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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Fundamental Principles and National Policies


2.Organisation and Governance

2.1Fundamental Principles and National Policies

Last update: 16 February 2024

The Albanian education system, inclusive of pre-university and higher education is based on the principles of inclusiveness and lifelong learning, where the main aims and also challenges are:

  • Ensuring quality, comprehensive and equal pre–university education that creates conditions for all students, without any distinction, to develop knowledge, skills, attitudes and values ​​in accordance with the requirements of a democratic society, to be able to face in a constructive way with life's challenges, as well as to contribute to the building of personal and social well-being.

  • Establishing an effective and efficient education system at all levels, connected to functional mechanisms for ensuring security, transparency and accountability.

  • Guaranteeing comprehensive higher education of registered standards, integrity of transparency and promoting economic and social science of the country.

Fundamental principles of national education system in the Republic of Albania are predicted  in the Constitution of the Republic of Albania. It states that everyone has the right to access education and basic education is mandatory for all. It also guarantees in principle the autonomy of higher education institutions (HEIs).

Pre university education is regulated by the Law on pre-university education and its subsequent amendments  and by the  new "Strategy on Education 2021-2026". In terms of principles the aims of the strategy on inclusive education and on providing quality education for all levels of pre-university education and for all students in respective age without any discrimination of any kind constitute the fundamental principles in this area

The VET system is regulated by the law on VET and its subsequent amendments as well as by the “National Strategy for Employment and Skills 2023- 2030”.

Higher education is ruled by the recently approved Law on higher education. Besides guarantees in constitution in relation to autonomy the law grants for the following forms of autonomy of higher education institutions: financial autonomy, autonomy to conduct research, autonomy to generate incomes from services rendered to third parties and academic autonomy.