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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in early childhood and school education


12.Educational Support and Guidance

12.4Guidance and counselling in early childhood and school education

Last update: 16 February 2024

In regard to children with limited abilities that reside in mainstream schools they benefit from respective provisions on guidance and counselling without discrimination. Professional support in education is provided by teachers, assistant teachers, school psychologist, social workers, and civil society experts following an approval by the relevant ministry, and counsellors from the agencies responsible for education.

One of the main school responsibilities remains the provision of the psychological service, sanctioned in the Law on Pre-university Education. The psychologist’s role in the school is seen as a necessary task. This service is provided through the process of handling different problems, the identification and treatment of children with psycho-social needs as well as the design and the implementation of precautionary risk programs, according to the needs of school community. Our society is free and open towards the innovation, but at the same time it is very sensitive towards the social, economic, spiritual and individual difficulties. In this process the psychologist should be close to children, teenagers and the problems they are facing. In addition to that, the psychologist gives an important contribution to the students in successfully facing the curriculum, its goals, objectives and content. The psychologists in close collaboration with teachers enable the students to successfully accomplish their education. The major roles assumed by school psycholo-gists depend upon the professional environment in which they work. Common roles include counselling consultation, and intervention. Consultations with teachers and parents address developmental problems of  children and help monitor their progress in school. The common goal of   intervention is to minimize students’ learning difficulties, improve their temperaments, help solve family and community problems related to the child, and engage children in community programs to increase collaboration (establishing and maintaining relationships) between peers from different cultures and educational backgrounds.

Starting from last year in some regions assistant teachers were appointed in schools after their request. During this year this change was a little more evident, but still it is in its beginnings. The Law nr. 69 of 2012 has sanctioned the appointment of assistant teachers, but in practice there are many challenges. The major challenges in this direction related to the lack of a specialized higher education institution that can prepare assistant teachers in Albania, the way assistant teachers are perceived by the principal teacher, the current lack of qualified assistant teachers and the institutional regulations that should be in place in order for the assistant teachers to be included in the total number of teachers and have their teaching norms. The current lack of qualified assistant teachers was a challenge for Regional Education Directorates because they didn’t have experts to appoint as assistant teachers.