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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National Reforms in Higher Education


14.Ongoing Reforms and Policy Developments

14.4National Reforms in Higher Education

Last update: 26 February 2025


Presentation of the new “Policy Document in higher education 2030” 

On February 2025 the “Policy Document in higher Education 2030” was presented for the first time/ This document constitutes an important recent policy document in the area of higher education drafted by Ministry of Education and Sport in cooperation with national and international experts. 

The document key pillars relate to the review of the legal framework in the area of higher education aiming to reflect new challenges and to open new opportunities for higher education institutions. In the same time it aims to offer more autonomy for higher education institutions so that they can increase ownership in decision making relating the opening of new study programmes. 

Another key element of the reform is the profiling of higher education institutes in order to assist students to be more prepared in the facing of the challenges of the labor market. The process of accreditation will be approximated even more with the standards of EU member states in this regard while Albania is preparing to request full membership in ENQA.The document focuses also on internationalization of universities by means of opening new campuses and increasing cooperation with the best European Universities. 

The second key pillar focuses on funding of higher education and scientific research. The new scheme that is proposed in regard to funding relates to funding support based on performance for higher education institutions. 


New programmes at Faculty of Natural Sciences

Two new programmes in the area of higher education in teaching will be added to the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Tirana in 2024-2025 academic year. 

Decision on priority areas applied

The government approves a decision on national priority programmes at higher education level. Such decision includes the list of priority programmes as well as the financial support offered to students in relation to such areas. 



Approval of the new academic calendar

The new academic calendar was approved in March 2023.


Possible raise of salaries for professors

The government in cooperation with higher education institutions is currently reviewing the respective framework for possible raise of salaries with 20% to face changes in prices.


New Strategy

The new strategy on education for the period 2021-2026 includes for the first time since 2015 where the new law on higher education was approved also higher education. The part dedicated to higher education includes objectives related to internationalization of higher education; quality improvements in assessment framework regarding higher education programmes; improvements in research infrastructure, ICT infrastructure and services for public higher education institutions.