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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.0Staff involved in monitoring educational quality for early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Officials who carry out the methodology management and control over the activity of teachers’ and the work of school heads, as well as the whole activity of the schools, are the experts of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science and its regional structures – the Regional Inspectorates of Education (RIE).

They are civil servants and so the positions they occupy and their requirements are regulated in the Unified Classificator of administrative positions and in the Ordinance on its implementation.

Depending on the professional obligations and the professional qualifications, educational degree and professional experience required for the position, there are four types of expert positions:

  • State expert – the position is used only in the central administration – the MES (but not in the regional structures). The requirements include having a master’s degree and at least 5 years of professional experience;
  • Chief Expert – it is used both in state administration and in the regional structures (MES and RIE respectively). The requirements include having a bachelor’s degree and at least 4 years of professional experience;
  • Senior expert - the requirements include having a bachelor’s degree and at least 2 years of professional experience;
  • Junior expert – he/she has subsidiary functions in the administration. The requirements include having a specialist’s degree and there is no requirement for professional experience. The junior experts in the system of education do not have control functions.

Each Regional Education Inspectorate is managed and represented by a head, who is a government official and is appointed by competition of the Minister of Education, Youth and Science.

Requirements for Appointment

According to the Public Education Act, the appointment of experts is made on the basis of competition, conducted according to rules predetermined by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science. Applicants should have a relevant higher education degree and a teacher’s qualification, as well as the respective professional experience required by the rules set by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science and the Unified Classificator of administrative positions.

Conditions of Service

As civil servants the experts and heads of the Regional Inspectorates of Education are subject to the regulations of the Civil Servant Act and the Law for the Administration in terms of salaries, procedures for professional growth and promotion, holidays etc.