was carried out fully procedure for the appointment "senior teacher" and "master teacher"
  • They have not yet entered the teachers' positions "teacher-methodologist" related to career development as a process of improving the competencies at consistently occupying a teaching position for adults with the aim of improving the quality and effectiveness of the educational process and has not carried out an analysis and evaluation of this system of motivation and stimulation;
  • Legal adequate provision for the acquisition of professional qualifications and opportunities for national and international exchange of best practices;
  • Participation in national and international projects / programs.

Funding sources for training forms

The qualification is an expression of initiative on the part of both employers and the teachers themselves. Obligation of the administration of the Ministry of Education and the Regional Education Inspectorates is good knowledge of the Qualifying activity and directing anyone wishing to obtain a high qualification

  • National training programs - annually approved by the Council of Ministers for their implementation shall be provided from the state budget.
  • Operational Programmes “Science and education for smart grouth” 2014-2020 and Operational Programmes "Development of Human Resources" 2014-2020.


  • School budgets - means for enhancing the professional qualifications of teachers are allocated from the State budget if it introduces new or change existing state educational requirements. According to the collective agreement for the public education system by 2014, the Ministry of Education and Science, employers and unions discuss and work on issues related to financial assurance, proactive professional qualification of teachers who will teach a new learning content; establishing a system for training and career development of pedagogical specialists; further training of pedagogical professionals build skills to work on projects and programs in the education system; promotion and development of mentoring in order to provide methodological support of young and newly appointed teachers and principals; maintaining and enhancing the professional qualifications of employees. Employer’s directors invited the trade unions in developing a plan for the training activity.
  • Through a collective agreements and guarantee annual funds for training the teaching staff in an amount not less than 0.8 per cent of annual wages and salaries of the teaching staff and provide for their involvement in training courses, agreed with social partners discussed pedagogical Council and approved by the Director.
  • Personal funds of teachers, donations, sponsorships and more