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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Funding in Education


3.Funding in Education

Last update: 12 August 2024


With regards to the financing of the pre-university education based on the law on pre-university education  and on the law on local self governance in the Republic of Albania the Ministry of  Education and Sports (MES) holds and administers the budget for public pre-university education system and finances the public pre-university education institutions by covering the following expenses: 

  1. Expenses for the teaching staff of pre-university education, excluding teaching staff of pre-school institutions and the non-teaching staff of education institutions providing services; 
  2. Expenses for trainings, curricula, teaching programs, transport of teachers and students, school text books, state matura.
  3. Capital expenses mainly investment in lab equipment’s. 
  4. Expenses for the functioning of the Quality Assurance Agency in Pre-University Education (QAAPE);
  5. Expenses for the functioning of the General Directorate of Pre-University Education (GDPE)
  6. Expenses for the functioning of the Regional Directorate of Pre-University Education (RDPE)
  7. Expenses for the functioning of the Local Office of Pre-University education (LOPE)

The financing of private pre-university education institutions is done by private funds. No budgetary funds are directed to finance these institutions in Albania. 

In regard to pre-school education institution public half day kindergartens are offered free of charge for other types of institutions needles and full day kindergarten the fees are set at local governance level.