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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in early childhood and school education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.3Support measures for learners in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Definition of the Target Group(s)

  • Children of migrants;
  • Children of citizens from member-states of the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland;
  • Children and pupils from ethnic minorities.

Specific Support Measures

There are regulated terms, conditions and order concerning migrant children, children of citizens from member-states of the European Union, European economic Area and Switzerland for provision of free training in Bulgarian language, as well as learning the mother tongue and culture of the pupils at compulsory school age. Bulgarian language training is arranged at the request of the parent or guardian. It is conducted on an individual basis or in a group depending on the needs of any child, place of residence, age and his/her health condition. The Minster of education, youth and science approves curriculums and teaching aids for education in Bulgarian language. Learning mother tongue and culture is performed at the request of the parents at the school where the relevant child is trained or at another appropriate place, determined by the diplomatic representation of the state of origin. Arrangement for learning the mother tongue and culture is conducted by the diplomatic representation of the state of origin.

The Strategy for educational integration of children and pupils of ethnic minorities (2005-2015) was approved in 2004. It was another step in the efforts to reform the education system and for quality assurance of education of all children in Republic of Bulgaria. It is based on a number of international and national documents to combat discrimination in the field of education and to protect the rights of the individuals who belong to national or ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities.

Responsible Institutions

The institutions in the pre-school and school education system shall provide personality development support to children and pupils, together with the national and local authorities and structures and the social service providers. 

It shall work out on their own and implement comprehensive policies aimed at:

  1. personality development support to the child or pupil;
  2. development of a positive organizational climate;
  3. promotion of positive discipline;
  4. development of the school community.

The development of a positive organizational climate shall require the creation of conditions for cooperation, effective communication and relations of care and concern among all participants in the education process.

In their work with children and pupils, the institutions in the pre-school and school education system shall develop their activities on the basis of the principle of positive discipline which is related to measures and approaches that guarantee hearing the child and the pupil, getting aware of the causes for the problematic behavior and providing opportunities for mastering good behavioural models with regard to oneself and to the others.

These measures shall apply to all pupils in a common room under the terms and conditions laid down in the state education standard for the inclusive education (Is adopted by Council of Ministers Decree №  № 286 от 04.11.2016 г. – Ordinance promulgated for inclusive education. - SG. 89 on 11/11/2016).

The personality development support shall be applied in accordance with the individual educational needs of each child and pupil. Kindergartens and schools shall employ a psychologist or a pedagogical advisor, a speech therapist, a social worker, and resource teachers.

The personality development support shall be divided into general and additional support. It shall be provided at the place where the child and the pupil are: at kindergartens, schools, personality development support centres, at home or in the hospital.

The general support shall be provided by kindergartens, schools and personality development support centres. It shall include the following:

  • teamwork of teachers and the other educationalists;
  • additional teaching of various subjects;
  • additional modules for children who do not have command of the Bulgarian language;
  • additional consultations in various subjects, which are held outside classwork;
  • consultations in various subjects;
  • career orientation of pupils;
  • interest-based activities;
  • library and information services;
  • healthcare;
  • accommodation;
  • encouragement with material and moral incentives;
  • activities to prevent violence and to overcome problematic behavior;
  • early assessment of needs and prevention of learning difficulties;
  • speech therapy.

Kindergartens, schools and personality development support centres shall carry out activities for the prevention of harassment and violence, as well as activities for motivation and overcoming problematic behavior, which are the expression of the common will and the concerted efforts of all participants in the educational process.

The types and the content of the activities for motivation and overcoming problematic behavior shall be determined by the kindergarten and by the school.

Additional support shall be provided on the basis of the assessment of individual needs, which shall be carried out by a personality development support team at the kindergarten or the school.

The additional personality development support shall include the following:

  • work with a child and a pupil on a specific case;
  • psycho-social rehabilitation, hearing and speech rehabilitation, visual rehabilitation, rehabilitation of communicative disorders and of physical disabilities;
  • provision of an accessible architectural, general and specialized supportive environment, technical aids, specialized equipment, didactic materials, methods and specialists;
  • provision of instruction in special subjects to pupils with sensory disabilities;
  • resource support.

It shall be provided to children and pupils:

  • with special learning needs;
  • at risk;
  • of outstanding talent;
  • suffering of chronic diseases.

The personality development support team at the kindergarten or the school shall:

  • identify the strengths of the child or the pupil, the difficulties in relation to his or her development, education and behavior, and the reasons for their occurrence;
  • assess the individual needs of the child or the pupil;
  • work out and implement a support plan;
  • monitor and assess the development in each specific case;
  • perform also other functions set out in the state education standard for inclusive education.

Regional personality development support teams shall be established to support children and pupils with special learning needs at the regional centres for inclusive education support .

The terms and conditions for the provision of general and additional support shall be laid down in the state education standard for inclusive education.

For the purposes of the general support provided by a personality development centre without financing from the state budget, fees may be charged in accordance with the Local Taxes and Fees Act.

The education of children and pupils with special learning needs at kindergartens and schools shall be supported by a resource teacher, depending on the needs of the child and pupil.

The regional governor shall make arrangements for the development of a regional personality development support strategy for children and pupils on the basis of a needs analysis made in each municipality within the region. The strategy shall include also a description of the challenges, strategic objectives and required support activities.

The mayor of the municipality, acting upon a decision of the municipal council, may delegate personality development support activities.