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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Adult education and training


8.Adult education and training

Last update: 15 February 2024

Adult education has never been more important and urgent than it is today. The demand for it relates to adults who are in need to be trained and retrained, in order to cope with ever-changing world of work and is usually described in terms of age, gender, educational attainment, employment status, job characteristics etc.

As part of the education system in the Republic of Albania, due to previous demographic, social and immigration factor, in the pre-university system a supporting system has been developed in order to reduce drop-out rates and providing a second chance for compulsory education purposes.

Adults over the legal age level (16 years) can acquire compulsory primary education in schools for adult education, so called evening schools as part - time students.

To this category, the adult education was provided in the same sequence as full-time schooling for younger students for pre-university system. In terms of formal tertiary education after completing high school, in the framework of adult learning, all public universities offered part-time studies for professionals and relevant candidates of having work experiences who aspired university degrees.

Adult Education and Training aims to provide an integrated and flexible system to professional qualifications in accordance with economic and social changes, with labor market needs. Adults enter education, training or learning by their own choice, for the purpose of improving their knowledge, skills and competences or acquiring an adequate qualification for a more successful life, work and personal development.

Main legislation concerned with vocational education (including also adult education) is:

  •  Law No. 8872, dated 30.10 2006 “For Vocational Education and training”
  • Law No. 10247, dated 06.03.2010  “For National Qualification Framework”
  • “National Strategy on Education and Employment and Skills 2014-2020”[1]
  • Key institutions in charge for adult learning include
  • Ministry responsible for Social Affairs
  • Ministry Responsible for Issues related to education
  • National Council of Vocational Education and Training
  • National Agency of Vocational Education and Training
  • National State Inspectorate
  • Institutions of National Qualification Framework
  • Other Institutions defined by law. [2]
  • Institute of Educational Development (IED)

[1] VET portal Website

[2] Law No. 8872, dated 30.10 2006 “For Vocational Education and training”