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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Single-structure primary and lower secondary education


5.Single-structure primary and lower secondary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Training for acquiring secondary education shall be carried out from I to VII grade including in 2 stages, as follows:

  • primary - from I to IV grade including
  • secondary – from V to VII grade including.

Basic education can be acquired at secondary (I - VII grade included), combined (I - X grade included) or high school (I - XII grade included), in the evening schools, special schools (for training and support of school children with sensory disabilities – hard of hearing or visually impaired; educational boarding schools; social-pedagogical boarding schools), specialized schools (sport schools (V - ХІІ grade included); cultural schools (I - ХII, V - ХII or VIII - ХII grade included); art schools (І - ХІІ, V - ХІІ grade, or ІІІ - ХІІ grade included)), the Bulgarian schools abroad,  the schools in the places of imprisonment.There are primary schools in which students from I - IV grade included are trained.

There are changes in the forms of education. The Pre-school and School Education Act provides for the following forms: day, evening, correspondent, individual, self-study, distance, combined, training through work (dual system of training). The training in a day, evening and correspondent form shall be organized in classes and groups, in self-study and individual form shall be organized for a certain student.

Training in a combined form shall be organized in classes and groups and for separate subjects – for a certain student, in distance form may be organized in groups of students of one and the same class or for a certain student.

Training through work (dual training system) shall be organized  in classes and/or groups – in training at school, and for a certain student or in groups – in practical training in a real working environment.