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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Adult education and training


8.Adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023
The main / overarching aim of the national policy for adult learning is to enhance the participation of adults in the lifelong learning process through improved interaction and mobilization of all stakeholders. The National policy of adult sets out the strategic framework of the government’s policy in education and training during the period, which aims at achieving the European goal for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

At the national level specific measures have been implemented to build adaptive to change system for education and training of adults. It covers all degrees of general, vocational, higher education and adult learning in all its aspects - formal, informal and formal learning.

Educational programs for adults support the acquisition and continued development of nine major key competences for adult learning:
  • competences in Bulgarian language;
  • foreign language communication skills;
  • mathematics competence and basic competences in the area of natural sciences and technologies;
  • digital competence;
  • learning skills;
  • social and civil competences;
  • proactiveness and enterprise;
  • cultural awareness and skills for expression through creativeness;
  • skills in support of sustainable development and healthy lifestyle.