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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in adult education and training


12.Educational support and guidance

12.7Support measures for learners in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

The Ministry of Education and Science takes its own initiatives and synchronizes its actions with other institutions, incl. The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, the Employment Agency, as well as with organizations, municipalities, vocational schools and local businesses to "close the circle" of services - providing support for literacy and learning content, acquiring qualifications for finding a job.

The strategic framework for the development of education, training and learning in the Republic of Bulgaria (2021 – 2030) has been prepared in sync with the perspectives set out in strategic documents at the global and European level. They outline the vision for high-quality, inclusive, value-based and lifelong education, training and learning. The strategic framework shares this vision, taking into account national educational traditions and following our national priorities. Efforts are aimed at creating attractive and flexible opportunities for acquiring basic skills, new competences, qualification and retraining in the formal education system and in non-formal learning, as well as creating conditions for informal learning. Each choice of individual education, teaching and learning strategies is encouraged, supported and developed.

The National Employment Aaction Plan in 2022 foresees funds for the training of adults from the most vulnerable groups. The focus is on persons with a low level of education and qualification and the unemployed, as well as on increasing the digital skills of the population. Trainings for professional qualification and key competences are provided for unemployed and employed persons, including digital competences, to acquire a degree or a qualification in a part of a profession according to the demand of employers.

These activities are financed both from the state budget and with European funds. To achieve these goals, twelve actions focused on employability and lifelong learning opportunities are in progress. Running information campaigns to raise awareness of the benefits of upskilling and encouraging participation in various forms of training is a way to attract those most in need of training – the low-skilled unemployed. On-the-job trainings are conducted, including internship and apprenticeship, training through work (dual training system) of unemployed and especially early school leavers.

The state enterprise "Bulgarian-German Center for Vocational Training" (DP BGCPO) carries out the longer trainings for the acquisition of the second and third professional qualification degrees. In 2022 the "Development of digital skills" procedure continues. It aims to determine the specific levels of digital skills needed by employees to perform their daily tasks and support their acquisition by creating training programs.

The National Recovery and Sustainability Plan includes a project of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy to create a digital platform for online training for persons over 16 years of age to acquire professional qualifications and key competencies. A plan with a Digital Platform (ecosystem) component has been developed to promote the social and solidarity economy. Its main goal is to improve access to employment and training for people from vulnerable groups, create conditions for raising their standard of living and reducing social inequality.

A National Employment and Training Program for People with Permanent Disabilities was adopted and is currently in effect. Within the framework of the Program, trainings for the acquisition and improvement of key competences and trainings for the acquisition of professional qualifications are organized in accordance with the capabilities of these persons and the needs of employers. Scholarships, transport and accommodation expenses are paid to the persons who are included in training under the Program. The educational institutions provide an accessible and adapted base for conducting the training of people with disabilities under the Program. The educational institutions adapt existing and/or develop and offer relevant training programmes.

The adult education sector is gradually developing. Private education institutions are the main providers. At the levels of Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Labour and Social Policy nation-wide projects are developed under the Operative Programme "Human Resources Development", targeting adults and their life-long learning.