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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Fundamental principles and national policies


2.Organisation and governance

2.1Fundamental principles and national policies

Last update: 27 November 2023

Principles of the pre-school and school education system

Education as a process includes training, education and socialization.

Education is a national priority and is implemented in accordance with the following principles:

  1. a unified state education policy to ensure the right to pre-school and school education;
  2. orientation to the interest and motivation of the child and the pupil, to the age and social changes in his/her life, as well as to his/her ability to apply the acquired competences in practice;
  3. equal access to quality education and inclusion of every child and every pupil;
  4. equality and non-discrimination in the provision of pre-school and school education;
  5. preservation and development of the Bulgarian educational tradition;
  6. humanism and tolerance;
  7. preservation of cultural diversity and inclusion through the Bulgarian language;
  8. innovativeness and efficiency in pedagogical practices and in the organization of the educational process based on scientific validity and prediction of the results of innovations;
  9. transparency of management and predictability of the development of pre-school and school education;
  10. autonomy to implement educational policies, self-management and decentralization;
  11. engagement of the state, municipalities and non-profit entities, employers, parents and other stakeholders and dialogue between them on education issues. 

Pre-primary and school education objectives

The main objectives of pre-school and school education are:

  1. the intellectual, emotional, social, moral and physical development and support of each child and each student in accordance with his/her age, needs, abilities and interests;
  2. the preservation and promotion of Bulgarian national identity;
  3. acquisition of competences necessary for successful personal and professional realization and active civic life in modern communities;
  4. acquisition of competences for the application of sustainable development principles;
  5. early identification of the talents and abilities of each child and pupil and encouragement of their development and fulfilment;
  6. forming sustainable attitudes and motivation for lifelong learning;
  7. acquiring competences for understanding and applying the principles of democracy and the rule of law, human rights and freedoms, active and responsible citizenship;
  8. the formation of tolerance and respect to the ethnic, national, cultural, linguistic and religious identity of every citizen;
  9. the formation of tolerance and respect to the rights of children, students and people with disabilities;
  10. knowledge of national, European and world cultural values and traditions;
  11. acquisition of competences for understanding global processes, trends and their interrelations;
  12.  acquire competences to understand and apply the principles, rules, responsibilities and rights that derive from membership of the European Union.

The pre-school and school education system provides the conditions for:

  1. early childhood development and preparation of children for school;
  2. the acquisition of primary and secondary education and/or vocational qualifications;
  3. validation of competences acquired through non-formal learning and informal learning.

Everyone has the right to education and can improve their education and qualifications through lifelong learning. Inclusive education is an integral part of the right to education.

Compulsory pre-school and school education in state and municipal kindergartens and schools is free for children and pupils. School education is compulsory until the age of 16.

According to the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria, everyone has the right to education.